Lung disease and Respiratory diseases are the most common reasons for shortness of breath. When inhaling, energy enters the body through the lungs with the help of oxygen. The sensitive organ reacts promptly to irritants and closes some blood vessels if too little oxygen is taken in. That leads to lung disease.
What are lung diseases
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Lung diseases usually show up through symptoms of the lungs and general symptoms. In connection with cough, dyspnoea and chest pain, accompanied by loss of appetite, fever and night sweats, a doctor should be consulted if suspected.
They are divided into acute and chronic lung diseases and lung tumors. Pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and acute bronchitis are among the acute lung diseases. In addition to COPD, bronchial asthma and emphysema, the chronic lung diseases also include pulmonary fibrosis. Consultation with a specialist is inevitable if there is any suspicion.
If there is difficulty breathing, the lungs lack air. Smoking worsens the condition of lung diseases. Medication and sports therapies are possible treatment options, and step therapy is possible for asthma. Lung diseases such as pulmonary embolism are carried along blood clots and can be fatal if undetected.
Clinical examinations are necessary to diagnose lung diseases. Computed tomography, chest x-ray, lung scintigraphy or magnetic resonance tomography are further diagnostic methods to clarify the extent of lung diseases.
Bronchoscopy and mediastinoscopy are methods from endoscopy. Lung function diagnostics in the form of spirometry or body plethysmography are used to determine lung performance. With bronchial asthma, there is a slight whistling and humming noise when breathing in and out.
A strong cough accompanies bronchitis, typical cold symptoms such as limb pain and headache as well as sore throat, runny nose and fever are also possible. By tapping and listening to the chest, the doctor examines the patient to confirm bronchitis. An X-ray and a complete blood count may be carried out for further clarification to rule out lung diseases such as pneumonia.
Typical & common diseases
- lung infection
- bronchitis
- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
- bronchial asthma
- Pulmonary embolism
- Lung cancer
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Lung diseases have very different symptoms, depending on the exact disease. However, almost all lung diseases have in common that they cause breathing difficulties. Overall, coughing, sputum, shortness of breath and shortness of breath occur frequently. Accordingly, there is a reduction in performance in the sick.
This can be temporary in the case of acute lung disease (acute bronchitis). In the case of chronic lung disease (COPD), however, this can permanently reduce the quality of life. Furthermore, an uncomfortable sensation in the chest often occurs as a symptom of lung disease. It can be a burning sensation (common with infections), tenderness or pulling.
Infectious lung diseases, such as lung infection or tuberculosis, also lead to unspecific symptoms. These include fever, increased sweating, loss of appetite and fatigue. Lung cancer, on the other hand, in most cases remains without noticeable symptoms for a long time and usually only shows up once it has spread to the airways. Weight loss and coughing up blood are common symptoms in this context.
In the case of chronic lung diseases, it is also noticeable that their symptoms (especially irritation of the cough and shortness of breath) worsen with certain stimuli. This includes, for example, dust, cigarette smoke and cold, dry air.
Diagnosis & course
The cause of chronic lung diseases such as bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways. In the event of contact with triggering substances, the airways narrow and shortness of breath occurs.
A distinction is made between allergy-causing and non-allergy-causing substances in lung diseases such as bronchial asthma. With bronchitis, the mucous membrane that covers the bronchi becomes inflamed. Viruses are responsible in most cases for the development of chronic diseases such as bronchitis, but irritant gases, tobacco or dust are also harmful. Stress and weather conditions overwhelm the immune system.
Smoking, in particular, is the main cause of lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis. The most common infectious disease is pneumonia, in which the lung tissue is inflamed. Pneumococci are usually the trigger for pneumonia, but viruses or fungi can also be. Lung diseases such as pulmonary embolism are usually caused by thrombosis.
The further course of lung diseases usually depends very much on the exact disease and its severity. For this reason, the further course cannot be universally predicted. As a rule, however, lung diseases are always a very serious condition for the patient, which can lead to various consequential damages and complications.
The patients often suffer from shortness of breath and also from a loss of consciousness. Likewise, the patient's internal organs can also be damaged by the lung diseases if the oxygen supply does not take place in the usual way. Furthermore, the patients usually also suffer from severe fatigue and decreased resilience.
A feeling of fatigue also occurs. It may also reduce the patient's life expectancy. As a rule, lung diseases do not self-heal, so those affected are definitely dependent on medical treatment. Whether there are complications depends very much on the disease itself. However, a positive course of the disease cannot be guaranteed in every case. Especially in the case of tumor diseases, life expectancy can be reduced.
When should you go to the doctor?
Lung diseases must always be taken seriously because the lungs are one of the vital organs. If problems or unspecific symptoms arise in connection with breathing, a doctor should always be consulted for clarification - even if the patient concerned is otherwise healthy. Many lung diseases start with only mild and unspecific symptoms and complaints, so that they are not taken seriously at first.
However, early detection also improves the chances of recovery from any lung disease. Members of certain risk groups should pay particular attention to signs of lung diseases. This means, for example, smokers or patients with known chronic lung diseases. If there is a change in breathing and physical performance, this may be related to the condition of the lungs. In any case, a medical examination is required. Since the lungs can affect the circulation and blood flow, poor blood flow or poor circulation can also indicate a problem with the lungs.
This is also a case for the doctor, as it should be clarified where the symptoms come from and whether a lung disease could be the cause. Particular care should be taken when lung problems are suspected in children, the elderly and patients with generally poor health, previous illnesses or known lung problems - they should be presented to a doctor if the lungs are suspected.
Treatment & Therapy
There is a so-called five-step plan for the treatment of chronic lung diseases such as bronchial asthma. Antibiotics are given to treat the mostly bacterial infection of lung diseases like bronchitis.
Drinking a lot is advisable, expectorant herbal teas and inhalations help to loosen the bronchial secretions more easily.For lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis, an X-ray is often necessary to rule out bronchial carcinoma, tuberculosis or asthma. A blood test also provides information. If a tumor is suspected, a bronchoscopy is done.
If there is severe shortness of breath, long-term oxygen ventilation is also used. Lung tissue that has already been destroyed may have to be removed in the case of lung diseases. In bacterial pneumonia, the administration of antibiotics, supported by special breathing exercises, has proven its worth. For lung diseases such as pulmonary embolism, a distinction is made between four degrees of severity, according to which the treatment is based.
Outlook & forecast
The prognosis for diseases of the lungs must always be assessed individually. The cause, the underlying disease and the general state of health of the person concerned must be clarified. Chronic pre-existing illnesses generally have a poorer prospect of a cure. In most cases these have a constant course of the disease or are characterized by an increase in existing complaints.
In the case of cancer, the prognosis is often poor. It depends on the stadium of the disease, the treatment options and the success of an initiated cancer therapy. If the cancer cells can be prevented from spreading and the diseased tissue can be removed completely, recovery is possible. The prognosis for pneumonia is generally good. Due to the medical possibilities, the inflammatory disease can be cured by the administration of medication. Additional measures from the field of self-help should be used to support this. In order to improve health, the consumption of harmful substances such as nicotine or other toxic gases should be avoided.
For many patients, a donor organ is the last resort to recovery. Transplantation is associated with numerous risks and side effects. In addition, the organism must accept the donor lung. This poses a particular challenge. If the therapy proceeds without further complications, the patients often report a recovery despite further controls.
In the case of chronic lung diseases such as bronchial asthma, there is no prophylaxis in the strict sense, but there are measures to ease the course of the disease and relieve the lungs. Refraining from smoking and exercising also support the process positively.
It is important to strengthen the immune system. A healthy diet rich in vitamins, sufficient exercise and enough sleep promote the body's defense against viruses and bacteria. Many people, especially the elderly, often have weakened immune systems, so a doctor may recommend an annual flu or even pneumococcal vaccination to prevent or reduce lung disease. Smoking cessation is advisable, but contact with toxic dusts and gases should be avoided if possible.
To strengthen the bronchi in the case of lung diseases, respiratory exercises or tapping massages, especially in the back area, are recommended. As a preventive measure against lung diseases such as pulmonary embolism, physiotherapy is recommended for risk patients after surgery. In general, drugs that promote thrombosis should be discontinued.
Obesity and smoking should be avoided if possible. Regular exercise is important for longer car journeys, on buses, trains and on planes. Sufficient drinking supports the entire organism, not just for the prevention of lung diseases.
If you have survived a lung disease, follow-up examinations are often very important and meaningful so that the disease does not break out again. If there was a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract, it is advisable to go to the treating doctor again. Only with such a follow-up examination can further complications be excluded.
The lung disease can even break out repeatedly during the subsequent healing process. In particularly bad cases, infection can even occur again if the disease is not cured properly.
Sports activities should be resumed cautiously; in general, physical stress should be kept as low as possible immediately after the illness. Since follow-up care depends on the severity of the underlying disease, it is tailored accordingly. In the case of persistent unpleasant side effects, those affected should have another closer examination carried out in order to avoid the lung disease becoming chronic.
You can do that yourself
The self-help measures a person affected can take in the event of a lung disease depends on the disorder and what triggered it.
Acute lung diseases, such as pneumonia, can be traced back to infections with pathogens, usually pneumococci. Pneumonia is particularly common during the cold season. Pneumonia is often preceded by a cold that has not been properly treated. At the first sign of pneumonia, the person concerned should therefore see a doctor immediately. It is also important that the patient takes care of himself and, if possible, stays in bed for a few days. A healthy immune system can prevent the outbreak of pneumonia or at least weaken and shorten the course of the disease. Particularly in the cold season, you should therefore pay attention to a vitamin-rich diet and plenty of exercise in the fresh air. Clothing and shoes should be appropriate for the weather to prevent hypothermia.
Allergies are often responsible for chronic lung diseases such as bronchial asthma. The patient can help to identify the allergen and avoid it.
One of the most serious lung diseases is lung cancer, the majority of which can be traced back to regular heavy tobacco consumption. Heavy smokers should therefore definitely think about quitting or at least have regular preventive examinations carried out.