Benjamin Oltmann showed how it was done and lost 30 kg in just five months with his special low-carb concept. The Lüneburg resident is now in a good figure and can go through life self-confident and healthy again. Now he would like to help other former comrades in suffering to become slim. He has been promoting his low-carb method since 2014. His work: “Losing weight without hunger” is already being traded as a “weight loss bible” in the scene. It is said to have helped customers achieve their desired weight in the six-digit range. We therefore take a close look at his nutrition plan, explain how low carb differs from low fat and what is special about Benjamin Oltmann's diet. We would also like to name the advantages and disadvantages of low carb so that everyone can make a conscious decision for or against Benny's concept.
A first rethink took place in the 1970s
The low carb diet represents a paradigm shift. The 1970s were the decade in which, for the first time in history, health issues and the desire to lose weight found a broad social base. The media reported on the subject of health and highlighted nutritional issues in many ways.
The rapidly increasing prosperity in the western world since the end of the Second World War had brought to light the downside of a high-calorie and one-sided diet. This was also true because people tended to go for taste instead of health, and sugar, fat, heat and salt are all attractive flavor enhancers.
It was mostly unhealthy foods that spread inflationarily based on the principle of supply and demand and fueled by omnipresent advertising. As a reaction to the "diseases of civilization" resulting from unhealthy diet and too little exercise, the desire for alternatives arose, awareness of health issues took place at a rapid pace and after the feeding wave came the health wave. Now there was a corresponding demand for dishes with low calories. In the course of globalization, this was a parallel development in the entire western world.
Wrong ways and chances of repentance
The masses were given an apparent weight and health solution with Low Fat. Even if the Atkins diet, which dates back to Robert Atkins, had already existed in the 1970s, this low-carb diet swam against a tremendous current and did not gain the importance it deserved. Many advocates of low carb attribute the massive health problems since then to what they consider to be the false low fat campaign.
They point out that since then the number of overweight people has doubled and the number of diabetics tripled in the United States alone. Like the drummer Benjamin Oltmann today, they argue that people have taken the wrong direction when it comes to questions about diet and nutrition and plead for a change of direction, i.e. for low carb instead of low fat.
Differentiation between low carb and ketogenic diets
The most important nutritional concepts with a focus on avoiding sugar are the ketogenic diet and low carb.Those who prefer ketogenic recipes eat a large part of fats and try to have a lipid content of 80% in their diet. The carbohydrate-free diet is said to lead to ketosis, which is an alternative metabolism compared to the glucose metabolism. With this diet, acidic ketone bodies are formed from the fats in the liver, which are then converted into energy.
Followers of the ketogenic diet point to the benefits that this diet brings with it. It is mentioned again and again that the body is supplied with energy in a much more sustainable manner and freed from the constant feeling of hunger. The user gains a new level of mental clarity and saves additional energy through the only three to five-step ketone metabolism. Glucose, on the other hand, is a rather dirty form of nutrition, as it is not only erratic and volatile, but also causes inflammation.
However, critics point out that a high-fat diet brings its own risks and problems. For example, clogged arteries due to fat, high cholesterol levels, digestive problems, unclean skin and mental sluggishness are mentioned. At this point, however, it should be put into perspective that, as with carbohydrates or sugar and starch, there are also healthy and unhealthy fats with fats in the form of unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids, of which the trans fats from the deep fryer are the most harmful to health.
With low carb, on the other hand, a balanced diet is aimed for and proteins are given greater consideration or even preferred by Benjamin Oltmann over fats. Overall, this diet is much healthier, more attractive and involves less sacrifice, which helps curb the yo-yo effect that is the pink elephant in every diet.
Those who eat according to Benny's weekly schedule will find numerous dishes in their cookbook - whether warm or cold - that are extremely rich in protein. With a no carb diet, users are consistently interested in eating without carbohydrates and thus in weight loss recipes without carbohydrates.
Sugar: macronutrient or unnatural?
Determined opponents of sugar like to compare it with nicotine and attribute a similarly toxic effect to it as a "white poison". The comparison lags in the relationship that nicotine is an artificially added toxin - after all, sugar is a macronutrient. Nevertheless, the proportion of sugar in our diet is quite unnatural.
For example, a source dates from 1370 according to which 1 kg of sugar and two musk oxen changed hands in a barter deal. Today, on the other hand, sugar is found in almost every food and the proportion of sugar in the diet has increased roughly twenty-fold compared to 200 years ago.
The benefits of not using sugar
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In this respect, consumers would reduce their sugar consumption to a more natural level through a low carb diet according to Oltmann's suggestions. The dreaded food cravings, which the consumption of sugar has been proven to cause, do not occur and the satiety effect from meals based on proteins and fats happens much faster and more sustainably. The pancreas is on vacation most of the time, which saves further energy. In addition, excess carbohydrates can no longer be converted into fats when the depots are full.
Since the metabolism prioritizes sugar utilization, it can now devote itself to burning fat without being disturbed. This is the background for the concept of Benjamin Oltmann, who allows a moderate amount of sugar in the morning in his diet, but wants to drastically reduce carbohydrates in the evening. In this way, the body can turn to burning fat undisturbed during the long period of the night and the pounds tumble during sleep.
In addition, the diet is much healthier if sugar is largely excluded, because the non-branched carbohydrates in the form of single and double sugars are not embedded in a healthy matrix, but empty calories. Avoiding sugar also reduces inflammation, metabolic diseases and high blood pressure.
It also protects the liver, teeth and bones and limits the risk of cancer, dementia and stroke. Ultimately, users of the Oltmann diet can have realistic chances of improving their complexion and mental wellbeing.
The disadvantages of low carb
Sugar has become an indispensable part of our culture. Daily bread alone, but also baked goods of all kinds and pizza at Italians constantly awaken promises. In this respect, the temptation to fall back into old eating habits is great, especially at the beginning. Benjamin Oltmann goes a long way towards his customers with his balanced nutritional profile and delicious dishes. Enthusiastic users of the Oltmann Diet certify that the spiritus rector has successfully eliminated the contradiction between taste and health.
Another problem is that our metabolism is adjusted to the glucose metabolism due to the massive spread of sugar in food, so that it takes some time for it to adapt. It is precisely this familiarization period that newcomers to low carb usually find particularly stressful. This is also true because sugar activates the reward system in the brain and a feeling of dependence on sugar has long since developed.
So the brain screams for sugar during this acclimatization phase and doesn't get it delivered. Also because sugar is a direct source of energy, this is the cause of irritability, but also dullness, which beginners of low carb often report before the fruits of the change are harvested. However, Benjamin Oltmann has also prevented this problem with his concept of “losing weight while sleeping” by allowing a moderate consumption of carbohydrates until the evening.
After all, users of low carb should make sure that their diet does not lead to over-acidification of the body, as the acid-base ratio becomes imbalanced. This problem is particularly threatening when consuming large amounts of meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and legumes. However, this is also not what Benjamin Oltmann wants. Such a diet would not be responsible, also with a view to the ecology of the planet, especially since the trend is not least because of this, from animal sources of energy to vegetable ones.
How do you get into Oltmann's group?
Anyone who would like to give Benjamin Oltmann's low carb diet a chance can find Oltmann on the Internet and on Facebook. The nutrition expert maintains a blog there, which provides further information on his concept and losing weight without hunger as well as helpful tips and tricks.
Users are also given access to an exclusive Facebook group with professional nutritional advice and personal support. The activation takes place automatically with the purchase of Oltmann's cookbook, where the reader will find lots of weight loss tips and tricks as well as numerous delicious low-carbohydrate dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Even if you don't always feel like cooking, you will get your money's worth with your daily schedule, for example with a light summer dish. Many dishes are simply prepared, the user can do without cooking and he benefits from the quick preparation of a high proportion of vitamins and valuable trace elements.