A itchy rash is not only a frequent and very annoying companion on the body in the summer months. But with the right treatment, you can get rid of it quickly and effectively prevent it from coming back.
What is itchy rash?
Itchy rash is by definition a rash on the skin that itches, itches, and is bothersome. Experts refer to a rash as dermatitis or eczema, both terms describing the same form.
However, there are many forms and if a rash occurs chronically, a specialist should be consulted. The impact is characterized by a mostly reddened area on the skin. The skin usually looks dry or slightly wet and every touch leaves an itchy feeling. A distinction is made in the course between primary and secondary fluorescences.
The former can be vesicles, wheals, pustules, etc. and are part of the normal course. Secondary efflorescences, on the other hand, arise in the end stage of the course and are either a sign of scarring of the skin or a sign of skin penetration by the patient and the subsequent delayed healing.
An itchy rash can have many causes and is usually not all that tragic. Only rarely is a more serious illness behind the obvious symptoms, but it is advisable to consult a knowledgeable doctor immediately in the event of a rash in order to minimize the risks.
Serious diseases that are behind a rash can include: shingles, syphilis, measles, rubella and chickenpox. However, many other moderate to severe illnesses can also lead to a rash on the skin. In most cases, however, an allergy or intolerance to certain substances comes into consideration. Here, too, a visit to the doctor is recommended, because this way, for example, a drug intolerance can be identified early and taken into account accordingly in subsequent treatments.
A disease called neurodermatitis is less common. Anyone who suffers from consistently dry skin and who can often or very often notice rashes in certain areas is probably suffering from this disease. Here, the damage to the skin should definitely be treated properly in order to minimize consequential damage.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for rash & eczemaDiseases with this symptom
- eczema
- Shingles
- allergy
- Genital herpes
- syphilis
- measles
- Neurodermatitis
- scabies
- rubella
- chickenpox
- psoriasis
- Hives
Diagnosis & course
The diagnosis of itchy skin rashes should only be carried out superficially on your own. A professional opinion and determination by the specialist is more important.
This enables him to determine the exact clinical picture and recommend a suitable therapy. The course is different and can also vary in a usual form.For example, smallpox pustules can come back once or twice, even though the actual disease has long since subsided.
A regulated course is often difficult to determine, especially with more complex clinical pictures, but the healing and scarring phase begins immediately after the inflammatory phase. Both can be of different lengths, depending on the type of treatment and how you deal with the rash.
An itchy rash can cause various complications, depending on the underlying disease. Typical disease that causes an itchy rash is chickenpox. When treated in childhood, the disease heals relatively quickly without complications. However, the resulting vesicles can be scratched open and become infected with bacteria.
Other dreaded complications are inflammation of the cerebrum (encephalitis). This can trigger seizures that lead to unconsciousness and in the worst case to death. A mother suffering from chickenpox can also become infected for a fetus and lead to corresponding complications. It can lead to malformations and [[growth disorders in children growth disorders].
Chickenpox can return at any time in adults as shingles (varicella zoster) and also cause complications such as meningitis or cranial nerve paralysis. Rubella also causes an itchy rash. However, complications rarely occur in adults. Mainly, these affect pregnant women who can transmit the virus to the fetus.
This leads to rubella embryopathy, which is mainly characterized by heart defects, deafness and a cataract. Scarlet fever also has a variety of complications, but these are quite rare. The bacterium can release dangerous toxins into the bloodstream, causing shock symptoms (streptococcal toxic shock syndrome).
Further complications can arise when antibodies generated by the immune system against the scarlet pathogen attack tissue in the body. In spite of the healing of the disease, it can lead to rheumatic fever and kidney inflammation.
When should you go to the doctor?
A doctor should be consulted if permanent and severe skin reactions occur, if the skin is very itchy, swollen or painful, or if the itchy rash is accompanied by shortness of breath, fever, pain, dizziness, nausea or vomiting.
In addition, those affected should see a doctor if the rash symptoms appear very suddenly and violently, if the symptoms develop slowly over a long period of time and continue to spread, or if those affected do not know the cause of the itchy rash.
If the rash does not go away on its own within a few days or if the symptoms do not go away despite the start of therapy, a doctor should also be consulted. A doctor's visit is also recommended if the symptoms of the itchy rash change significantly or if the rash comes on in flares.
Reddened patches of skin may indicate bleeding. Pus may form and ulcers may appear. A doctor is also the right person to talk to with these symptoms. If there is a suspicion of a contagious infectious disease, sexually transmitted diseases, fungal or parasite infection of the skin, a doctor should be visited.
A pediatrician should be consulted, especially if infants or young children experience an itchy rash. If the itchy rash occurs during or after a trip to the tropics, a visit to a doctor is recommended.
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Treatment & Therapy
Like the diagnosis, treatment should only be carried out on the advice of a specialist doctor. It is absolutely necessary to adhere to the treatment plan, as otherwise no successful treatment can be guaranteed.
Treatment with ointments and antibiotics are common, depending on the type of illness. Both have anti-inflammatory effects and in many cases the ointments give the affected areas the much-needed moisture. Diseases such as neurodermatitis or fungal infections often require a lengthy and long-term therapy plan in order to be cured successfully.
Even with allergic reactions, there can be a significant and necessary change in lifestyle as part of the treatment plan. For example, certain medications or foods can no longer be used and consumed and must be taken into account accordingly in future treatments. Rashes are also often the result of poor hygiene. Certain substances in the soap or detergent can cause allergic reactions.
Outlook & forecast
If you have an itchy rash, the prognoses depend on how severe the rash is and which parts of the body are affected. As a rule, a rash does not need to be treated directly by a doctor and will go away on its own as it is temporary.
If there is no treatment for a rash, it can worsen, spread to a larger region of the body, or go away on its own. Whether the rash will go away on its own depends on what caused it.
Often an allergy to a specific food or ingredient is the cause of the rash. If the supply of this ingredient is stopped, the rash disappears again.
In some cases, the rash has other causes and will not go away on its own. A doctor should be consulted to treat the symptom. The treatment takes place either with creams or with tablets. An itchy rash on the skin often causes the affected person to scratch their skin. This can lead to wounds that remain after the illness.
In most cases, the disease will have a positive outcome so the rash can be cleared up either with or without treatment.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for rash & eczemaprevention
Home remedies ↵ for rash There are always a number of possible measures to prevent the itchy rash in the future as effectively as possible. Depending on the cause, it is of course advisable to complete your own hygiene and to use pollutant-free soaps, grease-donating creams and non-irritating detergents for cleaning clothes.
Organic detergents are particularly recommended here, as they are largely produced and sold without any hazardous substances. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can also help prevent the rash from coming back and remain an annoying memory.
Likewise, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol, coffee and drugs are common causes of recurring and itchy rashes and should therefore not even be started in the best case.
You can do that yourself
Methods for helping yourself with an itchy rash depend heavily on its cause. In many cases, the rash is caused by an intolerance to a food or an allergic reaction to a certain ingredient. No treatment is necessary in these cases. The rash will go away on its own after the body has completely broken down the ingredient. This can last for several days.
If the rash occurs after using a cream or ointment, these care products should no longer be used. To soothe the rash, gentle moisturizers can be used, which will add moisture to the rash and help it heal faster. In no case should the patient scratch the rash. This can cause uncomfortable injuries and wounds. As a rule, the itching only increases if the area is scratched.
If the rash occurs after being bitten by an insect, a doctor should be consulted. It is often just a harmless rash, but information should be obtained here. In the case of dangerous insect bites, the rash can also be treated with antibiotics. If the itchy rash occurs as a result of poor hygiene, the patient must wash more often and ensure general cleanliness.