Itchy, burning eyes are an expression of reddening of the eyelids or conjunctiva; the disease can occur acutely or chronically and in those affected lead to sticky eyelids after awakening.
What are itchy eyes?
Itchy eyes cause a burning, uncomfortable feeling, and itchy eyes are usually accompanied by many other symptoms, including foreign bodies, dryness or pressure in the eyes.
Forehead headaches can also occur together with itchy eyes and are perceived as particularly unpleasant by patients. Dandruff at the base of the lashes or on the eyelids can also occur. Increased tear formation is also typical, in some cases with purulent, watery or slimy secretions.
Itchy eyes can be a short-term, temporary symptom of illness. If the symptoms of itchy eyes persist for a long time, see an ophthalmologist. This is especially true if the itchy eyes occur in connection with other symptoms, side effects or pain.
In the medical diagnosis code, itchy eyes are defined as other eye affections and the appendages of the eyes. Burning eyes or red eyes are also used synonymously for the term itchy eyes.
Itchy eyes are a symptom that can have different causes. Often inflammation of the eyes leads to itching and burning sensation, the doctor also speaks of conjunctivitis or conjunctivitis. The so-called sicca syndrome also causes itchy eyes, also called dry eyes.
Episcleritis and blepharitis are also possible causes of itchy eyes. These are inflammatory reactions between the conjunctiva and dermis or, as in blepharitis, inflammation of the edge of the eyelid. If the surface of the eye has been injured by mechanical action, this can also cause itching. The rare causes of itchy eyes include dermatitis, scleritis, the so-called wing skin as a benign corneal overgrowth and corneal inflammation, keratitis.
Age-related changes in the conjunctiva often cause itchy eyes in old age. Other possible causes are allergies, overexertion after working too long at the screen or toxins that can occur in the environment, at home or in the body, for example formaldehyde, chlorine or amalgam.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsDiseases with this symptom
- Conjunctivitis
- allergy
- Sjogren's syndrome
- Corneal inflammation
- Blepharitis
- Scleritis
Diagnosis & course
Home remedies ↵ for eye
The symptom of itchy eyes can be acute or chronic, chronic disease courses are not uncommon, especially if no clear cause could be found even after extensive diagnostic examinations.
In principle, itchy eyes can be harmless, but they can also be an expression of various diseases that require therapy. In order to make the diagnosis, the ophthalmologist will first ask the patient in detail. Then various medical tests, including special blood tests, are carried out to confirm the diagnosis of itchy eyes.
An eye test or allergy test should be done by default for diagnostic clues. An examination of the tear fluid can also lead to an exact diagnosis. In the case of purulent processes, a smear can also be taken in order to then carry out a microbial pathogen identification.
In his diagnostic considerations, the doctor will also take into account a previously undetected visual impairment, the resulting overexertion of the eyes can also lead to itchy eyes. Questions about whether only one or both eyes are affected, whether the itchy eyes only occur in certain everyday situations or at work when working on a screen are also important for the diagnosis.
Eye flu is a particularly insidious inflammation, with symptoms similar to those of normal conjunctivitis. The period between initial contact with the pathogen and the onset of the disease can last up to eight days. During this time the patient did not show any signs.
The person affected is symptom-free, but highly infectious and can spread the virus by means of smear infection. Eye flu is notifiable. It is triggered by particularly aggressive and dangerous adenoviruses. These viruses have already developed a high adaptability to environmental stimuli and can survive for a longer period of time at normal room temperatures.
At this time at the latest, a visit to the ophthalmologist is absolutely necessary. If, however, the waiting position is still preferred, corneal opacities may persist for months, sometimes even permanently. Itchy eyes caused by conjunctivitis can also be signs of infectious diseases or a superinfection with other pathogens.
Even the ophthalmologist will first treat the itching of the eyes with medication. Only after a few days does dysentery, measles or typhus break out, which must be clarified by a specialist as soon as possible. For itchy eyes and symptoms that persist over a long period of time, medical advice should therefore always be sought.
When should you go to the doctor?
Itchy eyes usually indicate an infection or a foreign object in the eye. If there is a foreign body in the eye, a doctor should be consulted immediately. Attempts to remove the foreign body should definitely be avoided, as otherwise the eye could be severely and seriously damaged. The clinical picture of an infection looks a little more harmless. Often a stye is the cause of an itchy eye. With a stye, there is no need to consult a doctor immediately. First, the affected person can use some home remedies.
Chamomile, for example, is an anti-inflammatory material that can also effectively fight a stye. However, if there is no significant improvement after one or two days, a doctor should be consulted immediately. At the latest when the formation of pus on the eye can be seen, a visit to the doctor must not be postponed. If you do not visit the doctor at all, the connective or retina can be permanently damaged. The following applies: A doctor should be consulted as soon as possible for all problems that affect the human eye. To start with, some home remedies can be used for relief. However, if these do not improve, medical or medication treatment must take place.
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Treatment & Therapy
Treating itchy eyes is always effective once the cause has been identified. In this context, one speaks of causal therapy. If the cause remains in the dark despite adequate diagnostics, treatment must be symptomatic so that the patient can be as symptom-free as possible.
For example, if the itchy eyes are caused by poor eyesight, the correction with a suitable visual aid can quickly remedy the situation. If PC work is the cause, regular breaks should be taken to relieve the eyes. So-called artificial tears or cold compresses can provide short-term calming for itchy eyes. If the cause is a bacterial infection, eye drops with antibiotics or ingredients to decongest the mucous membrane are used for treatment.
Ophthalmologists often prescribe drops containing cortisone, especially if the findings are unclear, because they can temporarily relieve the symptoms of itchy eyes. If allergies are the cause of itchy eyes, the doctor will prescribe special antiallergic eye drops with so-called mast cell stabilizers and antihistamines.
Oral administration of the antihistamines may also be necessary in severe cases. In the long term, patients with itchy eyes due to allergies also benefit from desensitization. In the case of itchy eyes as an expression of an underlying systemic disease, other medical specialties must also be included in the treatment.
Outlook & forecast
Itchy eyes are mostly dry eyes. The dryness has to feel uncomfortable and as annoying as possible so that people notice that something is wrong - it feels like itching. Often the causes are contact lenses or dry, stuffy room air. The itchy feeling in the eyes disappears as soon as the eyeball is sufficiently moist again.
Contact lens wearers in particular can help themselves with a special lipid spray, as they often have itchy eyes. This replaces the outermost layer of moisture that is broken through in dry eyes and envelops the eyeball and protects it from drying out, the so-called lipid layer. As a result, itchy eyes will improve almost immediately after use. If they occur again, the lipid spray is applied repeatedly. It cannot harm the eyes and is therefore a helpful and quickly effective remedy.
However, external influences are not the only cause of dry and therefore itchy eyes - allergies, infectious diseases or the influence of medication can make the eyes dry out, which ultimately makes them itch. In these cases, the improvement depends on the cause.
While some allergies in severe cases can manifest themselves in such symptoms for months, a slight conjunctivitis as the cause of itchy eyes can quickly heal again and the uncomfortable feeling can be relieved by home remedies such as cotton pads with lukewarm chamomile tea.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for eye infectionsprevention
For the prophylaxis of itchy eyes, allergy-causing substances should be avoided as far as possible. In order to prevent overexertion to the eyes, work on the screen should be limited in time and interrupted by regular breaks. An eye wash bottle has proven to be helpful in preventing eye emergencies. If toxic substances get into the eye, the eye can be rinsed out properly and itchy eyes can be prevented. Prevention also includes consistent drug therapy to counteract chronification.
You can do that yourself
If your eyes are itchy, it's important to relax your eyes. You need to rest to combat the itching, which can especially happen while you sleep. Therefore, if the patient has itchy eyes, they should refrain from working on a computer or watching television and thereby protect their eyes. The itching in the eyes usually disappears after a few hours and does not lead to further problems or complications.
Itchy eyes can also be combated with the help of eye drops from the pharmacy. These are also available without a prescription and can help promote healing. It's also perfectly normal for your eyes to water a little if your eyes are itchy. This is the eye's own protective mechanism. The patient should definitely avoid rubbing their eyes or touching them with their fingers. This usually only intensifies the itching.
If the itching leads to pain and does not go away on its own, an ophthalmologist must be consulted. In this case it may be an infection or an inflammation that does not go away on its own. A doctor should also be consulted immediately if, in addition to the itching, there is also a change in vision.