At a Liposarcoma it is a malignant tumor in the soft tissue. It shows fine tissue characteristics of fat cell precursors and fat cells.
What is a liposarcoma?
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For the first time that occurred Liposarcoma in 1857 and was described by Rudolf Virchow. The tumor occurs on average between the ages of 50 and 70, but it can also be seen in children and young adults.
Men are usually slightly more likely to suffer from liposarcoma than women, but the rate can be classified as low. As a rule, the liposarcoma is only noticeable at an advanced stage and then appears as a rather slowly growing, deep-lying tumor tissue. The tumor usually occurs in the trunk of the body as well as on the spine and chest, but it can also affect the back of the abdomen.
Liposarcoma can also develop on the arms and legs. Metastases of the tumor are usually found in the lungs, but can also affect the peritoneum, the diaphragm and the pericardium.
The causes of the emergence of a Liposarcoma are largely unknown. In the meantime, however, it has been established that there is a connection between previous injuries or ionizing radiation (e.g. from radiation treatment that has already taken place).
The benign fatty tissue tumor, the so-called lipoma, is generally not a precursor disease, but in individual cases it can lead to the formation of a liposarcoma.
Genetic causes are now also under discussion, but this theory cannot be clearly confirmed. Regardless of the possible causes, most liposarcomas can be traced back to a spontaneous development.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Liposarcoma can cause a number of symptoms. If it is a benign tumor, mostly only minor swellings occur in the area of the joints. These can disrupt the movement, but are otherwise harmless. A malignant tumor also manifests itself in the beginning as a painful swelling that grows rapidly within a few weeks or months.
The swelling then persists and does not go away on its own. As the tumor grows, movement restrictions often occur. In the further course, pain and an uncomfortable feeling of pressure in the affected area come along. General symptoms can also occur. Fatigue and limited physical and mental performance as well as impaired consciousness, such as dizziness or visual disturbances, are typical.
In addition, a slight fever sets in, in which the body temperature can rise to 38 degrees Celsius. Those affected often lose weight and consequently suffer from deficiency symptoms such as feelings of weakness and skin irritations. Outwardly, a soft tissue tumor can manifest itself as paleness and a generally sickly appearance. The symptoms usually develop over the course of months and are often only recognized when the liposarcoma has grown significantly.
Diagnosis & course
Diagnosing one Liposarcoma is carried out using imaging methods such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) and angiography or scintigraphy.
With these diagnostic aids it can at least be estimated for the time being how far the tumor has already spread in the tissue. However, in order to be able to make a reliable diagnosis, a biopsy with a subsequent histological examination by an experienced pathologist is necessary. The first symptoms such as fatigue, tiredness, weight loss as well as nausea and vomiting can be the first signs of an illness, but are not clear indications.
The patient often shows swelling, especially on the arms and legs, which then leads to further examinations being initiated. Generally speaking, however, liposarcoma is recognized quite late. A liposarcoma is basically curable. However, healing usually depends on the size and stage of the tumor. The possible formation of metastases also plays a role. If the conditions are good, however, the relapse rate is rather low.
Those affected suffer from severe growths with liposarcoma. These can occur in different parts of the body and lead to aesthetic complaints. It is not uncommon for patients to suffer from reduced self-esteem or from depression and inferiority complexes. There is also a clear exhaustion and tiredness of the person concerned.
Patients also continue to lose weight and have vomiting or nausea. It is not uncommon for this to result in weight loss or various deficiency symptoms. Swelling can also occur in the affected areas. In most cases, the diagnosis of the disease is made relatively late, so that treatment can usually only be started late.
This disease is treated with the help of radiation therapy. There are no particular complications. However, it cannot be guaranteed that the treatment will actually lead to a positive course of the disease. It is not uncommon for liposarcoma to lead to a significantly reduced life expectancy for the patient. Various side effects can also occur with chemotherapy. The further course also depends on whether metastases have formed in the body.
When should you go to the doctor?
Swelling of the joints or restrictions in the normal range of motion should be examined by a doctor. If there are ulcers on the body, changes in the normal skin texture or poor posture, a doctor must be consulted. Interruptions in the usual movement sequences, tilted posture or restricted mobility should be examined and treated.
If pain develops or the symptoms increase, a doctor should be consulted. If the existing swelling increases, this is worrying. A doctor's visit must be initiated as soon as possible. In the event of impaired consciousness, increasing tiredness or dizziness, a doctor's visit is necessary. Diffuse dysfunctions, general weakness or a decrease in the usual level of performance must be clarified by a doctor.
If you look pale, have disorders of the blood circulation or change the heart rhythm, you should see a doctor. The person concerned needs medical care so that there are no further complications or disorders. A feeling of tightness, digestive problems, or weight loss are other indications that need to be examined by a doctor.
If the usual activities or leisure activities can no longer be carried out, if there is difficulty in breathing or if the person concerned has a general feeling of illness, a doctor should be consulted. If there are also psychological problems or behavioral problems, these observations should also be discussed with a doctor.
Treatment & Therapy
Once the findings and diagnosis have been completed, the treatment of the Liposarcoma kick off. The design of the treatment depends on the stage of the tumor. The following applies here: the earlier the disease is recognized, the more successful the therapy can ultimately be. In the case of highly differentiated tumors without the formation of metastases, only surgical removal of the tumorous tissue is possible. It is important that a suitable safety distance is maintained and that the tissue is completely removed, otherwise the likelihood of relapse is high.
However, if the liposarcoma is very large and has also grown into other organs, only radiation therapy can help. With the help of radiation therapy, an attempt is made to reduce the size of existing tissue in order to subsequently strive for surgical removal of the tumorous tissue. Radiation treatment may also be necessary after an operation that has already been carried out if the tumor had to be removed without the necessary safety margin.
The last and most stressful treatment of liposarcoma is chemotherapy. It is only used when the disease is at an advanced stage and metastases have already formed. It is not only used for the general treatment of the tumor, but usually also alleviates the symptoms typical of the disease.
Outlook & forecast
A liposarcoma occurs remarkably often in men over the age of 50. In almost half of the cases, it is on the thigh. The chances of healing depend on the nature and extent. Furthermore, the prognosis influences whether metastasis has occurred. In all cases, over 80 percent of those affected are still alive after the fifth year of diagnosis. The pleomorphic liposarcoma, on the other hand, has the worst expected value. Only one in five survives the fifth year after starting therapy. Some patients do not even notice the liposarcoma at first. The freedom from symptoms poses problems for diagnosis and early therapy.
For complete and lifelong freedom from symptoms, it is crucial that the tumor is completely removed. If this does not succeed, the tumor continues to grow. The start of treatment should not be delayed. Otherwise, the risk of metastasis, which mainly affects the lungs, increases. In practice, there is a high likelihood of relapse. That is why doctors urgently recommend close follow-up care. In every second patient, a new liposarcoma can be detected after a while.
Advice on prevention Liposarcoma unfortunately cannot be given by medical professionals. The reason for this is that there is still a great deal of uncertainty about the development and causes of the tumor.
Due to the liposarcoma, those affected suffer from their external appearance. Therefore, aftercare focuses on encouraging a self-confident approach to the disease. The help of a professional psychologist can be helpful. This can sometimes also prevent severe depression and other mental illnesses from developing. There is constant tiredness and exhaustion, which is why those affected depend on the help of others in everyday life.
The exchange of experiences with other equally affected people can help to better accept the suffering associated with the disease and thus to promote the quality of life. Thus, the focus of aftercare is primarily on reducing the mental stress caused by the complaints and ongoing treatment.
You can do that yourself
Liposarcoma should definitely be treated by a doctor. In addition to medical therapy, some home remedies and self-help measures can be used.
First of all, it is important to keep calm and follow the instructions of the responsible doctor. Liposarcoma can be treated well these days and should not completely dominate everyday life and thoughts. Distraction - whether it be from going to the cinema or exercising - is the most effective means of surviving cancer mentally. Nevertheless, a tumor usually has an impact on the mental state. Those affected should therefore seek psychological advice. Talking to other affected people, for example within the framework of a self-help group, also helps in dealing with liposarcoma and other cancers.
Exercise in the fresh air helps to reduce stress and can also support the healing process positively. After treatment is complete, the person should look carefully for possible warning signs. This enables a new illness to be identified and treated at an early stage. In addition, a healthy and balanced lifestyle should be maintained, because avoiding environmental toxins, stress and the like effectively prevents tumors.