


We explain what megalophobia is, what its symptoms are and how it can be treated. In addition, we tell you what other curious phobias exist.

Those who suffer from megalophobia will do everything possible to avoid seeing the objects that terrify them.

What is megalophobia?

Megalophobia is a psychic or psychiatric condition in which the individual has a fear irrational and overwhelming before large objects. like all the phobias known, it is a disorder of anxiety, whose expressions can oscillate between fear and violent rejection, and which afflict, on average, a low percentage of the population (around 10%).

The term "megalophobia" comes from the Greek roots mega (“big” or “important”) and phobos (“fear”), so that it can be defined as the irrational and irrepressible fear of large objects.

A person suffering from this phobia may be seized by fear or the feeling of danger imminent before the contemplation of a very tall building, a colossal mountain or some other large object. This can translate into cumbersome life routines, since the patient will do everything possible to avoid seeing those objects that terrify him, no matter how everyday they may be.

The physical symptoms of megalophobia do not differ significantly from the rest of the phobias: tachycardia, sweating, paleness, sudden stomach or intestinal discomfort, avoidance behaviors, loss of oral control (stuttering, trembling voice), facial expressions, among others. In the case of megalophobia, these symptoms will appear when facing a very bulky object.

Like the rest of the phobias, the treatment of megalophobia requires continuous psychological attention and gradual exposure to the object that triggers the anguish, as well as work on the detection of underlying traumas that can explain the irrational fear.

Other curious phobias

In addition to megalophobia, there are some phobias of infrequent appearance and curious reasons, such as:

  • Agoraphobia. Irrational fear of open spaces, such as squares, vacant lots, plains, etc.
  • Chromophobia. Irrational fear of colors and rainbows.
  • Coulrophobia. Irrational fear of clowns and harlequins.
  • Dendrophobia. Irrational fear of trees, usually a certain type of tree.
  • Mysophobia. Irrational fear of dirt, grime, and germs.
  • Thalassophobia. Irrational fear of the depths of the oceans, lakes and rivers.
  • Trypophobia. Irrational fear of holes or cavities.
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