A Mesothelioma is a diffusely growing, malignant tumor that usually affects the abdomen, lungs or heart. This type of cancer is often diagnosed late and is difficult to cure.
What is Mesothelioma?
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A Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that occurs in the thin layer of tissue that covers most of the internal organs.
Mesothelioma is an aggressive and deadly form of cancer. There are some treatment options, but for many people with mesothelioma, a cure is hopeless. Doctors divide mesothelioma into two different types, depending on which parts of the mesothelium are affected. In most cases, mesothelioma affects the tissue that covers the lungs.
Other possible forms of mesothelioma affect the tissues around the abdomen or genitals. Men are more often affected by this type of cancer than women. In contrast to other forms, mesotheliomas never appear as benign tumors and should not be confused with such more common forms in the chest area. They are exclusively malicious.
In general, cancer occurs when a series of genetic mutations set in within a cell, causing it to grow and multiply in an uncontrolled manner.
It is not clearly understood what causes the genetic mutation in the case of mesothelioma. However, researchers were able to identify possible factors that increase the risk of the disease. It is very likely that the mutations are caused by a combination of several causes.
These include an innate disposition, the living environment, the state of health and the lifestyle. Asbestos exposure has been recognized as an important risk factor. This mineral, which has long been used for insulation, gives off a toxic dust when it gets old and brittle or damaged. However, it should be noted that some people do not develop disease even from long-term contact with asbestos, but other people develop it very quickly.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Mesothelioma can manifest itself differently depending on its severity and location. One of the first symptoms is shortness of breath. In addition, chronic breathing difficulties and abnormal breathing noises can occur. Those affected usually describe the noises as rattling or rattling, depending on the size and location of the tumor.
If the chest wall is involved or the tumors irritate the intercostal nerves, chest pain may also occur. Rarely there is a dry cough or an elevated diaphragm. Pleural cancer can also be associated with fever, malaise, weight loss, and other general symptoms.
Thickening of the lung membrane or unilateral pleural effusions also indicate mesothelioma.In some cases, these reddish, usually two to five centimeters large effusions can be recognized from the outside. The symptoms often develop insidiously. It can take years between the first signs and a diagnosis.
In particular, the typical effusions occur again and again, but are rarely attributed to pleural cancer. If left untreated, mesothelioma will metastasize to surrounding areas of the body. This can lead to organ damage, functional disorders of the respiratory tract and other, sometimes life-threatening complications. The clearest sign of cancer progression is weight loss and the accumulation of various diseases.
Diagnosis & course
If symptoms of a possible Mesothelioma detectable, the attending physician will conduct a physical examination and look for lumps or other noticeable signs. He will then perform a series of more tests.
This usually includes x-rays or computed tomography. Once the abnormalities have been localized, more specific examinations will follow in order to determine with certainty what type of disease to deal with. A biopsy will likely be ordered. This is the removal and analysis of a removed piece of tissue from the affected region.
A common practice is to use a syringe that is inserted into the abdominal region to remove fluid from the affected region. However, it is often necessary to open the chest a little in order to make samples and examine the regions more closely.
Mesothelioma in most cases leads to a significantly reduced life expectancy, as this cancer is usually very difficult to treat. Since it is diagnosed late, in many cases other regions of the body are also affected by the cancer and the affected person dies prematurely. The patients suffer primarily from severe breathing difficulties and abnormal breathing noises.
The reduced supply of air also leads to fatigue and greatly reduced resilience of the patient. Those affected also suffer from fever and chest pain from mesothelioma. The formation of the metastases leads to severe weight loss and a continued feeling of oppression. It is not uncommon for mesothelioma to lead to depression and other psychological upsets.
In most cases, there is no longer any cure for mesothelioma. The complaints can only be limited to a small extent. If the tumor is detected early, it may be removed so that the person concerned can survive. Chemotherapy is also usually used, although in most cases it is associated with various side effects.
When should you go to the doctor?
People who suffer from a vague feeling of illness or malaise should consult a doctor. Since the diagnosis of mesothelioma is often made at a very late stage due to the difficult to assess symptoms by the person concerned, adults are recommended to regularly participate in check-ups and check-ups.
It is often several years between the onset of the disease and diagnosis. If there is an unwanted weight loss, increased tiredness or fatigue, a doctor's visit is advisable. Difficulty breathing or other breathing disorders are fundamentally cause for concern. A doctor should be consulted so that the cause can be determined in extensive tests.
Pain in the upper body, decreased performance and breathing sounds should be examined and treated. Fever, dry cough or coughing up blood must be presented to a doctor. Sleep disturbances, mood swings and digestive disorders are other signs of an existing irregularity. Malfunctions or irregularities in the nervous system should be discussed with a doctor.
A doctor should be consulted if the general resilience drops, if irritation occurs or if sporting activities can no longer be carried out as usual. Changes in the appearance of the skin, swelling of the upper body or bruises indicate a disorder in the organism, which must be examined by a doctor. If the symptoms increase in intensity over months or years, a doctor is needed.
Treatment & Therapy
The type of treatment that is given depends on the patient's health, specific aspects of the tumor, and the stage of development of the Mesothelioma.
Unfortunately, the majority of affected patients cannot cure. This is due to the fact that mesotheliomas are often only recognized at an advanced stage, when removal by surgery is no longer possible. Instead, damage limitation is pursued and an attempt is made to enable a life with cancer. The goals and side effects of the treatments should be discussed individually.
So there are patients who consider every possibility of cure, even if the chances are slim and the side effects immense. Others want to live the rest of their life as symptom-free as possible. In the early stages, the mesothelioma can be removed and completely healed through an operation.
It is more likely that the tumor cannot be completely removed, but the painful symptoms of the disease can be reduced. In combination, chemotherapy is usually used to weaken the affected cells.
Since mesothelioma is usually recognized very late, a cure is often not possible. In this respect, the attending physician concentrates more on alleviating the symptoms during follow-up care. If the mesothelioma is detected early, the tumor can still be surgically removed. In this case, the person affected can still survive. In addition to surgical removal, chemotherapy is used. However, this is associated with side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
Since the disease is diagnosed late in many cases, other regions of the body are usually affected by the cancer. Mesothelioma significantly reduces the life expectancy of those affected. In most cases, cancer is very difficult to treat.
Those affected have a reduced air supply and for this reason suffer from permanent fatigue. The resilience is significantly reduced, which is why the help of relatives and friends in everyday life is essential. In many cases, people with severe depression and other mental illnesses develop. Professional psychological support can help those affected to better deal with the situation.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for shortness of breath and lung problemsOutlook & forecast
The prognosis for cancer is poor in most patients. It is a form of tumor formation that is considered aggressive and deadly. Within a short period of time, the cancer cells spread through the bloodstream into various areas in the body, where they lead to the formation of metastases. The challenge of the disease is to make an early diagnosis. The symptoms are usually only recognized at an advanced stage of the disease, as the growth of this tumor is extremely rapid. Symptoms often arise, the patient seeks a doctor and yet the progress of the disease is usually enormous within a few weeks or months.
To improve a prognosis, you should take part in the regular medical check-ups and preventive examinations. Early diagnosis of the disease can take place here and cancer therapy and surgery can be initiated in the early stages. Although these treatments are associated with numerous side effects, they are currently the only way to alleviate the symptoms and improve the prospect of recovery.
Nevertheless, it must be taken into account that this aggressive cancer can lead to the formation of a new tumor at any time. Even if the symptoms are free from symptoms, malignant tissue changes can appear again in the course of life.
The risk to you Mesothelioma sickness increases with frequent contact with asbestos. To avoid this, you should find out whether you come into frequent contact with asbestos in your everyday life or at work and try to avoid this contact. Occupations with an increased risk of danger are: mine workers, factory workers, insulation craftsmen, shipbuilders, construction workers, auto mechanics.
You can do that yourself
Unfortunately, in most cases of mesothelioma, the person affected does not have any special possibilities for self-help. Even treatment by a doctor can usually not completely heal the symptoms and the tumor, which ultimately leads to death of the person concerned.
As with all other tumor diseases, the person affected should take it easy and not engage in heavy physical activities or sports. A healthy lifestyle with a healthy diet also has a positive effect on the disease and can alleviate the symptoms. Furthermore, the illness should always be discussed with close friends and family in order to avoid possible psychological complaints or depression. Especially with children, sensitive conversations are necessary. Since those affected are usually dependent on chemotherapy, they also need strong support from other people.
Mesothelioma can usually be prevented well by avoiding asbestos. In particular, direct contact with the chemical must be avoided. Since this is unfortunately not possible in all professional groups, these groups depend on appropriate protective clothing to avoid the disease.