Mineral deficiency is the lack of iron, fluorine and other minerals. It is usually harmless, but it can also lead to various complaints if it is not corrected.
What is mineral deficiency?
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Minerals deficiency describes the lack of essential minerals. These include iron, iodine, fluoride, zinc, chromium, copper and molybdenum.
They are required by the organism to ensure important functions such as muscle growth and the ability to think. They also control various processes in the human body.
A deficiency is therefore very dangerous and can lead to a wide variety of secondary diseases such as soft bones, cellulite and hair loss. Mental illnesses such as depression and severe malaise can also be the result of a mineral deficiency.
Mineral deficiency has many causes. It is often caused by an incorrect and unbalanced diet or one-sided diet. The consumption of ready-made meals is a common cause as they contain hardly any minerals and nutrients.
Heavy sweating can also cause the symptoms. Likewise diarrhea and vomiting, anorexia or abuse of laxatives. Furthermore, mineral deficiency is often a result of alcoholism.
This is because alcohol slows the absorption of electrolytes, which sooner or later leads to a deficiency. A clear sign is the nocturnal leg cramp. Finally, mineral deficiencies can also result from excessive intake of diuretics, as important minerals are excreted in the urine.
In addition to these causes, there are a number of diseases that can cause a lack of minerals. This includes above all diabetes and various kidney diseases. Disorders of the hormonal balance bring the production of minerals out of balance and also cause a deficiency.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A mineral deficiency can show itself in various symptoms. It depends on which mineral is not at the physiological level and how severe the deficiency is. Since minerals have different functions in the body, the symptoms of mineral deficiency are also different. Some typical deficiency symptoms are shown below as an example.
Disorders of the muscle and nerve function are classic for a magnesium deficiency. The spectrum ranges from nocturnal calf cramps to palpitations and cardiac arrhythmias to restlessness and nervousness as well as anxiety attacks. The performance of affected persons is therefore often located in the physical as well as in the psychological area.
Like magnesium, potassium also has an important influence on the heart. Deficiency can also trigger a faster heartbeat or palpitations. Cramps and paralysis, circulatory problems or a tingling sensation in certain areas of the body are also possible signs of a potassium deficiency. In the area of digestion, this can also cause constipation.
Iron deficiency is also common in the population and leads to classic symptoms. One of the main symptoms in this context is a noticeable paleness, which is often a sign of marked anemia. Other signs of iron deficiency include tiredness and decreased performance. Shivering, headache and shortness of breath are typical symptoms of iron deficiency. In the cardiovascular system, dizziness and palpitations are possible consequences of iron deficiency.
Diagnosis & course
A variety of symptoms can be used to diagnose a mineral deficiency. This includes, for example, reduced performance, which is associated with impaired concentration. Sleep disorders can also occur and make the symptoms worse.
Skin and mucous membrane changes can also occur. Tooth decay is caused by a lack of iron, and digestive disorders are also a cause of mineral deficiency. If the deficiency lasts a long time, nerve and muscle damage as well as coagulation disorders can occur. Likewise anemia and abnormal changes in the mucous membrane. The complexion itself can also change and, for example, dry out.
In addition, each mineral fulfills very specific tasks and can accordingly cause a wide variety of complaints. Iodine deficiency is particularly risky and can be identified in children by growth disorders.
In order to make the exact diagnosis, the doctor first takes the patient's medical history. This can be followed by physical examinations. The blood count may also be examined. Likewise the teeth and the skin. Normally, the diagnosis can be made quickly and treatment of the mineral deficiency initiated. The course of a deficiency in minerals is usually harmless. Normally, mild symptoms like cramps in the legs or dejection disappear after the supply of the appropriate minerals.
However, if too few minerals are taken over a long period of time, this can have serious consequences. In addition to the secondary diseases mentioned, such as tooth decay and cellulite, a deficiency can also have fatal consequences. In particular, important salts such as sodium should therefore be taken directly with food or in the form of dietary supplements. Special drinks with electrolytes and other minerals are also useful.
As a rule, the further course of a mineral deficiency depends very much on the cause and the particular mineral with which the deficiency is present. For this reason, a general prediction cannot be made. However, the mineral deficiency always has a negative effect on the patient's health and should therefore always be avoided.
Complications from a mineral deficiency usually only occur if this has been prevalent over a long period of time or is very pronounced. Those affected can suffer from headaches or sleep disorders. It is also not uncommon for digestive disorders to occur, as well as disorders of coordination and concentration. The quality of life is significantly reduced by the lack of minerals.
Those affected appear tired and lacking drive and the patient's resilience is greatly reduced. In some cases, the mineral deficiency can also lead to anemia, which also has a very negative effect on the everyday life of the person concerned. In children, this deficiency can lead to stunted growth and thus impaired development. As a rule, the mineral deficiency can be remedied relatively easily so that there are no further complications. In the case of tooth decay, it must be treated by a dentist.
When should you go to the doctor?
Whether you should go to the doctor in the event of a mineral deficiency essentially depends on its severity and the resulting symptoms. Nevertheless, it makes sense to visit if a deficiency is suspected. Because many diseases have a similar appearance as the mineral deficiency, so that the delimitation by the doctor is advisable. For example, iron deficiency can cause the same fatigue that causes severe infection. Potassium deficiency can cause palpitations and stumbling of the heart, which can also indicate panic attacks or heart disease. An exact clarification is therefore important in order to work out the cause of a symptom and to be able to compensate for a mineral deficiency at an early stage.
Later, after the diagnosis, there are two main reasons for going to the doctor. If a serious mineral deficiency is compensated by therapy, the success of the treatment should be checked. Diagnostics, for example the iron values (ferritin, hemoglobin), can provide a statement when a substitution with minerals can be ended. Another point for a visit to the doctor is the patient's doubts as to whether minerals are actually stored in the body. For example, intestinal diseases can make the absorption of minerals much more difficult. If the patient's complaints do not improve or even worsen through the administration of minerals, this is a reason to go to the doctor again.
Treatment & Therapy
The therapy for mineral deficiency is primarily based on supplying the missing minerals. If there is a lack of fluorine, appropriate tablets or other preparations can be administered as in the case of an iodine or iron deficiency.
If the symptoms are only minor, it is often sufficient to balance the mineral balance by consuming the appropriate food. However, if damage has already occurred, further measures must be taken.
Tooth decay caused by a lack of fluorine must be treated by a dentist, while damaged skin should be examined by a dermatologist. If psychological problems have already arisen as a result of the deficiency, a psychiatrist may have to be called in.
In many cases it is sufficient to change your diet. Raw food is an important factor to compensate for a mineral deficiency and to reduce psychological and physical complaints.
Outlook & forecast
The prognosis for a mineral deficiency depends on the missing minerals and the duration of the deficiency. With all forms of mineral deficiency, persistent health problems are not expected if they are corrected quickly. The human body can cope well with a temporary deficiency in certain substances, such as iron, magnesium or sodium.
It becomes problematic when the mineral deficiency has existed for a long time and has already damaged the organism. Here, too, there is a good prognosis with treatment, but organ and nerve damage can be permanent. Thyroid problems due to iodine deficiency are somewhat more difficult to treat and can lead to long-term damage due to hormonal changes. Other ailments caused by mineral deficiency, such as anemia, skin problems and lack of concentration, can be repaired.
The prognosis is therefore usually very good with a mineral deficiency. In countries with good medical care and a wide range of food, the diagnosis of a mineral deficiency is already the first step towards improvement. The prospect of overcoming the deficiency is poor only if the required minerals are not available. A metabolic disorder, which prevents or impedes the absorption of certain substances, can also worsen the prognosis.
Mineral deficiencies can be prevented by making sure to consume all the important minerals. Healthy people achieve this through a balanced diet that is based on the food pyramid. People with alcoholism may need intravenous treatment to prevent deficiency. You should also consult a doctor who will monitor the mineral balance and intervene directly at the first sign of a deficiency. The same is true for people who have diabetes or vomiting.
Athletes who sweat a lot should adapt their diet to the higher nutrient consumption and possibly take nutritional supplements. This should also be done in consultation with a specialist. A balanced diet can therefore effectively prevent mineral deficiencies.
The aftercare aims to prevent the mineral deficiency from recurring. After a successful initial therapy, this is usually the responsibility of the patient. He chooses a suitable diet. Fish, meat, poultry and nuts are ideally suited to meet the demand. Vitamins are also a must on the menu.
Several servings of fruits and vegetables should be consumed daily. A mineral deficiency due to an unbalanced diet, an operation, pregnancy or competitive sport can be countered with the measures listed. A doctor will diagnose mineral deficiencies through blood tests.
In addition, the typical complaints provide an indication. Longer follow-up care is usually necessary if a gastrointestinal disease or a tumor is causing the deficiency. Substitute preparations are to be taken as prescribed. Regular blood tests will follow. Complications cannot be prevented. The time of diagnosis is decisive for the success of a treatment.
The earlier the deficiency is discovered, the better the prognosis. Therefore, people with persistent tiredness, constant headaches and persistent concentration difficulties should definitely consult a doctor. This is especially true for patients who have already suffered from mineral deficiency.
You can do that yourself
If you suspect a mineral deficiency, you should first speak to your doctor. The doctor will primarily recommend a change in diet.
A healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grain products and fish or lean meat is usually enough to quickly supply the body with all the minerals it needs. Regular exercise and adequate sleep support the diet and strengthen the immune system. If the mineral deficiency has already caused damage, further measures must be initiated. In the case of tooth decay, a dentist should be consulted, while a damaged skin is best examined by a dermatologist.
As a self-help, it is advisable to counteract the symptoms through hygiene measures and a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes home remedies also help. A classic cucumber mask can help with skin problems. For tooth decay, cloves or turmeric can be tried. Psychological complaints are best dealt with through coping strategies and discussions with a therapist. Occasionally, a break from work or contact with new people helps. Valerian, lavender, sage and other natural remedies are ideal for stress and anxiety.