If you want to eat healthily, ideally eat fruit and vegetables up to five times a day. This means that there are different variations of salad on the daily menu. One possibility for a crunchy, fresh and healthy taste experience from this area is Romaine lettuce.
What you should know about romaine lettuce
Romaine lettuce is also known by the name in this country Romana salad, Roman salad, Lettuce or Salad. Also the term Binding salad is possible. With older types of romaine lettuce, the heads of lettuce were often tied together.
The aim of this was to achieve an optimal shape and keep the hearts tender and bright. The original origin of the romaine lettuce has not yet been precisely clarified. A distribution from West Asia and the Mediterranean area is assumed. The type of lettuce was already known in Egypt 4,000 years ago. The salad variety got its name - as is easy to assume - due to its use in the Italian city of Rome. Romaine lettuce is botanically assigned to the plant species of the garden salads. These in turn belong to the sunflower family.
Characteristic of the type of salad are the thin, fine and elongated leaves, which are arranged one above the other on the central stem. The head of lettuce has an elongated rather loose shape.
Romaine lettuce grows upright and reaches a height of about 40 centimeters. The average weight is 300 grams per head of lettuce. The elongated leaves are strongly wavy and have clearly recognizable central leaf veins.The outer leaves are bright green, while the inner leaves are slightly yellowish. The taste is more hearty than the related variety - lettuce.
Romaine lettuce is harvested from September to October by local German suppliers and put on the market. During the remaining months, deliveries are made through imports from the Mediterranean countries (Italy, France, Spain) as well as from Austria and the Netherlands. When buying, care should be taken that the leaves are not withered or limp. The heart of the salad is closed for fresh produce. The hearts of romaine lettuce are also sold as separate salad variations.
Importance to health
When it comes to lettuce and therefore also romaine lettuce, opinions differ with regard to the effects on health. Some hold the assumption that the nutritional value of a salad goes to zero.
The others praise the valuable plant substances and the low number of calories. The fact is, the large volume and fiber make romaine lettuce a light meal or side dish. Salad contains mostly water and is low in calories. There are only twelve calories per 100 grams of salad. It is therefore particularly suitable at the beginning of the meal, as the high volume already signals to the brain that enough food has been consumed. In addition to the possible positive effects on body weight, fresh salad also absorbs plant substances such as carotenoids, flavonoids, phytosterols and polyphenols into the body.
This is considered a valuable prophylaxis against cardiovascular diseases. It has been proven, for example, that plant substances can also protect against arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure or that they can minimize type 2 diabetes. The combination of salad and vinegar slows the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood - also a positive effect. Research has shown that fresh lettuce has the ability to bind harmful free radicals in the body. The following applies: the fresher the salad, the higher the positive effect on health.
The fact is: If you pay attention to healthy food in your diet and eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and salad, you will significantly reduce diseases and take care of your own health.
Ingredients & nutritional values
Nutritional information | Amount per 100 gram |
Calories 17 | Fat content 0.3 g |
cholesterol 0 mg | sodium 8 mg |
potassium 247 mg | carbohydrates 3.3 g |
protein 1.2 g | vitamin C 4 mg |
People who are concerned about their health appreciate the excellent nutritional values of romaine lettuce. Few carbohydrates, almost no fat and protein, but plenty of valuable plant substances. In numbers, this means that for every 100 grams of salad there are 3.3 grams of carbohydrates, 0.3 grams of fat and 1.2 grams of protein.
The proven ingredients in romaine lettuce are similar to those of its kind, such as lettuce. The strong leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, B vitamins, provitamin A and minerals such as potassium and calcium. Salad contains a whitish milky juice, which is particularly found in the stems and central stems. This milky juice contains bitter substances that are supposed to protect the plant from pests. But it also influences the taste of the lettuce leaves.
Intolerances & allergies
Basically, salad is a more digestible food. But there are also people who have an allergy or intolerance to aster flowers. Various symptoms such as red, itchy spots, swelling in the face and in the mouth and throat area occur. Irritation of the respiratory tract and eyes is also possible.
Symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract are often observed, such as abdominal pain, nausea or diarrhea. If an intolerance occurs, the food that causes symptoms should be deleted from the menu as far as possible. It should also be noted that lettuce varieties contain nitrate. If the lettuce is kept dark, for example when grown in a greenhouse, the nitrate content increases. This is suspected of causing cancer.
Shopping & kitchen tips
Based on the above facts, the following conclusions can be drawn for the purchase of romaine lettuce. At best, the lettuce is harvested fresh in your own garden.
If this is not possible, fresh lettuce from regional cultivation, which can be bought unpacked and without long transport routes, is generally the healthier option. Freshly picked leaves release vitamins and high-quality plant substances two to three hours after consumption. In the case of packaged lettuce, this could not be proven, or only to a small extent. Greenhouse lettuce not only contains fewer antioxidant ingredients, it also doesn't taste that good.
If the salad is not eaten immediately after purchase, it is dried well and wrapped uncut in damp kitchen paper or in a damp towel. Packaged in this way, romaine lettuce can be kept for two to three days in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Alternatively, a sealable box can be used.
Preparation tips
Romaine lettuce is mainly prepared as a fresh salad with other vegetables and various dressings. Outer leaves are removed, if not already done, and the remaining leaves are individually separated, washed, dried and cut to the desired size. Strong, creamy dressings go well with romaine lettuce.
It is not for nothing that it is a classic basic ingredient of the famous American "Caesar Salad". Romaine lettuce is also used as a vegetable garnish, steamed briefly and gratinated or poured with melted butter. Steam and cooking times are approx. Three to five minutes. The taste of cooked leaf veins is similar to that of asparagus. Suitable combinations are also cheeses such as parmesan.