


We explain what rigor is, its synonyms and its meaning in different areas. Also, various examples in sentences.

Rigor implies inflexibility but also exactness.

What is rigor?

Rigor is that which proves to be rigorous, that is, that which is very rigid or tends to be inflexible. This word comes from the Latin rigorosus, derived from the verb rules (“to be stiff” or “to be inflexible”), and can have more precise meanings depending on the specific setting in which it is used.

Thus, for example, rigor can be synonymous with commitment, constancy, tenacity Y effort, when we say that someone “works very rigorously” or “is very rigorous with his studies”. In these cases, we mean that this person takes their work or study very seriously, and performs these activities in an absolutely committed way, without wavering or being distracted, that is, that they are very rigid when undertaking them.

Something similar happens when we say that someone "searched for something rigorously" (or rigorously): we mean that he searched tirelessly, exhaustively, with determination and without omitting any place. In this same sense, the term "scientific rigor" or "scientific rigor" is used, which is used to speak of someone's uncompromising commitment to respect the steps of the scientific method, whether his experiment is successful or not.

It is also common to speak of "intellectual rigor" or "intellectual rigour", to describe the inflexible effort that someone puts into analyzing an issue without incurring double standards, that is, using reason and arguments in a uniform, indiscriminate and sincere.

The word "rigorousness", in conclusion, is synonymous with "tenacity", "endeavour", "inflexibility" or "commitment”, and is the antonym of “laxity”, “doubt” or “convenience”.

Usage examples in sentences

  • The customs agent checked his passport rigorously, looking at him again and again.
  • We want total rigor in the administration of our money, to know what each cent was spent on.
  • The statistical analysis that we did lacks rigor, there are many variables that we do not take into account.
  • Pedro doesn't study as rigorously as he seems, I've seen him doze on top of the book.
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