The Ventricular fibrillation respectively Ventricular flutter of the heart, colloquially too Fibrillation or Heart flutter called, is a highly threatening process for human life. It always means an acute danger to life and if ventricular fibrillation is suspected, the patient must immediately be in the hands of a doctor, who then initiates acute emergency measures.
What is ventricular fibrillation?
If Ventricular fibrillation of the human heart is present, the affected person can no longer feel a pulse. Uncontrolled contractions and twitching of the heart occur because abnormal heart rhythm disturbances mean that an orderly heartbeat no longer takes place.
The heart muscle pumps only irregularly and, if left untreated, may no longer pump at all. Ventricular fibrillation is often a complication during a heart attack. If the patient is not treated adequately immediately, he can die of ventricular fibrillation.
The causes of the Ventricular fibrillation are diverse. Cardiovascular diseases very often result from years of smoking, but also from other organic diseases such as liver and kidney damage. An unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle also favor heart disease.
The main cause of ventricular fibrillation, however, is a disease of the heart itself, so-called coronary heart disease. It is one of the most common causes of ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac death.
A lack of potassium due to kidney failure or an incorrect, high-fat diet can also lead to ventricular fibrillation. Acute shock and electric shock can also cause acute ventricular fibrillation.
In rare cases, excessive stress (usually associated with a heart attack) can indirectly lead to ventricular fibrillation.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The onset of ventricular fibrillation (ventricular flutter) is often noticeable a few minutes beforehand through various diffuse symptoms. Those affected often experience mild attacks of dizziness and drowsiness, which can be accompanied by severe nausea. Often there are also cold sweats, inner restlessness and tightness in the chest.
In the further course it comes to palpitations. The heart rate increases here to up to 250 beats per minute - around 60 to 80 beats per minute are normal. The affected person suffers from increasing shortness of breath, which can increase to acute shortness of breath. Overloading the heart often leads to chest pain on the left side, which can radiate to the left arm and shoulder.
Ventricular fibrillation usually leads to a cardiovascular collapse, and the person concerned loses consciousness within a few seconds. Typically, the fainted person's skin turns pale and their lips turn blue. The pupils are usually dilated and rigid, and neither blood pressure nor pulse can be determined.
The breathing activity also stops. Many patients experience uncontrolled emptying of the bowel or bladder while fainting. In many cases, ventricular fibrillation is not announced by such warning signals, but occurs spontaneously and without prior warning. A few days beforehand, some of the people affected merely feel a greatly reduced physical capacity.
Diagnosis & course
The patient who has acute Ventricular fibrillation suffers, falls into a deep unconsciousness after a few seconds. Severe cramps occur and the pupils are noticeably dilated. The brain is no longer supplied with oxygen.
If left untreated or treated too late, ventricular fibrillation of the heart leads to irreparable brain damage after just a few minutes, and shortly afterwards death inevitably occurs. If there is the slightest suspicion of ventricular fibrillation or a heart attack, the emergency doctor initiates immediate action.
In addition, an EKG must be made as soon as possible in order to monitor the patient's heart activity. In addition, the patient's blood will be tested as soon as they arrive at the hospital. Many cities and counties have special ambulances that are equipped for acute heart patients and in which all emergency measures can be carried out. But semi-automatic defibrillators, which are now found in many public institutions, can save time and save lives.
Ventricular fibrillation is a life-threatening condition for the patient. If this condition is not treated, in the worst case scenario, the patient can die. As a rule, the acute treatment must be carried out by an emergency doctor or directly in the hospital.
The other complications and symptoms usually depend on the cause and the treatment. Those affected can also lose consciousness through ventricular fibrillation and possibly injure themselves if they fall. Likewise, the entire body's circulation can fail. If the person concerned loses consciousness, the internal organs and the brain can no longer be supplied with oxygen.
This results in irreversible damage, so that the person affected may suffer from paralysis or from sensitivity disorders even after the treatment. This complaint is treated with the help of a defibrillator and usually does not lead to complications. However, not every patient can be saved. A pacemaker may be necessary so that the person affected can continue to survive. In most cases, ventricular fibrillation significantly reduces the patient's life expectancy.
When should you go to the doctor?
Disorders of the heart rhythm are one of the most serious health symptoms that should always be investigated by a doctor. Permanent as well as temporary irregularities indicate problems with cardiac activity, which must be clarified in a check-up. A doctor should be consulted if there is pain in the chest, a stabbing or tearing sensation in the chest, a racing heart or a change in blood pressure. If the person concerned suffers from nausea, dizziness or unsteady gait, there is cause for concern.
If your breathing is abnormal, it is strongly advisable to initiate a medical examination. If you are short of breath, the body is not supplied with enough oxygen for a long time. This undersupply can trigger a life-threatening condition and lead to premature death. In the event of drowsiness or loss of consciousness, an ambulance service must be alerted. First aid measures are to be initiated by those present to ensure the survival of the person concerned.
If there is an uncontrollable tremor or an inner restlessness develops, the first signs of a health problem appear. Since ventricular fibrillation is associated with a high risk to life, you should react as soon as possible if the symptoms increase. An emergency doctor is needed in the event of a continuous increase in the pulse rate, internal heat build-up, sweating or a sudden stop of the cardiovascular system.
Treatment & Therapy
First, the emergency doctor or available medical personnel will initiate immediate resuscitation measures. This resuscitation is intended to revive the heart-lung system. The acute one Ventricular fibrillation is then treated with a so-called defibrillator. This device is used to get the normal heart rhythm and heartbeat going again.
Then the doctor injects additional antiarrhythmic drugs into the patient. These drugs stabilize the cardiovascular system and normalize the electrical conduction of the human heart. The patient who suffered ventricular fibrillation is taken to the hospital in the intensive care unit. With modern medical apparatus he is seamlessly monitored until his condition has noticeably stabilized and he can be treated further on a normal ward.
Anyone who has ever suffered an attack of ventricular fibrillation or a heart attack is in danger of the same thing happening to them again and not surviving it a second time. That is why the doctor will take precautionary measures in the hospital to avoid recurring ventricular fibrillation. The eventual implantation of a pacemaker and permanent medical or surgical treatment of the original causes are usually unavoidable.
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➔ Medicines for cardiac arrhythmiasOutlook & forecast
If the person affected with ventricular fibrillation is not immediately given intensive care, the prognosis is poor. There is a risk of the patient's premature death, since the fluttering of the heart is an emergency situation for the person concerned and represents an acute danger to his life. If first aid measures have been initiated by those present immediately with the onset of ventricular fibrillation and medical care takes place within a few minutes, the chances of recovery improve.
A fundamentally healthy person is at risk of long-term impairment. Saving life is successful in most cases. Usually a change in the current lifestyle has to be made and physical and emotional stresses are to be avoided. They can lead to a relapse of existing complaints at any time and trigger another risk to life.
If there are other underlying diseases, such as excessive weight, heart disease or kidney failure, this has an unfavorable influence on the further course of the disease. In addition to permanent damage to the organs and impairment of the functional capabilities of the organism, there is a risk of physical and psychological secondary diseases. The quality of life decreases significantly and a restructuring of the entire everyday life is necessary, as the usual duties can no longer be fulfilled independently. Irreversible damage occurs, which can lead to complications and endangering life at any time. Paralysis or multiple surgical interventions are likely.
If you want to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, you should definitely make use of the preventive medical check-ups. People aged 35 and over can have regular examinations. If you notice an irregular heartbeat or even pain in the heart area, you should immediately be examined by your family doctor or a cardiologist. A 24-hour EKG can bring clarity to unclear complaints if the normal EKG does not show any abnormalities.
Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol damage all organs and therefore the heart. Those who exercise a lot, eat healthily and dispense with pleasure poisons can prevent coronary heart disease and potassium deficiency. If such a disease is already present, treatment appointments must be meticulously adhered to and prescribed medication must be taken.
Surviving ventricular fibrillation or ventricular flutter is a disease that must be accompanied by medical follow-up care. This applies, among other things, to the defibrillator, which in many cases has been implanted in the patient's chest for safety. The function and fit must be right in order to guarantee the best possible level of protection for the person concerned.
In addition, follow-up care also depends on a possible underlying disease that triggered the ventricular fibrillation or flutter. If a structural heart disease has been diagnosed, this should be monitored in its course at regular intervals defined by the doctor. This includes ultrasound and EKG, but also stress EKG, imaging procedures such as MRI or invasive examinations using a cardiac catheter.
If physical fitness can be strengthened as part of the follow-up care, this is also discussed with the treating doctor, for example the family doctor, an internist or the cardiologist. There are rehabilitation groups here that are specially tailored to the needs of cardiological patients. Walks in the fresh air are also helpful.
The diet is best cholesterol-conscious without being too fat. It is better to avoid alcohol, nicotine and too much caffeine. Relaxation procedures or yoga can be very helpful as part of aftercare for the psychological management of ventricular fibrillation.
You can do that yourself
The ventricular fibrillation (ventricular flutter) is a potentially life-threatening arrhythmia of the heart in immediate emergency medical treatment. Due to the fact that unconsciousness often occurs quickly, self-help by the patient concerned is usually not possible.
However, after ventricular fibrillation has been overcome, there are some behaviors that are important for the patient in everyday life. Depending on what was found to be the cause of the ventricular fibrillation or ventricular flutter, the patient can actively contribute to his heart health in consultation with the treating family doctor, internist or cardiologist. This applies in particular to a healthy diet and a dosed amount of physical activity, which the defibrillator, which is usually implanted, enables both on your own and in cardiac sports groups. Strengthening the immune system to ward off infections and reducing any excess weight are also useful. In addition, it is up to the patient to reduce the stress in his private or professional environment to a minimum as possible.
The mental state of the patient should also be strengthened after threatening ventricular fibrillation (ventricular flutter). Moderate training helps here too. In addition, psychological stabilization is just as possible by working through conversations as by walking the dog or learning a relaxation method such as progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen. Gentle yoga styles also stabilize the inner balance of the often significantly.