The Mung bean, the annual plant, belongs to the butterflies and legumes. It is related to various other crops, such as the native bean. The easily digestible mung bean is very versatile. It can be eaten raw, fried or blanched.
What you should know about the mung bean
The main growing areas for mung beans, the small green kernels, are India and Southeast Asia, where they are a popular accompaniment to rice dishes. The beans are now used all over Asia, as they are one of the most important crops here.
In Europe and America it is also enjoying increasing popularity. The mung bean, an annual herbaceous plant, usually grows upright, heavily branched and reaches heights of up to 150 cm, but there are also twisting and semi-creeping varieties. The stems have brown, stiff and spreading hairs. Usually only two legumes develop on a fruit cluster.
The taste of the mung bean is mild and subtle. The bean is about the size of a pea and has an elongated oval shape.
It is often confused with the soybean because the two types of beans are similar, but mung beans are smaller and the taste is much fresher and slightly nutty. They are also better tolerated compared to other legumes. The mung beans can be bought fresh all year round. They are either consumed as beans or used for sprouting. This is where the mung bean sprouts are made, which are great in salads and soups, for example. The mung bean is a miracle in terms of ingredients and, despite its small size, has a lot going for it.
Importance to health
Many positive effects are ascribed to the mung bean in Chinese medicine. It strengthens the heart and stomach, has a decongestant and detoxifying effect.
The reason for this is that the protein in the beans, when consumed in liquid form or as a powder, forms a protective film over the stomach lining. As a result, many toxins cannot get into the bloodstream. It is also helpful in the treatment of acne, because it has a disinfectant and antibacterial effect. The development of the staphylococci is also inhibited. The reason for this are the tannins, flavnoids and phytosterols contained in the legume. In addition, the consumption of the mung bean has a positive effect on blood lipid levels. The plentiful consumption of mung beans is also said to prevent the development of liver and lung cancer.
Ingredients & nutritional values
Nutritional information | Amount per 100 gram |
Calories 347 | Fat content 1.2 g |
cholesterol 0 mg | sodium 15 mg |
potassium 1,246 mg | carbohydrates 63 g |
protein 24 g | Fiber 16 g |
The extremely healthy mung bean is much easier to digest than the conventional bean and does not cause gas in most people. It is also very nutritious because it contains various valuable ingredients. For example, it has a fairly high protein content, which is very valuable due to its high lysine content.
For example, vegans and vegetarians who do not consume enough protein because they do not eat meat can benefit from this. The sprouts, which can also be eaten raw, are low in calories, but contain plenty of fiber, carbohydrates, folic acid and valuable vitamins such as vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E and niacin. With around 1.2 percent fat, it is fairly low in fat, which is offset by the approximately 60 percent carbohydrates.
Still, the mung bean is low in calories. Other important ingredients in the exotic mung bean include minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. It is rich in vitamins, low in calories, easily digestible and contributes significantly to a balanced and healthy diet.
Intolerances & allergies
When people eat foods to which they are allergic, symptoms of intolerance and disease sometimes appear. For example, red and itchy spots and wheals on the skin are typical. The mung bean also causes such an allergy in some people.
Shopping & kitchen tips
The mung bean is available in Asian shops and health food stores whole, but also in the peeled and halved form. The whole, unpeeled beans are green, while the fruits that have already been processed are yellow in color. The fresh mung bean sprouts are also available.
The dried mung beans can be kept for about a year if they are optimally packaged and stored. The sprouts of the mung beans should be consumed within two days if possible. However, mung beans can also be frozen if necessary. After defrosting, however, they are no longer crunchy and are then only suitable for pan and wok dishes. To do this, the beans can simply be frozen in the pan. Mung beans are also offered in jars and tins. In terms of taste, however, they are not that delicate.
It is also possible to grow the mung beans yourself. To do this, the seeds are first soaked in water. Once they have soaked up with the water, put them in a pot that has a hole in the lower area, because the water must be able to drain off. Then they are poured over with water several times a day. The pot is covered with a cloth during this time. If the sprouts are large enough after three to five days, they can be eaten, regardless of whether they are raw or as vegetables. The latter can be prepared very gently and with little fat in the wok.
Preparation tips
The exotic mung beans can be used in many ways. Both the sprouts, the beans and the fresh pods are suitable for consumption. It is also possible to use them fresh or dried. The mung beans are also ideal for processing in a raw vegetable salad or in Asian wok dishes.
Casseroles are also popular with it. The taste of the mung beans, for example, goes very well in casseroles with salmon and fennel. Eggs, cheese, leek, oil and spices can also be added. If you want to taste hearty pancakes, you can fill them with minced meat, onions, curry and sesame oil in addition to the mung bean sprouts. With its nutty, mild taste, the mung bean complements pan-fried dishes or side dishes perfectly, but if it is possible depending on the recipe, it should only be heated briefly so that the crispness remains.
In Asia it is often processed into puree. The seedlings, which are very rich in vitamins, are also suitable for raw consumption. The dried mung beans are also processed into flour, which is used, for example, to make Asian glass noodles. The mung bean is a staple food in India as well as an important source of protein. Here they are a popular snack between meals. In general, mung beans from controlled organic cultivation are recommended.