
We explain what perseverance is and how people act without this ability. Also, how perseverance is taught.

Perseverance is related to effort, will, strength, and patience.

What is perseverance?

Perseverance is considered a virtue that brings us closer to our goals.

Being persistent is considered by many to be moving forward in a draft Despite the obstacles that may appear, however, this notion is incomplete because perseverance also includes the ability, the will and the mettle to continue efforts, even without setbacks, to achieve a goal.

When we are persevering we overcome fatigue, setbacks and frustration with the illusion of approaching a dream, of making a particular goal come true. All our efforts are valid, since we know the value of what we want.

Persistent people always finish what they started, are determined and have a strong will. It is a value that is highly recognized and appreciated in the society. Anyone considering a objectiveAnd fight through thick and thin to achieve it, you have what it takes to be successful.

The persevering person does not know of limitsBecause where everyone sees a closed window, she sees a latent opportunity and works very hard to get what she wants. You can even forge a strategy to use your efforts optimally.

Perseverance is closely related to effort, will, strength, and patience. With practice and strong conviction, this group of values ​​can get us out of any complicated situation we are going through.

This is how perseverance not only serves to fulfill our dreams, but also to get up from difficult situations and moments in which we do not feel well emotionally because it asks us to be strong, patient and not stop fighting.

People without perseverance

People without perseverance never get to finish what they start.

People who do not have the value of perseverance in their personalities, they are easily discouraged, they abandon what they propose when the first difficulty appears, they never finish what they start and always choose shortcuts or the simplest path. It is very important to overcome this lack, to understand that perseverance implies a continuous and committed effort.

You cannot accept tasks or set goals that have not been realistically analyzed in advance, since knowing all the future effort that will entail achieving them will bring us closer to achieving them and will prepare us emotionally so as not to lose inspiration on the long and complex road.

How is perseverance taught?

Values ​​and virtues are learned through examples in the home, school, and other circles of socialization throughout life. Children can be taught perseverance with challenging activities.

There are many ways to reward perseverance and thus develop successful people. However, it is never too late to learn and persistence can also be learned through practice.

The next time we feel discouraged and are faced with a difficulty, we must not interrupt our efforts and we must be strong to be able to continue on the path that we had proposed in the first instance.

In the following list we will see activities that teach perseverance to children:

• The sports
• Homework
• Receive compliments and awards for your achievements
• Recognize the mistakes that were made on a failed task.
• The handcrafts
• Group activities
• The study
• The games
• Receive support from mom and dad when you fail

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