A Penile fracture, i.e. a rupture of the erectile tissue or the surrounding tissue layer, is a rare but serious injury to the male genital organ. A Penile rupture always requires medical attention, in most cases an operation cannot be avoided in order to prevent possible long-term consequences such as erectile dysfunction.
What is a penile fracture?
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The term Penile fracture can be misunderstood as the so-called penile rupture is not a broken bone. The penis does not contain any bone.
When the penis ruptures, the tunica albuginea tears, the layer of tissue that surrounds the erectile tissue of the penis and which helps to maintain an erection. The erectile tissue of the penis itself can be overstretched or even tear.
A penile rupture can only occur in the erect state, namely when the erect member is bent too much. A penile rupture is relatively rare, but almost always requires medical attention.
The most common causes of a Penile rupture are related to vaginal intercourse or masturbation. The penis can kink when it hits the pelvic bone or the perineum of the woman.
This happens most often when the woman sits on top of the man ("rides") during intercourse and loses the penis so that the penis becomes kinked by her weight. Penile ruptures can also occur if an attempt is made to erect the penis hide and it is pushed down too much.
Only rarely can a man rupture his penis while sleeping. This can happen when he lies with his entire weight on the erect limb and this is strongly bent as a result. If the penis is injured when it is flaccid, for example through kicks or blows, this does not result in penile rupture. This injury can only occur with an erection.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
In most cases, a penile fracture is immediately apparent from a cracking noise in the erect member. There is a sudden loss of the erection (which is a prerequisite for the erectile tissue rupture) and thus a brief relaxation of the limb. There is immediate severe pain in the torn area of the erectile tissue, which can radiate. The pain can affect the lower abdomen, testicles, and back.
There is one or more swellings. Blue and red hematomas appear very quickly and sometimes discolour the entire limb. The swellings can also affect the pubic bone and testicles, depending on the location of the rupture. The swelling can lead to an unnatural curve of the limb that runs around the intact erectile tissue. Correspondingly, the bend is mostly up to the right or up to the left.
In some cases the rupture is palpable and allows the limb to be pressed in at the point of greatest swelling. In rare cases, a cavernous body rupture also occurs, which allows blood to leak out of the urethra. However, this is a rare symptom of penile fracture.
Diagnosis & course
The diagnosis is made by looking and touching the attending physician. The suspected diagnosis often results from the preparation of the anamnesis. Typically, those affected describe a loud cracking noise.
The penis slackens immediately and the man feels a sharp pain in the genital area. In addition, a large, dark hematoma can be seen on the swollen penis. This bruise alone usually allows for a simple visual diagnosis. If the urethra has been injured, blood may appear in the urine. In order to diagnose an injury to the urethra, a urethography is created, i.e. an X-ray of the urethra in which a contrast agent is injected.
The further course of this injury depends on the treatment. Basically, the prognosis is good. Failure to receive treatment can lead to penile curvature or erectile dysfunction.
A rupture of the penis entails a number of complications that occur more frequently the longer the patient waits to operate on the erectile tissue involved. It is important that acting quickly and taking medical care of the limb and urethra can prevent complications that may arise.
For example, a fracture of the penis can lead to a curvature of the penis (acquired curvature of the penis) as the tissue may scar or heal in a compressed form. Such a curvature is primarily an aesthetic problem, but, depending on the severity, can also lead to considerable difficulties during sexual intercourse.
Urethral narrowing can also occur. It can come about through a narrowing of the defective tissue or through an injury to the urethra as part of medical care. This can cause it to scar. This leads to problems with urination, an increased susceptibility to infections and can lead to pain. A narrowing of the urethra is treatable.
If the erectile tissue is irreparably damaged or if there is nerve damage, erectile dysfunction can occur.The partial or complete loss of erectile function often means severe psychological stress for those affected. There may also be pain if erections occur after an operation. It is possible that these will last for a long time.
When should you go to the doctor?
If a noise similar to a crack can be heard in the man's genital area during the sexual act, this is often a broken penis. A doctor's visit should be made immediately, as severe pain in the limb sets in immediately. If there is swelling on the penis and the erection regresses immediately, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Discoloration, bruising and the spread of pain should be presented to a doctor as soon as possible.
Due to the numerous risks, side effects and complications, you should refrain from taking painkilling medication yourself. The medicines are only to be taken after consulting a doctor in order to achieve the best possible treatment result. If the break point on the male member can be felt, action is required. If there is bleeding from the penis, sequelae have developed from the penile fracture. A doctor's visit is necessary so that there is no increase in further complaints.
Behavioral problems, aggressive tendencies or tearfulness are additional signs of a health irregularity. If there is a palpitations, disturbances of the heart rhythm as well as clouding of consciousness, the person concerned needs help. In the event of a loss of consciousness, the emergency doctor must be alerted. In these cases, those present are obliged to initiate first aid measures so that there are no further impairments or life-threatening conditions.
Treatment & Therapy
To prevent any complications, it is advisable to see a doctor immediately if you suspect one Penis injury consists. In very many cases an operation is unavoidable. This is all the more promising the faster it can be carried out.
An operation is intended to prevent the penile rupture from causing further functional disorders. As a first measure after a penile rupture, cooling the affected area by applying ice is recommended, as this reduces the extent of the swelling. If there is no severe rupture, conservative treatment can be used. A pressure bandage is placed and the penis is cooled.
Since a penile rupture is very painful, pain medication is also given. There is also a treatment with medication to reduce painful erections. After an operation on the penis, it is necessary to have no sexual intercourse for at least four weeks so that the seam can heal well and is not exposed to heavy loads.
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An untreated or only conservatively treated penile fracture can have significant consequences, depending on its severity. In the area of the rupture, there is initially a risk of bacterial infection. This can be minimized by administering antibiotics. In addition to persistent pain and swelling, expanding bruises can develop in individual cases. The urethra can also be affected and narrow. Blood in the urine is an indicator of this. If such a urethral constriction develops, bladder and kidney problems can occur as a result.
A penis curvature ("penis deviation") is possible as a long-term consequence of the erectile tissue rupture. This develops when the tissue heals or scars when compressed. Some men experience erectile dysfunction up to impotence in connection with an acquired penile curvature. Penile deviation can also lead to pain during subsequent sexual intercourse.
If the fracture is operated on in a timely manner, the chances of an uncomplicated healing are statistically very good. Later operations, especially after bridging conservative treatment, regularly lead to good results.
Some men report sexual dysfunction despite successful surgery. These can be a temporary emotional consequence of the fact that the penis fracture was experienced as traumatic. Psychotherapeutic treatment can support the path to holistic recovery.
Basically are Penile ruptures rare injuries mainly caused by very violent sexual activity. Awareness that such a thing as penile rupture exists and how it can arise is an important step in preventing injury. In addition, care should be taken with the penis during sexual intercourse and masturbation.
As a rule, no medical follow-up is necessary after a penis fracture. The disease heals well with appropriate protection. Complications and consequences are the exception. A penis fracture can recur at any time. The male member is always in an excited state. Patients should therefore refrain from excessive movements during comedy as part of follow-up care. This prevents another break.
The attending physician informs about unsuitable use. It is up to the person concerned to implement the recommendations. Despite the scientific possibilities, there are sometimes consequences from a penile fracture. These consist of a narrowing of the urethra or impotence.
These diseases bring with them the need for further therapies. Organic malfunctions are best treated surgically. Imaging procedures such as an MRI or CT provide information about the extent of the disease. Erectile dysfunction, on the other hand, is usually associated with psychological causes. A doctor may prescribe talk therapy or medication to increase pleasure if necessary.
Unlike cancer, a penile fracture does not require close follow-up examinations. Consequences are rarely to be expected after complete healing. If they do occur, the diseases must be remedied as part of further treatment.
You can do that yourself
In the event of a penis fracture, an emergency doctor must be called or they must be transported to the emergency room quickly. Self-treatment or attempts at self-therapy are not recommended. Wearing loose clothing helps support medical care. Tight-fitting underpants or pants intensify existing pain and should therefore not be worn. The buttocks area should be protected from the effects of foreign objects. Therefore, the pockets of the items of clothing should be emptied so that neither keys nor a mobile phone can come into contact with the intimate area through movement.
During the healing process, sexual activities of any kind should be avoided. This also includes cognitive processes and sexual fantasies. The corpus cavernosum must be relieved and would hurt immediately if sexually stimulated. Mental stress should be reduced to avoid erectile dysfunction later on. An inner serenity in dealing with what has happened and the possible consequences help with a quick recovery.
In order to prevent future sexual dysfunction, possible fears should be reduced. The sexual practices should be reconsidered and changed. Change of position, the use of other sexual utensils and better arrangements during the act with the sexual partner help. In order for infections or other diseases to develop, sufficient and, above all, sterile wound care should be ensured.