A Maxillary sinus infection is a mostly viral, less often bacterial infection in the cavities of the jaw. Often followed by the flu, it causes pressure and pain in the face.
What is antritis?
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A Maxillary sinus infection is, as the name suggests, inflammation within the small cavities in the jawbone. The sockets are mainly in the cheek area and around the eyes.
Maxillary sinus infections usually follow a cold and cause pain and uncomfortable pressure. The inflammation can be acute or chronic. If you have chronic maxillary sinus infection, symptoms will last for 8 weeks or more. The inflammation can be bacterial or viral.
In the case of a viral inflammation with severe swelling, it can happen that the fluid cannot escape from the cavities and the virus continues to grow in them. Bacterial inflammation can be treated with antibiotics, but viral sinusitis only relieves the symptoms of the disease.
A viral infection is most often the trigger for one Maxillary sinus infection. The virus settles in the mucous membranes of the bone cavities and ignites the inflammation. As a result, the mucous membranes swell and prevent the fluid in the nose from flowing into the throat.
Mucus and fluid concentrate in the cavities and create uncomfortable pressure. The less there is a continuous discharge from the maxillary sinus, the more the risk of the inflammation worsening increases. Although the common cold is the main cause of sinusitis, there are other reasons that can lead to inflammation.
Some allergies that are noticeable in the nose or malpositions in the bone structure can support chronic inflammation. It can also be caused by nasal polyps or foreign bodies (usually in children) that have lodged in the nose.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Typical symptoms of acute sinusitis (maxillary sinusitis) are a constant feeling of pressure and heat as well as dull or throbbing pain in the cheek region, which usually intensifies when bending over. Toothache is often associated with maxillary sinusitis, which mainly affects the molars in the upper jaw, as their roots usually protrude into the maxillary sinus.
If the course is severe, however, the pain can also radiate into the lower jaw area. The swelling of the affected mucous membranes in the maxillary sinus region also often leads to pressure headaches in the forehead area. It is not uncommon for unilateral or bilateral eye inflammation to occur parallel to sinusitis, which is often accompanied by purulent eye discharge and eyelid swelling.
It is not uncommon for the body temperature to rise depending on the extent of the inflammation, and mild to severe fever with chills is possible. As a result, many patients suffer from general malaise, fatigue, tiredness and irritability. The inflammation in the maxillary sinuses forms a purulent secretion, which drains through the nose and throat and can lead to further infections and coughs, especially in the throat area and in the bronchi.
The inflammation often spreads to the mouth area (gums). With chronic sinusitis, those affected also suffer from odor disorders and restricted nasal breathing. In some cases, however, chronic sinusitis can be completely symptom-free.
Diagnosis & course
The diagnosis for a Maxillary sinus infection mostly based on analysis of the specific medical history and a physical examination. Knowing exactly what allergies or causes are often more effective than a physical exam. If symptoms and physical signs are typical of antritis, no further testing is needed. However, additional procedures must be followed if ...
- the diagnosis remains ambiguous
- antibiotic treatment remains unsuccessful
- an infection of the bone is also suspected
In these cases, X-ray or CT examination can be used to get a more accurate picture of the condition. In addition, there are examinations with an endoscope or a direct laboratory analysis of the fluid in the maxillary sinuses.
If an maxillary sinus infection is recognized and treated quickly, there are usually no complications. However, if the inflammation remains untreated or is not completely cured, it can spread to other parts of the body. Chronic maxillary sinusitis can also develop.
This leads to severe pain, a restricted ability to smell and, in the long term, damage to the maxillary sinuses. In addition, the inflammation can spread to the teeth and lead to serious diseases and inflammation in the oral cavity. In addition to an inflammation of the maxillary sinus, inflammation of the frontal sinus and the paranasal sinuses often occurs, which leads to further complications.
If the sinusitis moves to the eye or ear region, it can lead to further symptoms such as impaired vision or hearing, the formation of cysts and, rarely, life-threatening sepsis. When treating antritis, bleeding, wound healing disorders and nerve injuries can occur during surgery.
The prescribed antibiotics, nasal sprays and pain relievers can cause intolerance and allergic reactions in risk groups. If treatment is too late or inadequate, there is a risk of permanent loss of smell.
When should you go to the doctor?
If olfactory disorders, fever and other typical symptoms of antritis are noticed, a doctor should be consulted promptly. If the symptoms persist and are increasingly affecting your well-being, a visit to your family doctor is advisable. Unusual symptoms that cannot be traced back to any other cause (e.g. pressure-sensitive eyes or chronic runny nose) should also be examined by a doctor. If treatment is given early, there are usually no further symptoms or serious complications.
However, if the maxillary sinus infection remains untreated, the pathogens can spread to other parts of the body. People who experience pain in the eye or ear region or even in the area of the bones accompanying the odor disturbance should consult a doctor immediately. If cysts develop or signs of sepsis are noticed, the sick person should go to hospital immediately. Allergy sufferers and flu patients should inform the doctor at the first signs of a secondary illness and arrange for an examination. The right contact person is a general practitioner or an ENT doctor. With children, the pediatrician should be involved.
Treatment & Therapy
A Maxillary sinus infection is mostly treated with medical as well as home remedies. The latter often involves treating the swollen areas with heat.
The primary goals of the treatment are to ensure that the fluid can drain out of the maxillary sinuses and thus relieve the pressure, as well as to heal the infection and prevent further injuries and scarring. Drug treatment of antritis is done when it is a bacterial infection.
The treatment periods can range from a few days to several weeks or longer. The medicine used to cure maxillary sinusitis includes a combination of ...
- Antibiotics to fight the bacteria
- Decongestant to reduce swelling
- Pain relievers like ibuprofen to relieve the pain
- Mucolytics to loosen the mucus
- Corticosteroids to relieve inflammation in the nose
Since most people get acute viral maxillary sinus infections, two thirds of all maxillary sinus infections are cured without additional medication. However, it is advisable to talk to your doctor to be sure which type of treatment will be most effective.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for colds and nasal congestionOutlook & forecast
Under normal circumstances, maxillary sinus infection has a good prognosis. If the person concerned goes into medical treatment, drugs are given to try to combat the cause of the disease. If this succeeds without further complications, the symptoms will be alleviated within the therapy.
After a few days or weeks, the patient can be discharged from treatment without any symptoms. If there are intolerances to the active ingredients in the prescribed medication, the preparations must be changed. There are delays in the healing process, but the symptoms are still free of symptoms within a short time.
If doctors find an additional infection of the bone, the prognosis worsens. The same applies if the inflammation has not been completely cured. The pathogens can spread to other parts of the body. These lead to an increase in complaints and a decrease in general wellbeing. In addition, functional disorders can occur and the risk of blood poisoning increases. If the disease progresses unfavorably, the patient is at risk of chronic maxillary sinus inflammation. Long-term therapy is necessary in these cases.
The more stable the body's own defense system and the healthier the person's lifestyle, the better the chances of recovery. In the further course of life, a new maxillary sinus infection can occur at any time. The prognosis remains unchanged in case of a re-infestation.
One Maxillary sinus infection can be prevented by avoiding overcrowding (nasal mucus, blowing your nose) in the event of a cold or allergy. Contact with people with a cold and thorough hand washing also reduce the risk. Cigarette smoke and dry room air promote infections, as well as of course the specific allergens in allergy sufferers.
Maxillary sinusitis is usually an acute event. It heals completely within two weeks. After that, there is no need to have scheduled follow-up exams. Because unlike a tumor disease, the maxillary sinus infection is not a life-threatening event.
The effort involved in diagnosing the early stage would be far too high and uneconomical. There is also no direct connection between a first and any subsequent maxillary sinus inflammation. The focus of infection is always different in the acute form. The freedom from symptoms allows a normal life.
A renewed illness is possible at any time. Avoiding further infection is the sole responsibility of the patient. He has to observe the general precautionary measures in his life. For chronic maxillary sinusitis, doctors help their patients with long-term treatment. The rhythm for resolving the complaints is determined individually.
Blood tests, X-rays, CT scans and ultrasound give important clues about the state of health. The physical history is also important. Chronic maxillary sinusitis requires the patient to take medication. Frequent appointments with the doctor not only indicate complications; rather, the question arises as to whether an operation is more necessary than conservative procedures.
You can do that yourself
In many cases, maxillary sinus infections can be treated well with simple home remedies. If self-treatment does not improve symptoms or if they worsen, a doctor should be consulted.
Heat accelerates the healing process and relieves pain. This effect can be achieved by irradiation with a red light lamp or by moist, warm envelopes. Fresh air is good for the sinuses, head and face should be well protected by a hat and scarf, especially in the cold season. Dry room air irritates the attacked mucous membranes, air humidifiers and regular ventilation ensure a pleasant indoor climate. In addition, steam baths with the addition of thyme, chamomile flowers or essential oils support the swelling of the mucous membranes. Nasal rinsing with weak saline solutions, which are available in pharmacies as well as decongestant nasal sprays or drops, can also be helpful.
As with any infection, increased fluid intake is very important with antritis. Herbal tea blends made from anti-inflammatory and expectorant herbs such as chamomile, thyme, sage, primrose blossoms and ribwort are best sweetened with honey and drunk as warm as possible. Ginger, turmeric, horseradish and garlic have just as anti-inflammatory effects as the tried and tested chicken soup, while fruits and vegetables provide important vitamins to strengthen the immune system. So that the body can successfully fight the infection, physical rest is indicated for a few days.