The measles are a viral disease caused by the measles virus of the same name. It is an acute infectious disease that presents with flu-like symptoms. The main characteristic of measles is the clearly visible rash, cough and fever. People suffering from measles are then immune for life. A vaccination against measles is important, as potentially life-threatening secondary diseases can occur.
What is measles?
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The measles are an acute infectious disease caused by a virus. Typical signs of measles are a noticeable skin rash, also known as a rash. Similar to scarlet fever, mumps and chickenpox, measles is a not uncommon childhood disease. Adults are less likely to suffer from measles, as an infection in childhood leads to lifelong immunity.
If untreated, measles can also trigger a number of other diseases and thus have serious consequences. In this context pneumonia or otitis media can occur. As with other childhood diseases, measles must be reported and must be treated by a doctor in any case.
The causes for measles are due to a viral infection. The so-called measles virus is primarily specialized in humans and mainly affects nerve cells and the immune system. The incubation period for measles is usually between seven and ten days. The disease is transmitted through a droplet infection, i.e. sneezing or coughing through the air.
The measles virus then settles through the respiratory tract of the person affected in the mucous membranes and develops its diseased effect very quickly. The conjunctiva of the eyes can also be affected by the virus. Similar to those suffering from scarlet fever, the unborn baybies are immune in the womb if the mother had measles in her childhood. This immunity then lasts until the infant is six months old.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Measles has two stages with different symptoms: flu-like symptoms appear during the initial and preliminary stages, and painful changes to the skin appear in the rash stage. Symptoms such as tiredness, headache, sore throat and stomach ache and a slight fever are typical of the preliminary stage. There is hoarseness and a dry, barking cough, often combined with a runny nose.
Externally, measles can be recognized by the puffy face at this stage. If conjunctivitis sets in, photophobia and watery eyes occur. Other characteristic symptoms of the precursor stage are the so-called Koplik spots. These are whitish, firmly adhering coverings that are surrounded by a reddened area. They appear in the area of the oral mucosa from the second to third day.
After three to four days, the spots spread to the entire lining of the mouth and throat. This is usually followed by a severe fever. After a second rise in fever, the stage of the rash announces itself. Symptoms get worse and a widespread rash develops on the face, neck, trunk, and arms and legs, leaving the palms and soles of the feet unaffected. The symptoms peak on the fourth day and subside within two weeks.
Course of disease
When the disease progresses measles various complications can arise. They are divided into complications caused by the measles virus and complications caused by other bacterial infections. The measles virus can cause pneumonia or bronchitis. Therefore, vaccination against measles should always be considered in childhood. The encephalitis (measles encephalitis), which can result from measles, should also not go unmentioned.
As a result of this secondary disease, cramps, impaired consciousness, paralysis and epileptic seizures can occur. The potential permanent personality disorders and brain damage that it causes make an untreated measles infection very dangerous. In rare cases, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis can develop as a result of measles, which is fatal. Other complications that can occur as a bacterial superinfection are: weakening of the immune system, inflammation of the mucous membranes, otitis media and possibly also blindness.
Measles can cause a number of complications. First of all, there is the risk of side effects and sequelae such as otitis media or bacterial infections. Bronchitis and pneumonia can develop in the airways, both of which are associated with further complications. Further infections can also lead to impaired consciousness, convulsions, epileptic seizures, paralysis and other complaints.
Encephalitis or thrombocytopenia can occur extremely rarely. If the brain tissue is infected, this can lead to mental deterioration, convulsions and ultimately death. Risk factors such as malnutrition or previous illnesses increase the risk of complications. Small children and elderly and debilitated people are also particularly at risk - around one in 2,000 illnesses here has severe consequential damage or is fatal.
As a result of vaccination against measles, typical vaccination reactions such as redness, pain and swelling can occur. It can also lead to a fever, fatigue and headache. Severe complications such as pronounced allergic reactions and febrile seizures rarely occur.
In addition, any home remedies and natural remedies can lead to a deterioration in the state of health. Due to the large number of possible complications, measles should be cleared up immediately by a doctor and medically treated.
When should you go to the doctor?
If there are changes in the skin, a rash, cough or fever, a visit to a doctor is advisable. If there is discoloration, the formation of small red spots on the skin and a painful feeling in the affected parts of the body, a doctor should be consulted. Since the disease has a high potential for contagion, people around you must be protected from possible infection. Fatigue, hoarseness and a drop in performance are signs of an existing irregularity. A doctor should be consulted, as there is a significant deterioration in health within a short period of time.
If sleep disorders set in, if you feel sick or if you have headaches or aches and pains, a doctor is needed. Changes in vision, increased sensitivity to light and inflammation of the conjunctiva are symptoms that should be clarified by a doctor as soon as possible. Any abnormalities in the mouth and throat should also be presented to a doctor. If there are problems with swallowing or if there are problems with vocalization, the signs should be examined by a doctor. In the event of an increase in body temperature or changes in the appearance of the skin on the face, neck or extremities, a doctor should be consulted immediately. If the skin is scratched, the pain intensifies and further pathogens can enter the organism. A doctor should be consulted to initiate treatment.
Treatment & Therapy
Treatment of measles has to be reported to the doctor, so that a medical examination seems absolutely necessary. The doctor will usually quickly determine the typical course of the disease and the typical symptoms of measles. Above all, the two-part fever curve and the clearly visible rash quickly indicate measles.
In addition, blood tests can be done if the symptoms and the cause cannot be clearly explained. Then the treatment begins, mostly related to the symptoms. No special medication for measles is prescribed. Bed rest and rest are the two cornerstones of a speedy recovery.
Sometimes the affected child may experience sensitivity to light during their measles infection. In this case, of course, darkening the room helps. Unpleasant accompanying symptoms such as cough, headache and fever can be relieved with regular medication.
However, the main treatment for measles is preventive vaccination. Talk to your doctor about this in good time.
Outlook & forecast
The prognosis is mixed. In Germany about 0.1 percent of all sick people die. In developing countries there is a significantly higher mortality rate due to a lack of care and inadequate hygienic conditions. In ten to twenty percent of those affected in this country, permanent damage to the brain remains. This results in paralysis and personality problems. The intensity of the complications varies. The risk group for permanent health impairment includes small children up to the age of five and adults from the age of majority. Contrary to what might be expected, unborn children are protected by their mother's antibodies. They benefit from it up to the sixth month of life.
On the other hand, the prospects for people who have survived a measles infection are excellent. They cannot be infected for a lifetime. The body has produced a sufficient amount of antibodies.
It can be assumed that a mild course of the disease can be got through without medical supervision. Anyway, rest and bed rest are important. There is no specific drug to fight the viruses. However, fever and pain can be dangerous. Patients who then forego therapy not only risk complications. Rather, death can also occur.
Infectious diseases such as measles often need good follow-up care after they have healed. It is aimed at strengthening the immune system, regenerating those affected and, above all, aiming to prevent the disease from flaring up again. Sufferers should try to focus on a positive healing process despite the adversity. To build the appropriate posture, relaxation exercises and meditation can help calm and focus the mind. This is a fundamental requirement for recovery.
In addition, the immune system can be strengthened through a number of measures that are in the hands of the patient. This includes eating a healthy diet, drinking enough water and getting enough sleep. It is also important not to start sporting activities too early if the person concerned is not yet able to perform well enough.
The function of the intestine is often impaired by medication given as part of the infection. This is especially true when antibiotics are given. A non-stressful diet helps with aftercare. Yoghurt products are often able to rebuild a disturbed intestinal flora.
You can do that yourself
In the case of measles, bed rest and rest is the main rule. Sleep promotes the recovery process and is just as important as an appropriate diet. What is recommended: Drink a lot and consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition to the tried and tested cod liver oil, there are also fruits and vegetables - especially papaya, oranges, broccoli and spinach - as well as chicken broth and rusks. Especially with babies and toddlers, care should be taken to ensure that they have an adequate supply of fluids and nutrients.
Warm or cold compresses and treatments with aloe vera or eucalyptus help against flu-like symptoms. The typical rash is relieved with a damp towel. Another home remedy are vinegar socks: a pair of cotton socks dipped in vinegar and, after wringing them out for a moment, worn under a pair of dry socks. This cools down and dissipates the excess heat. In addition, sufficient humidity and darkness should be ensured in the bedroom or children's room. Regular ventilation will keep the air fresh and the cough should go away quickly.
If the symptoms have not subsided after a few days, it is best to consult a doctor.