The medical term for Throat cancer reads Laryngeal cancer and is a malignant tumor that rarely occurs.
What is throat cancer?
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A distinction is made between the Throat cancer into three different groups, namely above and inside in the area of the larynx and below in the area of the larynx. The vocal cords are also located here.
In the upper section of the windpipe is the larynx, which is a skeleton of several cartilaginous plates connected by muscles and ligaments. The cartilage plate closes the entrance to the larynx as the epiglottis when swallowing. This is to ensure that no food can get into the airways.
Part of the larynx, called the glottis, consists of the vocal cords. By definition, cancer of the larynx is a tumor of the upper respiratory tract and food tract. Overall, this type of cancer makes up about 1.5 percent of all cancers. In relation to this, this is relatively rare. In addition, predominantly men between the ages of 65 and 69 develop throat cancer.
The causes of the emergence of Throat cancer have not yet been clarified. However, it is certain that there is an increased risk by inhaling toxins such as tobacco or wood dust.
In addition, the risk is increased by the simultaneous consumption of alcohol. This means that smokers have a greatly increased risk of developing throat cancer.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Larynx cancer can cause different symptoms depending on the location of the cancer. Cancer of the tongue can cause visible swelling, burning and itching, and ulcers can also develop. If the floor of the mouth or the lower jaw is affected, severe pressure pain can occur when wearing a prosthesis. Carcinomas in the throat area can cause difficulty swallowing or an increasing feeling of foreign bodies.
In addition, repeated bleeding may occur. Larynx cancer can cause nonspecific throat and ear pain that cannot be traced back to any specific cause. In addition, there may be loss of appetite and, as a result, weight loss. If the disease progresses further, breathing difficulties develop up to shortness of breath and an increasing feeling of illness.
Carcinomas of the glottis cause persistent hoarseness, accompanied by a scratchy throat and throat clearing. In the advanced stage, breathing noises or even shortness of breath arise. If the carcinoma is located in the lower larynx, swallowing difficulties and pain can occur. Subglottic carcinomas rarely cause symptoms; hoarseness and breathing problems only develop in the later stages. The symptoms and symptoms of larynx cancer are generally insidious and get worse as the disease progresses.
Diagnosis & course
Unlike other types of cancer, when Throat cancer symptoms appear early. In particular, persistent hoarseness can occur in glottic larynx tumors. Other symptoms include a feeling of foreign objects in the throat and the frequent need to clear one's throat.
Difficulty swallowing can also be the first signs. However, these symptoms are non-specific and can also be signs of other diseases. Nevertheless, a doctor should be consulted if the hoarseness persists for more than two weeks.
In the advanced stage there is pain when swallowing, which can radiate to the ear. Difficulty breathing and bloody, slimy expectoration can also occur in an advanced stage. Furthermore, other side effects occur in the form of weakness, exhaustion, tiredness and rapid weight loss.
In larynx cancer, it's important to get an early diagnosis. If a hoarseness persists, a doctor can usually find out the cause quickly. The doctor will also inquire about existing risk factors, such as nicotine and alcohol consumption and any previous illnesses.
A laryngoscopy can be used to confirm the diagnosis. A tissue sample is then taken here and examined in the laboratory. If the diagnosis is certain, imaging procedures such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging can show how far the tumor has spread.
Laryngeal cancer can have undesirable physical consequences. Possible complications of this malignant tumor include being forced to clear one's throat and a chronic urge to cough. When the disease progresses, many sufferers also suffer from breathing difficulties and even shortness of breath.
There is a possibility that cancer of the larynx could lead to metastasis in other organs. These tumors mainly spread to the lymph node system. As a rule, this scatter occurs only in an advanced stage. Long-term follow-up care is recommended for larynx cancer because ten to twenty percent of those affected develop another carcinoma.
Furthermore, the treatment of the malignant tumor disease can lead to complications. Radiation therapy can damage healthy tissue. As early radiation damage, those affected experience a so-called radiation hangover with nausea, tiredness and poor appetite, which however disappears after the end of therapy. Radiation therapy also irritates the skin and mucous membranes. As a result, the gums, esophagus, or other organs may become inflamed.
If tissue is destroyed over a large area by the radiation, this is considered to be later radiation damage. Surgical removal of a tumor from the larynx area can also result in complications. In addition to bleeding, nerve damage or loss of smell can occur. If the entire larynx has to be removed, the patient receives an artificial replacement for the vocal organ.
When should you go to the doctor?
Unusual swelling of the neck or a lump near the larynx is a cause for concern. A doctor's visit is required because a life-threatening condition can develop without timely medical evaluation and treatment. If there are creeping and persistent changes in the voice, a hoarseness lasting several weeks or a reduced volume of the voice, a doctor should be visited. In the event of swallowing problems, refusal to eat or reduced fluid intake, a check-up visit with a doctor is advisable.
If there are disturbances in breathing, interruptions in breathing or shortness of breath, a doctor must be consulted. If you have a feeling of tightness or a foreign body in the throat, skin changes on the neck or if feelings of fear develop, a doctor should be consulted. Persistent cough, scratchy throat, or persistent urge to cough should be examined and treated. If there is repeated bloody sputum, this is an alarming warning signal that should be investigated.
If existing complaints or pain radiate into the region of the ears, a doctor should be consulted so that comprehensive examinations can be initiated to clarify the cause. Whistling noises in the ear are considered unusual and should also be checked by a doctor. Since larynx cancer is fatal if left untreated, a doctor's visit is required as soon as possible at the first signs of the disease.
Treatment & Therapy
For therapy at Throat cancer Different surgical procedures, radiation therapies and chemotherapies are available.Which procedure is used depends on the type of cancer, the location, the size and the extent.
Since the surgical techniques are constantly being developed, a CO2 laser can also be used. At an advanced stage, the therapy can also be combined from several procedures. If a surgical procedure and removal of the entire larynx is necessary, medical and psychological support is important for the patient.
There is often considerable psychological stress after the operation. Through appropriate speech therapy, the patient can learn again to communicate with other people.
The course and prognosis of larynx cancer depends crucially on the time of diagnosis. It also plays a role where the tumor is located, how big it is and whether daughter tumors (metastases) have already formed. Patients with small larynx tumors without lymph node metastases have the best chance of recovery. If throat cancer is discovered at an early stage, it can be completely cured.
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The prognosis for cancer of the larynx depends on the size of the tumor and the start of treatment. The sooner a diagnosis is made, the better the chances of a cure. There is a prospect of recovery in the early stages of the disease. The prognosis worsens with the size of the tumor and the possible spread of the disease. Cancer therapy is associated with various risks and impairments. Long-term treatment is used, which can result in consequential damage or irreparable problems. For many patients, however, this ensures survival.
If the cancer therapy does not achieve sufficient regression of the tumor, a surgical procedure takes place. In this, the larynx is removed to prevent the cancer from spreading further. Often there are psychological problems that must be taken into account in the overall prognosis.
Without medical and medical care, the cancer cells can continue to spread in the body unhindered. The self-help measures or alternative healing methods are not sufficient to achieve freedom from symptoms. The cells are transported to other parts of the organism via the bloodstream and can form metastases there. This threatens the patient with an infestation of organs and a further weakening of health. In addition, there is a risk of premature death as the cancer cells prevent the organism from functioning properly at an advanced stage of the disease.
As with many other types of cancer, one can Throat cancer cannot be prevented. However, the risk of developing throat cancer can be significantly reduced by refraining from smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. In addition, regular preventive examinations should be carried out by an ear, nose and throat specialist.
Tumors are sometimes the most common need for follow-up care. On the one hand, this is due to the life-threatening dimension of the disease, which carries a high risk of relapse. On the other hand, starting treatment at an early stage results in significantly better prognoses. Follow-up care is therefore also provided for larynx cancer. The scheduled follow-up examinations usually take place in the clinic where the initial treatment was carried out.
Tumors in the initial stage have a control rhythm every three months, tumors in the advanced stage after every six weeks. After the first year of follow-up, the intervals are continuously extended. If no new formation is found in the fifth year after the initial diagnosis, annual follow-up is sufficient. Statistically, the risk of a new tumor has decreased significantly.
For the diagnosis of larynx cancer, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, blood tests and a larynxoscopy can be used. Follow-up care also uses these procedures. In addition, she is also concerned with reintegration into everyday life. Appropriate pain therapy is usually indicated for this. Psychosocial accompaniment should support the patient and prevent complications. Many doctors order rehabilitation measures in order to smooth the way into everyday life under expert guidance in the shortest possible time.
You can do that yourself
The possibilities of self-help are relatively limited with throat cancer. In most cases, those affected are dependent on surgical treatment.
The person concerned should primarily refrain from taking alcohol and nicotine. Regular examinations by an ENT doctor can also identify and treat other tumors at an early stage. Since larynx cancer leads to permanent hoarseness and a scratchy voice, many sufferers tend to clear their throats. However, if possible, clearing your throat should be avoided, as this puts a great deal of strain on the vocal cords unnecessarily and may damage them. Frequent swallowing and consumption of hot drinks and throat candies help with hoarseness. Most of those affected also suffer from permanent fatigue and exhaustion due to the cancer. Exhausting activities or sports should be avoided with larynx cancer so as not to unnecessarily stress the body.
In the case of psychological problems, talking to your own family or close friends can be very helpful. Conversations with other people affected by the disease can also have a very positive effect on the progression and psychological state of the patient.