A Malnutrition, Malnutrition or Malnutrition is rather rare in the western world, but malnutrition can occur due to a misunderstood diet or one-sided nutrition. Children and adolescents in particular can suffer great damage to their mental and physical development through malnutrition. This must be avoided through a healthy and balanced diet.
What is malnutrition?
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Malnutrition is a one-sided, inadequate diet in which important additives, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are missing. Malnutrition is specified in malnutrition and malnutrition.
Malnutrition is a condition in which the body shows clear signs of a lack of energy. The missing components (protein, vitamins) have to be supplied to the body in some other way in order to maintain a functioning metabolism.
Malnutrition is often associated with a vitamin deficiency. Those affected usually suffer from malnutrition from underweight and / or dehydration. To put it simply, malnutrition refers to a disproportion between nutritional requirements and nutrient intake.
Elderly people and nursing home patients are more likely to suffer from malnutrition, especially when they can no longer take care of their own diet and ingest too little food and fluids.
Pathological anorexia (anorexia nervosa) leads to significant malnutrition. Here we no longer speak of malnutrition, but of malnutrition, which if left untreated can lead to death. Young girls in particular are affected by this form of malnutrition. This eating disorder has its causes in the social sphere (fashion, ideal of slimness) and must primarily be treated psychologically.
The same applies to bulimia (eating and vomiting addiction). Food intolerance or excessive changes in diet as part of a diet can also lead to malnutrition. Malnutrition is often associated with poverty.
In fact, people in developing countries often suffer from life-threatening malnutrition due to one-sided and lack of food. The consumption of only one food (mainly fish, mainly rice) leads to serious deficiency symptoms.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Symptoms of malnutrition affect the entire body when all or most of the nutrients are deficient. Otherwise, specific symptoms also arise in the absence of individual substances.
A lack of carbohydrates leads to circulatory problems, tiredness, a feeling of weakness and headaches. Sometimes there are visual disturbances. A protein deficiency manifests itself in a weakened immune system and a reduction in muscle mass. In addition, the self-healing powers of the body are weakened and other diseases tend to take a more severe course.
A lack of individual vitamins or minerals shows up in various symptoms. This leads to changes in the appearance of the skin and hair growth. An iron deficiency leads to anemia and severe fatigue.
Other symptoms that can occur with malnutrition include, for example, persistent circulatory problems. These increase the risk of falls and accidents. Movement processes can be disturbed, the skeletal muscles become weaker. The risk of a broken bone is increased. This can also be due to degraded substance in the bones.
There is also a weakened heart. It tends to pump more slowly and abnormal heart rhythms develop. The breathing also becomes shallower, the breaths become shorter.
A slight malnutrition usually only leads to fatigue and loss of appetite. Severe malnutrition can trigger the symptoms listed as well as neurological disorders (especially temporary neurological dropouts).
Diagnosis & course
A Malnutrition starts slowly and is hardly noticed at first. The body feels limp and tired, there are also difficulty concentrating and an increased susceptibility to diseases (colds, rashes).
Only later does a weight loss become noticeable because the body first draws the missing nutrients from the body's own reserves in the case of malnutrition. The skin turns gray and dries out, muscle wasting and stomach inflammation occur. Overweight people get circulatory problems due to malnutrition.
The general practitioner can detect malnutrition through visual inspection and a blood test. Being underweight can be a sign of malnutrition. Parents should pay attention to changes in their children's eating habits and intervene in good time. Dehydration (too little fluid intake) can lead to anemia and even to a stroke over a long period of time.
Quantitative malnutrition always leads to a number of complications if not corrected. In addition to the sheer weight loss and lack of energy, there are sequelae such as poor wound healing, a severely weakened immune system and the breakdown of bone density. The eyesight and the brain are also affected, so that cognitive disorders also set in.
In addition, insufficient intake of fat always leads to an insufficient intake of fat-soluble vitamins, which is also sensitive to cell health and the immune system. Subsequent complications of malnutrition can be triggered by simple infectious diseases, minor injuries or increased stress. All ailments are exacerbated by circulatory problems and nerve damage that can be traced back to a mineral deficiency.
A lack of iron leads, among other things, to anemia. The complication at the end of any serious malnutrition is death. Children are particularly affected here. Qualitative malnutrition leads to complications that depend on the type of substance that is not or not enough absorbed.
A lack of vitamins and minerals lead to nervous disorders, impaired immune system and general weakness. Older people are particularly affected here. The lack of strength also exacerbates existing ailments, which increases the mortality rate for cardiovascular problems and the like.
A lack of protein and fat supplies, among other things, muscle breakdown and tissue degeneration. At the end of quantitative malnutrition, there is not necessarily death. Rather, diseases that are aggravated by malnutrition are a risk factor.
When should you go to the doctor?
Malnutrition is a serious disease that should always be treated by an appropriate doctor. If there is an existing malnutrition, the human body lacks important nutrients that cannot be absorbed in the normal way. For this reason, these nutrients have to be supplied artificially. The important nutrients must be administered with food supplements or through an artificial tube. Those who refrain from medical and drug treatment are putting themselves at great risk.
In many cases, there is general malaise, headaches and a weakening of the entire immune system. Affected people are more susceptible to infectious diseases because no immune system can be built up. So the following applies: If there is malnutrition, the visit to the doctor should not be delayed. A doctor should be consulted at the first signs and symptoms. However, the cause of the malnutrition needs to be diagnosed. Merely combating or eliminating the symptoms is not enough. However, those who seek medical treatment at an early stage can count on a quick and complete recovery.
Treatment & Therapy
A Malnutrition is easy to handle. The trigger, namely the one-sided diet, must be changed. The nutrient supply must be adjusted to the nutrient requirement. Extremely anorexic patients are given electrolytes and nutrient solutions by drip. A person gets by with little food for a long period of time. However, the body always needs sufficient amounts of fluids.
To prevent dehydration, a person must drink at least one liter of water, tea or juice a day. Two liters of water would be ideal. Malnutrition is not necessarily a problem of poverty in Germany. A balanced diet can be ensured even with little money. If there is already a significant malnutrition, vitamin and nutritional supplements support the change in diet so that the body can recover more quickly.
The stomach also has to slowly get used to the improved change in diet. Protein-rich foods, dairy products, and plenty of fruits and vegetables are important. Severely overweight people should have their family doctor monitor a planned diet to prevent malnutrition.
Outlook & forecast
The effects of malnutrition can vary in severity. Basically, the cause and the extent of the incorrect or missing food consumption play an important role in the prognosis. Generally valid statements are difficult. In the following, they can only be formulated for the economic area of the industrialized countries.
Addicts and the elderly are considered risk groups in Germany. People who emulate false ideals of beauty are also susceptible to one-sided nutritional cycles. Alcoholics, for example, have an increased need for nutrients resulting from their abnormal behavior. Seniors are often neglected or don't invest anything in their lives. In principle, these groups of people can be helped. The earlier therapy starts, the more likely there is a chance of a cure. Conversely, this means that if malnutrition is accepted over a longer period of time, irreparable damage can develop.
According to scientific surveys, malnutrition is often not even recognized in older people. They have an increased risk of death, which is also due to the limited regenerative power of the body. Other causes such as poverty, loneliness or depression can usually be addressed in talk therapy. Malnutrition is often related to a mental imbalance.
One Malnutrition is prevented with healthy, balanced food. Meals together and a relaxed atmosphere at the dining table are particularly important for families with children. Bad eating habits are often "homemade" and promote malnutrition through one-sided nutrition. Small snacks in the form of yoghurt or an apple also prevent malnutrition.
Since malnutrition is a consequence of protracted poor eating habits, aftercare focuses on permanently preventing malnutrition again. To this end, those affected should try to eat healthy and balanced food on a regular basis. With increasing strength, the performance increases, but physical activities should be started cautiously. If the malnutrition came about in connection with the weight loss mania, especially from that Children and adolescents are affected, the aftercare should also include restoring mental health. Often wrong role models and illusory ideas are the reason for the refusal to eat. It can be helpful to consult a psychologist who can provide therapeutic support for the recovery process. Malnutrition among adolescents in the western world should be taken seriously; if weight loss is not stopped, death will ultimately result.
You can do that yourself
If you are malnourished, you do not need to see a doctor. It is often enough to compensate for the energy and nutrient deficits through dietary measures.
A balanced and wholesome diet that contains all the important vitamins and minerals is recommended. First of all, the person affected should consume small portions, preferably foods that they like and that are easy to digest and digestible. If the ability to chew or swallow is restricted, the food must be pureed before consumption. Older people sometimes require individual attention during meals. Special aids such as sippy cups also make it easier to eat.
If malnutrition is caused by a serious condition, it must be treated first. A doctor should therefore be consulted in any case with recurring deficiency symptoms. If the person is severely malnourished, they must be taken to the nearest hospital. In this case, no further self-help measures should be taken. A slight malnutrition sometimes also has psychological causes that have to be dealt with as part of therapy. Basically, the causes should be clarified before severe physical complaints or serious eating disorders set in.