A kiss soberly describes oral, i.e. oral, contact with an object or a living being. In most cultures it is Kiss a socially recognized expression of affection, love and friendship. Kissing initiates processes in the body that, for example, increase sexual arousal.
What is that kissing
The doctrine of kissing is known as philematology. It is about the scientific consideration of cultural and social aspects of the kiss, but also about the physiological conditions.
Presumably, the kiss developed from the passing of pre-chewed food from parents to their child. In animals and some peoples, this happens through mouth-to-mouth contact. Another theory overlaps with the social interaction of animals through touch in the head area. The partner is chosen based on smell, taste and sense of touch. This, too, could have affected the formation of the kiss.
There are different types of kissing that have different meanings and functions. So people know the kiss on the hand, kiss, nose or air kiss. A more intimate type of kissing is the French kiss, in which the partner's oral cavity and his tongue are caressed or played around with your own to a pleasant extent. In addition to humans, various great ape species have been observed kissing with tongues.
Function & task
Kissing is valued differently depending on the culture. In some cultures, kisses on the street are frowned upon. While in many countries the kiss is considered a more intimate gesture, in others it is used as a gesture of friendship. In still others it is classified as a sexual act and related to sexual foreplay. This is especially true for French kisses.
The reasons for kissing can therefore be different. First and foremost, kissing is an expression of partnership or - depending on the type of kiss - family love. The meaning of the French kiss is particularly high, as the intimate kiss symbolically removes the distance between two people. In many cultures and countries the kiss is a symbol to seal the marriage.
In addition, kissing can also be viewed as a symbol of affection. Welcoming or farewell kisses between everyone involved are not uncommon. In France, kisses on the cheek as a greeting or when saying goodbye are common. It is similar in Spain, Italy, Poland and Greece. The number of usual cheek kisses also varies in different countries.
Hand kisses also serve as deference and are performed, among other things, as a symbolic act. For example, John Paul II kissed the ground in a country he was first entering to show respect for the country.
Doctors think kisses are not just balm for the soul. Some believe that kissing is good for your health and has a positive effect on the immune system and the heart. When kissing, the body releases a large amount of hormones. A kiss affects the whole body accordingly. Blood pressure and pulse rise and, depending on the intensity of the kiss, the physical excitement of those kissing also increases. The circulation is stimulated and the blood circulation is promoted. In addition, the lungs are trained when kissing, as the breathing rate increases when kissing.
Since the tongue kiss activates almost forty muscles in the face, kissing reduces the risk of premature wrinkling. So the kiss serves as a natural beauty product. Kissing also burns calories. Kissing burns an average of fifteen calories in two minutes.
Last but not least, a kiss has a positive effect on the mind. It combats stress and depressive moods. In addition, it drives away fear and frustration. The pancreas releases insulin, the adrenal glands adrenaline. These substances together combats negative stress hormones. Love hormones, on the other hand, are produced in greater numbers. If the lips and tongue touch, nerve impulses lead to the genital organs and trigger joyful excitement.
What few people know: kissing has a relaxing effect and can also combat annoying hiccups!
According to some dentists, the most beautiful thing in the world can also reduce periodontal disease and tooth decay. Additionally, open]] wounds]] n can heal better through frequent kissing. This is related to the growth factors in human saliva.
At the Doctors' Day in the spring of 1992, doctors declared kissing a good remedy for various ailments that occur in everyday life. The reason for this is its pain relieving and mood-lifting effect.
Ultimately, a kiss can also be viewed as an oral vaccination. The body's own bacteria, which are passed on when kissing, harden and are therefore also the reason for an improved immune system.
Illnesses & ailments
That said, kissing can also transmit disease. This is due to the exchange of saliva, which takes place, for example, during French kissing. In this way, partners in particular can become infected with various diseases. For example, bacterial infections can be transmitted through kissing. The same goes for viral infections.
Diseases that can be transmitted are hepatitis B, glandular fever or colds. However, transmission of HIV and AIDS through kissing is unlikely as long as there are no injuries to the mouth. A common disease transmitted through kisses and direct mouth contact is cold sores. This is an extremely contagious viral infection in which vesicles filled with fluid form in the mouth area.