


We explain what a reference is, the areas in which it is used and its different uses. Also, some synonyms for this term.

A reference operates by substituting words for things.

What is a referral?

It is understood by reference to the relationship that exists between a linguistic expression, such as a word or a phrase, with its correlate in the real world, that is, its referent. It is a fundamental relationship for the language, which operates by substituting words for things, which is why we can talk about what is not there or what does not exist, instead of having to signal everything with gestures.

The references are also the indications, the signs, that provide to the persons who know how to interpret them from a frame (precisely: "frame of reference" or "reference system") that serves as a guide to something. This is widely used in relativistic physics, for example, since a reference system is necessary to be able to determine certain characteristics of a physical phenomenon: its position, its speed, etc.

This also applies to other production systems of knowledge, such as academic and bibliographic, for which it is essential to clarify to the reader where the exposed information came from or what are the sources that were consulted. Thus, a thesis degree or an academic report presents at the end a section of “bibliography” or “references” (like this same article) where it is detailed where the information came from. information.

The latter can be easily verified in reference databases, such as those available libraries and institutes information retrieval.These sites have a huge amount of organized data, which can be accessed through a reference or key, that is, through some partial data that allow finding the correct source (s) of the information. wanted.

In conclusion, the term reference can have many uses, but generally it implies an action to allude, to mention, to indicate or to provide context regarding something. Referring, therefore, is more or less synonymous to allude, mention, relate.

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