As the name itself already suggests, is included Potassium deficiency a lack of potassium in the human body. Potassium is a mineral and is one of the electrolytes in the body that are involved in maintaining the osmotic pressure in the corresponding body cells and thus also in regulating the water balance. The potassium level is often determined in routine blood tests. Here the potassium concentration in the blood should be between 3.5 and 5.0 mmol / l.
What is potassium deficiency?
Potassium also plays an important role in activating enzymes such as proteins and in carbohydrate metabolism, which in turn is important for energy production. Likewise, together with calcium and sodium, potassium has an effect on cardiac muscle activity and is responsible for the excitability of nerve and muscle cells.
Potassium is also important for regulating blood pressure. The potassium content in the body is closely related to the sodium content, because the more sodium is consumed, the more potassium the body can excrete.
Since many foods contain potassium, most people can easily meet their potassium needs in their daily diet. However, there may be an increased need for potassium due to different conditions.
So can a Potassium deficiency occur for example in the case of malnutrition or malnutrition. Likewise, people with cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, need a slightly higher requirement for potassium. People who consume a lot of salt also have an increased need for potassium.
From a potassium deficiency, the so-called Hypokalemia one speaks when the concentration of potassium in the blood is lower than 3.5 mmol / l. The causes of hypokalaemia can be prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, abuse of laxatives, inflammatory bowel disease, alcohol abuse or excessive salt consumption.
Infusions, such as a blood transfusion, can also lead to an excess of potassium, known as hyperkalemia. Furthermore, there can be an excess of potassium if more potassium is released from the corresponding body cells. This can be the case, for example, with infections.
Kidney disease or dehydrating medication can also lead to an excess in the blood. This defines an excess with a value of over 5.5 mmol / l in the blood.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Potassium is primarily responsible for the energy metabolism and the functionality of the heart and nerves. For this reason, a deficiency in this mineral is particularly noticeable in these areas. These are often unspecific symptoms such as tiredness and weakness, but also nervousness, which do not explicitly indicate a potassium deficiency.
Sometimes sluggish bowel, dry skin and wound healing disorders are symptoms that can indicate low potassium levels. Since these symptoms are very unspecific, i.e. they can indicate a lot, potassium deficiency is often only discovered as an incidental finding during a blood test.
Significant potassium deficiency shows up when the level has dropped to around 3 mmol / liter. Here the importance of potassium for the heart and nerves becomes clear. Symptoms that are typical of potassium deficiency are palpitations and arrhythmias such as extrasystoles. Muscle cramps are also common. In addition, edema, water retention in the tissue, can develop.
In severe cases, hypokalemia can lead to paralysis of muscles due to the pronounced weakness. Potassium deficiency also affects the consciousness first through the clouding, then sometimes even the loss of consciousness. In the worst case, the coma stands at the end of the serious physical and mental impairments that potassium deficiency can trigger.
With a few exceptions, the symptoms of excess potassium are the same as those of the Potassium deficiency. However, my excess potassium does not cause constipation, but diarrhea.
A potassium deficiency can cause some disorders in the body, such as muscle weakness, fatigue, headaches and dizziness, nausea, cramps, circulatory problems, mood swings and cardiac arrhythmias.
In rare cases, potassium poisoning can also occur. Poisoning can lead to a reduced heart rate or even cardiac arrest, confusion and muscle weakness.
Speech and swallowing disorders can also occur. In the case of potassium poisoning, gastric lavage with a physiological saline solution is usually carried out.
Appropriate infusions with sodium hydrogen carbonate can also be used. In life-threatening cases, blood can even be washed. Monitoring the cardiovascular system and the blood is particularly important in the event of poisoning.
Potassium serves as an electrolyte in the human organism. Accordingly, potassium deficiency is an electrolyte disorder. With such a disorder, complications that affect the heart are possible. Anomalies in the electrocardiogram (EKG) serve as indicators for the pathological change in activity. Hypokalaemia can cause irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias), which can vary in severity.
The arrhythmia can be preceded by tachycardia. This is an acceleration of the heart rate. However, the tachycardia is not always followed by a cardiac arrhythmia. Ventricular fibrillation is also a possible complication. The heart is no longer able to pump blood into the arteries as usual.
Ventricular fibrillation is life-threatening as the lack of blood supply leads to a lack of oxygen in the body. The lack of oxygen in the brain leads to unconsciousness. If the victim survives, but the lack of oxygen continues for too long, permanent damage is possible. In addition, potassium deficiency causes neurological symptoms that can express themselves very unspecifically: tingling feelings and quantitative disturbances of consciousness up to coma are examples of this.
The electrolyte imbalance can be associated with water retention. Such edema causes the tissue to swell and is mostly visible externally. Water retention in the legs makes the calves firm. Edema can cause pain from the pressure and restrict movement. As a further complication, the muscles can cramp and / or weaken.
When should you go to the doctor?
People who suffer from tiredness, fatigue or concentration problems over a long period of time should consult a doctor for a check-up. In the case of dryness of the skin, skin blemishes and acne as well as flaking, a visit to a doctor is advisable to clarify the cause. Signs such as loss of appetite, increased anxiety and nervousness should be examined and treated. If there are abnormal bowel movements, dizziness or headaches, a doctor's visit is required. Urination irregularities are considered unusual.
An increased amount of urine or problems using the toilet should therefore be checked by a doctor. Flatulence and constipation are also indications that must be examined by a doctor. Wound healing disorders are of particular concern. Since pathogens can enter the organism through open wounds, there is an increased risk of blood poisoning. Like a severe potassium deficiency, this can lead to a fatal course of the disease. A doctor's visit should therefore take place at the first discrepancy.
If paralysis, cramping or muscle disorders occur, a doctor should be consulted. If the physical performance level decreases, a doctor's visit is necessary as soon as continuous development occurs. If there is a disturbance of consciousness or a loss of consciousness, the person concerned needs medical care as soon as possible. In severe cases, a rescue service must be alerted and first aid measures initiated.
Treatment & Therapy
As a Potassium deficiency treated depends mainly on the cause of the deficiency. A potassium-rich diet can quickly compensate for a slight potassium deficiency. Dietary supplements in the form of capsules or effervescent tablets are only recommended to a limited extent, as there is a risk that the potassium intake will become too high and this will lead to an excess of potassium. Potassium supplements should only be taken after consulting a doctor or pharmacist. A low dosage is usually advisable.
Potassium-containing medicines are only used if, for example, a potassium deficiency is to be prevented when the blood becomes too acidic. For example, such over-acidification can occur in diabetes mellitus. This is called ketoacidosis and is the result of increased fat loss. Kidney stones are also treated with medicines containing potassium.
Outlook & forecast
If the potassium deficiency is caused by a poor diet, the prognosis is favorable. The potassium deficiency is remedied by changing the food intake and adhering to a balanced nutritional plan. There is permanent relief of symptoms as soon as the optimized nutrition plan is used over the long term. If there is a relapse into malnutrition or malnutrition, the symptoms reappear. If there is an addiction, for example through heavy alcohol consumption, the underlying disease must be cured before the potassium deficiency can be alleviated. The healing of the underlying disease is also necessary in the event of an infection.
The prognosis becomes less favorable if there is an organic cause. In the case of kidney disease or heart disease, long-term therapy is usually necessary to achieve relief from symptoms. In addition, in many cases there is a life-threatening situation due to the organic disorder present. There may be a need for an organ transplant. This is associated with numerous complications and adversities.
If a transplant is successful, there is a prospect of a cure for the potassium deficiency. Nevertheless, the overall situation must be considered and assessed in order to make a forecast. If too much salt is consumed, a potassium deficiency can also result. The person concerned should check in what form and to what extent it is receiving and make a correction.
Older people in particular should take part Potassium deficiency make sure that you drink enough daily, because the feeling of thirst often decreases with age. There is a risk of dehydration and this can lead to a disruption of the water and electrolyte balance. This is where the potassium and sodium levels get mixed up. For this reason, 1.5 to 2 liters of liquid in the form of mineral water, juice spritzers, fruit and herbal teas are recommended daily.
Foods that are high in potassium are mostly plant-based foods, such as grains and vegetables, fruits and nuts. Fish and meat can also provide potassium, but not to the same extent as vegetable foods.
If the vegetables are cooked in the water for a longer period of time, the potassium is automatically transferred to the liquid. If this liquid is then not used, but poured off, the potassium is automatically lost. If the potassium content is reduced for health reasons, this knowledge can be used well.
For example, in the case of kidney disease, where the mineral balance is disturbed, the vegetables or potatoes are watered for a long time when preparing the meal so that the potassium can escape.
Follow-up care for a potassium deficiency primarily consists of compensating for the deficiency through targeted nutrition and preventing it from occurring again. Therefore, basic knowledge about potassium should be obtained. It is advisable to identify foods that are rich in potassium in order to incorporate them firmly into the diet. These include - among others - dried fruit, tomatoes, mushrooms, legumes, artichokes, nuts, cocoa and chocolate.
In some cases, potassium therapy with tablets is indicated. In these cases, follow-up care should consist of taking this medication regularly and as recommended. Regular blood tests are also part of the follow-up care for a potassium deficiency. In this way, a new deficiency can be counteracted preventively and it can be ensured that the deficiency has actually been remedied.
Since the lack of potassium can cause cardiac arrhythmias, a cardiological examination should also be part of careful follow-up care. Finally, it can be helpful to inform people in the vicinity of previous hypokalemia so that special attention can be paid to it in an emergency. In addition, early warning signs and indications of impending hypokalaemia should be identified so that quick action can be taken if they occur.These could include symptoms such as arrhythmias, constipation, tiredness and frequent urination.
You can do that yourself
A potassium deficiency does not always require medical treatment. In most cases, the deficit can be compensated for by changing the menu temporarily. Foods high in potassium include legumes, cocoa, kale, nuts, potatoes, and fruit juice.
In the case of a severe deficiency, supplementary preparations from specialist shops or pharmacies can be taken in consultation with the doctor. You should also drink plenty of mineral water or unsweetened tea. In addition, it is advisable to strengthen the circulation through regular exercise in the fresh air. The most important measure: identify and remedy the cause of the potassium deficiency. For example, a certain drug is often responsible for the deficit. Serious illnesses can also be triggers. It is a good idea to keep a complaint diary and record details of the symptoms in it. This also makes the examination easier for the doctor later.
If the symptoms persist despite all the measures taken, a visit to a doctor is recommended. Patients with kidney or heart disease should speak to their doctor immediately if they have a potassium deficiency. This is especially true if there are additional symptoms or if the potassium deficiency noticeably affects well-being.