Cold sores (herpes labialis) is one of the most famous types of Herpes. Almost 90 percent of all people are infected by cold sores. However, the disease does not break out in everyone. People with weak immune systems are particularly susceptible to this disease. Typical signs of herpes are oozing or festering blisters on the mouth and lips. There is also severe itching in this area.
What is cold sore?
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Herpes infections and Cold sores (herpes labialis) are caused by viruses and belong to the Herpesviridae family. It is believed that more than 90 percent of the world's population is infected with herpes viruses. The cold sores are caused by the "herpes simplex virus type 1". This in turn is divided into HSV type 1 and HSV type 2. The sub-form HSV type 1, which is referred to as cold sores (herpes labialis), is usually limited to the lips and mouth and is one of the most common herpes infections.
Genital herpes, HSV type 2, primarily affects the genitals. Infection with cold sores (herpes labialis) often occurs in childhood and can go unnoticed for a lifetime. The actual cold sore (herpes labialis) occurs when the immune system is weakened. The infection is usually relatively harmless and manifests itself in itchy and oozing blisters.
In principle, every person can get in touch with Cold sores (herpes labialis) infect. An infected person's herpes viruses are transmitted through direct contact or through smear and droplet infection. There is therefore a risk of infection when sneezing, coughing, speaking, kissing or sharing drinking glasses.
The breakout of the cold sore (herpes labialis) can be promoted by the following factors:
- Weakening of the organism, for example due to illnesses or colds
- strong sunlight
- hormonal fluctuations, pregnancy or menstruation
- mental stress
- Stress, fatigue
- Climatic stimuli
More than a third of the people affected have a tendency to recurrent cold sores (herpes labialis).
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Cold sores can run without symptoms for a long time between breaks. The first outbreak is usually characterized by a mild course. Even before the typical blisters appear, there is a feeling of tension, numbness or pain in the lips. [[[Redness of the skin]], a tingling sensation or itching also occur.
These sensations last for a few hours or days. This then leads to the formation of bubbles, which can also overflow into one another. The initial infection is often accompanied by swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck. There may be a general feeling of illness. These include fatigue, fever and general malaise. The vesicles that have appeared become thicker and fill with liquid until they finally burst.
The vesicles are highly infectious. After flaking off, open wounds develop, which eventually scab and heal within two weeks. The foci of infection can also appear at the nasal entrance, on the cheeks or around the eyes. In rare cases, the infections are found inside the mouth and are then referred to as oral rot. Here cold sores express themselves with small ulcers, which disintegrate quickly and are very painful. Herpes labialis in this form usually brings with it a high fever.
Course of disease
Infection, severity and duration of a Cold sore vary from patient to patient. The first phase of infection is characterized by tingling, tightness and burning in the lip area. These symptoms are typical warning signs of a cold sore outbreak. Blistering occurs within a short time. The vesicles filled with a clear liquid or a purulent substance are highly contagious and are perceived as very painful.
After a day or two, the lip vesicles open and a red border forms around the wound. In the further course the vesicles close and dry out. The healing process begins by crusting the wound. Due to the constant strain on the lips when eating or talking, those affected usually suffer from painful cracking of the crust. At this point, however, there is no longer any risk of infection. The cold sore (herpes labialis) infection has healed after two weeks at the latest.
In the case of budding herpes with blistering and the associated skin irritation, a secondary infection with bacteria can occur. In these cases the complexion of the skin is severely damaged and herpes viruses such as bacteria spread over the lips. Symptoms can be itching, dry, oozing, or painful main areas.
Complications can occur especially with the first infection with HSV-1 or HSV-2. Here the accumulated vesicles, which are present in some cases, can merge into ulcers - this affect is also reinforced by a secondary infection - or spread to the oral cavity. Symptoms such as fever or headache are then more pronounced. Children are more likely to be affected.
In addition, herpes simplex viruses can settle on almost any skin area by spreading them, with injuries being a particularly easy target to colonize. When combined with psoriasis, it can cause serious eczema, causing pain and a feeling of severe illness. Migrating viruses can also infect other areas through the blood flow. Retinal infections, esophageal infections, and more are possible.
Spreading the infection to the central nervous system is particularly dangerous. If left untreated, the death rate is 70 percent. Viruses that linger in the blood can also lead to new infections, which in the worst case leads to a generalized infection and so-called herpes simplex sepsis. People with weakened immune systems are more likely to experience these complications than otherwise healthy people.
When should you go to the doctor?
A doctor does not have to be consulted in all cases with cold sores. If the person concerned suffers from the changes in the lip for the first time, a fundamental clarification by the doctor is recommended. If the lips are repeatedly infected, it is often sufficient to supply the patient with preparations from the pharmacy. Creams or plasters should be applied to the changed areas immediately to prevent the virus from spreading further. If the lip sores heal on their own within the next few days, a visit to the doctor can be avoided. A doctor's visit is necessary if a cold sore develops very frequently.
If the areas on the lip do not heal or if the vesicles continue to multiply, a doctor should be consulted. If there are severe problems with food intake or unwanted weight loss, a visit to a doctor is advisable. Complaints with dentures or when using braces should be discussed with a doctor. If the inside of the mouth is affected or if there are more vesicles on the body, a visit to a doctor is also recommended. If you experience severe discomfort, persistent weakness or pain in the face, you should consult a doctor. Numbness or sensory disturbances in the face should also be clarified by a doctor.
Treatment & Therapy
Cold sores (herpes labialis) is usually only treated with severe symptoms. In this case, only the symptoms, not the cause, can be treated. The blisters can be treated locally with disinfectant additives. Antiviral ointments are used to inhibit virus replication.If you have severe or recurring cold sores (herpes labialis), your doctor may prescribe antiviral medication. If complications or fever occur, a visit to a doctor is advisable. Usually a cold sore infection heals without consequences.
The use of home remedies for cold sores (herpes labialis) such as toothpaste, tea tree oil or garlic is widespread. However, the effectiveness has not yet been proven. Creams that contain antiviral active ingredients are available from pharmacies without a prescription and can be applied to the blisters several times a day with a cotton swab.
Outlook & forecast
The prospects can be described as extremely favorable. Cold sores are not a serious disease. The only thing that should be prevented is transmission so that other people do not become infected or the disease spreads to other regions of the body. Contact with small children and old people in particular should be avoided at times. They are considered to be comparatively susceptible to infections. Patients usually do not have to do anything to make the characteristic vesicles disappear. After a good two weeks, the irritation and tension have subsided by themselves and the cosmetic problem has been resolved. Certain medications and ointments even shorten the healing process.
It appears problematic that the causative viruses remain in the body. The renowned Robert Koch Institute assumes that around 85 percent of the adult German population is infected with HSV1. This fact enables the cold sore to appear repeatedly. However, this is usually just as mild as the first time. If there is a transmission to other parts of the body, this is due to inadequate hygiene. However, statistically speaking, the eyes, skin, brain and genitals are only very rarely affected by infection. A vaccine against the virus is not yet available.
Cold sores (herpes labialis) occurs predominantly with a weakened immune system. To prevent this, the organism can be strengthened through a healthy, balanced diet, sufficient sleep and exercise. In addition, the following measures can help prevent the recurrence of cold sores (herpes labialis):
- In strong sunlight, apply appropriate sun creams to the mouth area.
- Never touch your own blisters or those of other infected people. The liquid in particular is highly infectious. In this way, infection or transmission to other parts of the body can be largely excluded.
- In the event of contact with cold sore sores, hands must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
In severe cases in which the spread recurs regularly, patients should definitely consult a doctor. This makes a diagnosis based on external observation. The pathogen is rarely determined separately in the laboratory. The nature of the disease means that there is no scheduled follow-up examination.
Usually cold sores either go away on their own or are successfully fought with antiviral drugs. Special precautionary measures based on medical advice are not suitable to prevent the disease from recurring. So far there is no effective vaccination.
Susceptible patients should therefore take care to avoid exchanging lipsticks or the same beverage cups and mugs. You should strengthen your immune system by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Persistent stress can also weaken the immune system. After the symptoms have subsided, there are generally no particular complications to fear.
You can do that yourself
Cold sores are usually announced by itching or burning of the affected skin. Over-the-counter antivirals from the pharmacy should be applied at the very first signs. Small amounts are sufficient for use, but the application should be repeated at short intervals during the early phase of the infection. These active ingredients, such as acyclovir, inhibit the replication of the virus, thereby stopping the infection from progressing. Existing blisters will regress more quickly.
Those who prefer to use natural remedies can try a cure with echinacea preparations, which strengthen the immune system and thus prevent the outbreak of the disease. For acute cases there are also creams and ointments for the treatment of cold sores based on Echinacea. Tea tree oil is also said to help the blisters heal. If the blisters have spread into the mouth, rinsing with sage tea can relieve pain and reduce the risk of secondary infections.
The cold sore pathogen is highly contagious. The person concerned must therefore make absolutely sure that he does not transmit the virus to other parts of the body through poor hygiene or careless gestures. The mucous membranes and eyes are particularly at risk. Under no circumstances should the person affected touch the infected area on the lips and then blow their nose or rub their eyes. No objects, especially towels, glasses or cutlery, should be shared within a household until the blisters have healed completely.