The number of skin cancers in the form of melanoma, i.e. the black skin cancer, is constantly increasing. This number is now doubling almost every seven years. In the case of melanoma, however, there are clear regional differences.
What is melanoma
The term "malignant melanoma" comes from the Greek, where the word "malignant" stands for "black". Hence it will Black Skincancer called.
This is a particularly malignant tumor disease of the pigment cells. The aggressiveness of a melanoma is increased by the early formation of metastases, which spread throughout the body via both the blood and lymphatic tracts.
The black skin cancer can not only affect the skin, but also the eyes, mucous membranes, internal organs or the central nervous system. The number of diseases from melanoma is only increasing worldwide, it is also the disease that leads to death most frequently.
The main cause of a Melanoma is strong UV radiation from the sun. One reason for the increasing number of black skin cancers is not only the increasing UV radiation due to the decreasing ozone layer, but also the changes in leisure activities.
Holiday trips for fair-skinned skin types to warmer countries, excessive sunbathing and sports that are carried out in the blazing sun are increasingly exposing people with sensitive skin to aggressive solar radiation. The ideal of beauty of tanned skin, which is equated with health and vitality, means that awareness-raising campaigns do not have the desired success.
However, certain risk factors can increase the likelihood of melanoma. Particular mention should be made of severe sunburns in childhood, fair skin, freckles, tendency to sunburn, disorders of the DNA, diseases of black skin cancer in the family or a previous melanoma.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
In most cases, black skin cancer is diagnosed without the person noticing any symptoms. This is due to the fact that melanoma rarely presents with symptoms that are not purely visual in nature. In rare cases, melanoma can bleed, wet, itch or otherwise feel uncomfortable. Malignant melanoma can also develop under a nail. There may be discoloration here, and later the nail will peel off.
Basically, all changes in pigment spots and birthmarks tend to be a sign of the development of skin cancer. It is important that all stains are worrying that visibly change or differ from other stains. For example, black skin cancer tends to grow raised (occasionally with pilling), grow in one direction and not be as sharply demarcated from the skin as moles and pigment spots.
Rather, there is a blurred transition into the surrounding skin. If a birthmark suddenly grows, this is also a possible symptom. The same applies to birthmarks, which have different colors. Black skin cancer is not limited to black discolouration, but can also turn out brownish, yellowish or reddish.
Diagnosis & course
Signs of melanoma can be enlarged, changed color, or itchy moles. But changes in the color of entire areas of the skin can also be an indication of black skin cancer. In very dark-skinned people, melanomas tend to occur on the light-skinned areas of the skin, such as on the palms of the hands or on the mucous membranes.
Regular independent examinations of abnormal areas of skin can contribute to early detection. In the event of abnormalities, the dermatologist conducts an exact diagnosis with the help of microscopic images.
There are five criteria that can indicate melanoma. These are: an asymmetrical shape, a blurred or irregular border, multicolor, a large diameter (more than 5mm) and a raised area of the skin.
The course of a melanoma initially begins with an enlargement of the affected area. It then spreads to other areas of the body, including the organs.
Metastases in various organs are the most common complications of black skin cancer. While melanoma can still be treated well in its early stages, the likelihood of daughter tumors increases steadily with increasing growth. Liver and brain metastases, in particular, are difficult to treat and reduce life expectancy, and malignant heart tumors are also often caused by malignant melanoma.
Lymph nodes, skeleton and lungs can also be affected by metastases, which are noticeable, among other things, by headaches, rapid fatigue, seizures, a tendency to fracture bones and shortness of breath with low stress. If untreated, daughter tumors from black skin cancer usually lead to death within a few years.
The only chance of healing is an early surgical removal of the causative skin tumor, which in rare cases can also be associated with complications: The operation of a tumor that has already penetrated far into the tissue can result in functional restrictions in the affected area, including secondary bleeding, wound healing disorders and excessive scarring are possible consequences.
If nerves are injured, symptoms of paralysis and sensory disturbances often occur, which regress again, but can also persist permanently.In individual cases, radiation, chemotherapy or immunotherapy is necessary to prevent further spread after the operation, which can weaken the immune system and severely impair the general condition.
When should you go to the doctor?
Melanomas are always a case for a visit to the doctor, because black skin cancer spreads to surrounding tissue structures faster than you can tell. At first glance, a melanoma often looks harmless and is often mistaken for a birthmark by the patient, especially since melanomas can also arise from existing changes in the skin. However, beneath the surface of the skin, the cancer has access to the lymphatic system and can quickly spread to other organs if it is not recognized and surgically removed in good time. People with many birthmarks and pigment spots in particular should regularly check the affected areas of skin for changes.
If a birthmark increases in size, changes its color, looks more elevated or changes its visual appearance in some other way, this should be clarified by a dermatologist. He will first take photos of the skin and document the development. However, if such a skin area bleeds for inexplicable reasons, is more sensitive than usual or causes pain, the doctor must quickly determine whether it is a melanoma. Even with known melanomas, those affected should regularly keep an eye on the surrounding skin areas. If birthmarks change or new ones appear, the attending physician should examine them and determine whether they are harmless changes or new melanomas.
Treatment & Therapy
When treating one Melanoma diagnosis as early as possible is important. If this is completely removed in the early stages, the chances of a complete healing are very high.
The most important form of treatment is surgery. The melanoma is removed as completely as possible. This means that a safety distance of approx. 1 to 2 cm, depending on the size of the skin cancer, is maintained. The melanoma must also be removed down to the muscle if possible. A sample for a biopsy is not taken in order to avoid spread of the black skin cancer.
In the case of melanoma on the face, the safety distance can also be replaced by an incision process controlled under the microscope. This prevents the face from being disfigured.
However, if the melanoma has already metastasized, the chances of recovery are very slim. Different therapy methods such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, vaccination or radiation therapy are used. However, these usually only lead to a short-term improvement in the state of health.
Further surgical interventions can also be carried out to remove newly formed tumor cells of the melanoma.
Outlook & forecast
People between the ages of 40 and 60 are considered to be the risk group for an illness. They are diagnosed with melanoma disproportionately often. Men usually suffer from the back, women from the lower leg. The prognosis is favorable if the tumor is removed early. Metastases have not yet formed. An exclusively superficial growth can be treated successfully.
Statistically speaking, the diagnosis of "black skin cancer" affects one in five hundred Germans. Ten years after the diagnosis, around 90 percent of the affected men and 95 percent of the affected women are still alive. The deaths are usually due to the fact that metastases could spread to the organs. If settlements have formed on the liver, lungs or brain, there is a high probability of death within the next few years.
The size of the melanoma is also indicative of the chances of survival. Characteristically, it grows in an unspecific way. If the expansion is only one millimeter, the chances of survival are very good. The small size suggests a tumor in the early stages. With larger growths, the chances of recovery decrease continuously.
To the emergence of one Melanoma To prevent this, intense UV exposure to the skin should be avoided. This applies to both natural solar radiation and artificial UV radiation in the solarium.
Sun protection clothing, hats and sunglasses should be used to protect against intense UV radiation. The use of sun creams with a high sun protection factor is of course also recommended. This is especially true for children. Regular self-examinations are helpful in recognizing skin changes at an early stage. However, this does not replace regular visits to a dermatologist.
You can do that yourself
Melanomas, also known as black skin cancer, must be treated by a doctor. In everyday life it is advisable that people pay attention to changes in their skin. In particular, changes in birthmarks and changes in skin pigmentation should be carefully monitored and examined by a doctor. As a general precaution, the skin should be protected from strong sunlight, as UV radiation promotes the occurrence of melanomas. This measure is important in preventing melanoma, but it should also be followed if the person is already suffering from melanoma.
As with most cancers, not only is the body affected by the disease, but also mental well-being can be affected. A functioning social environment is important for those affected. Friends and family play an essential role in the healing process. Those affected can also take advantage of psychological help. This help can take the form of psychological support or by participating in a self-help group with other affected persons.