divergent thinking



We explain what divergent thinking is and what its objectives are. Also, the origin of this method and how to promote it.

Divergent thinking is considered the most traditional, structured and rational.

What is divergent thinking?

Divergent thinking o lateral thinking, It's that one process or method of thinking that the brain uses to generate creative ideas by exploring all the possible solutions of how to face each circumstance.

This process occurs in people spontaneously and quickly, because all ideas are generated in a small amount of weather and are usually linked together to speed up the process and draw the possibilities in our minds. In turn, this type of thinking is considered the most traditional, structured and rational.

Divergent thinking stands out as it arises from the stimuli it receives and not from the facts. By having this base, the possibility arises for different trajectories to occur and, therefore, different conclusions.

To explain it in an even simpler way, we can say that the mind from a single stimulus (questions or conflict situations, for example) will give rise to different ideas that will be analyzed to decide which is the most accurate.

Then, this branch of thought will work together with convergent thinking, whose function is to follow a certain number of logical steps in order to reach a conclusion.

Goals of divergent thinking

Divergent thinking improves and increases creative capacity.

The main objective divergent thinking is to be able to analyze the different points of view of the same problem, modify their habits of thought and keep them always changing and, in addition, multiply the amount of ideas that we are capable of producing based on a problem or stimulus that comes our way.

However, not only by developing divergent thinking will we be able to improve and increase our creativity; you also need to develop mental flexibility.

Origin of divergent thinking

Divergent thinking is considered to arise in the Renaissance and it is considered as the dominant type of thought in Modernity, because it is the strategy used by artists, scientists and politicians alike.

Regarding the use that is given in the science, it is essential that this way of thinking is used because it is important that in research each step they perform is analyzed and reviewed in an appropriate and detailed manner.

Today, even though this method is recognized by specialists, in schools and in any field of the education there continues to be a fairly traditional way of teaching and learning. That is, the exercises and problems They must perform in the different subjects only have a single solution as correct and if they find an alternative or different solution to the one established, they are rated with a bad score.

The reason why education is this way is because it was decided to develop the logical deduction capacity of the students. However, in some countries new methods are developed and implemented in schools to encourage the development of divergent thinking and creativity thereof. These new forms of evaluation are intended to increase, and thus reward, the ability to think differently.

Convergent thinking

Convergent thinking reduces the ability to develop creativity.

Unlike divergent thinking, convergent thinking states that the only way to solve or face a problem is by following certain previously determined steps.

However, the defenders of this method are criticized that in this way there will only be one way to solve the problems and, therefore, only one way to draw conclusions.

In turn, this method reduces the ability to develop creativity because it limits the possibility of innovating and creating new possible solutions or ideas.

How to promote divergent thinking?

There are several ways to exercise divergent thinking in order to increase our creativity and the ability to analyze conflicts more deeply and with more options when deciding what to do.

For example, some activities that we can carry out to promote this method is to create a list of questions so that we can think and reflect on them. Conceptual maps, networking, and a free writing routine may also be possible options for exercising this way of thinking.

Free writing consists of focusing on a particular topic and beginning to write about it in a short time stipulated in order to exercise our conscience.

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