The gentle power with the strong effect: People with chronic illnesses often have to cope with the side effects of drugs. Schuessler salts can relieve the organism. Because they provide important minerals, they bring the body into balance.
What are Schuessler salts?
Your name Schuessler salts goes back to the Oldenburg doctor Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (1821 to 1898). Dr. Schüßler was convinced that disturbances in the mineral balance can have devastating effects on the organism. He found 12 healing minerals, on the basis of which he founded the new treatment method "biochemistry".
12 ointments and 12 supplements are after Dr. Schuesslers were added. The following applies to all dosage forms: Schüssler salts regulate the mineral balance and eliminate functional disorders in the body cells.
The entire well-being and beauty benefit from the Schüssler salts. Obesity, thin hair, pale skin and brittle fingernails are alarm signals from the body. They signal that the cell metabolism is not working properly. People complain of ailments even though they consume minerals and trace elements to the usual extent. It should then be assumed that the absorbed salts cannot be completely and appropriately absorbed. This is where the Schüssler salts come into play.
Medical application, effect & use
Schuessler salts open locks in the cell membranes, activate the mineral salts present and thus ensure that the malfunctions are repaired. At the same time, they help the entire organism to use minerals from the diet effectively.
The special processing of the Schüßler salts is crucial to be able to set the healing impulses in the cell, on the cell membrane and in the spaces between cells.
By potentising, the gradual rubbing and dilution of the active ingredients, the effectiveness can be increased with increasing digestion. The aim of this dilution is not to disturb healthy cells in their natural functions, but at the same time to compensate for functional disturbances over the long term.
Usual Schüßler potencies are D3, D6 and D12 (D = decimal power). For example, to produce a 6-D potency, one part salt is rubbed six times in a row with nine parts lactose. D12 twelve times accordingly. Now the D6 drug contains one millionth and the D12 one trillionth of the original substance. This is the only way to ensure effectiveness at the cellular level.
School physicians sometimes question these effects. Scientific studies, for example at the University of Genoa with regard to osteoporosis or Japanese studies on wound healing, confirm the findings of Dr. Schuesslers. According to the findings of the biophysicist Peter Ferreira, Schüßler was way ahead of his time: only crushed mineral salts can pass through the cell membrane.
Each of the twelve Schüssler salts has a special function:
No. 1 Calcium fluoratum is the salt with a support function, for stable joints and elastic tissue.
No. 2 Calcium phosphoricum Has a growth-promoting and strengthening effect, the salt for strong bones.
No. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum brings strength to the immune system.
No. 4 potassium chloratum: The metabolism monitor ensures healthy mucous membranes.
No. 5 Kalium phosphoricum: Just calm down! The salt against nervousness and exhaustion.
No. 6 Kalium sulfuricum: The detoxifying salt removes ballast and repairs damage to the skin and nails.
No. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum is the pain stopper.
No. 8 sodium chloratum: This salt gently regulates the moisture balance.
No. 9 sodium phosphoricum deacidified and is the salt for a healthy metabolism.
No. 10 Sodium sulfuricum: The draining agent among the mineral salts does the internal cleaning.
No. 11 Silicea: Would you like anti-aging? This is Dr. Schuessler's beauty products.
No. 12 Calcium sulfuricum is the cleaning and regeneration agent.
Anyone who has already had experience with the basic salts can also use the ointments and supplementary salts No. 13 to 24.
The possible uses of the Schüssler salts available in pharmacies without a prescription are almost unlimited.
Risks & side effects
Side effects and interactions of Schuessler salts are not known. Anyone who drinks 2 to 3 liters of non-carbonated water a day ensures that the Schüssler salts reach their place of action. It is advisable to take a break every eight weeks, so that the effectiveness remains constant.
The tablets are allowed to dissolve in the mouth after eating. The finely broken down salt molecules pass through the oral mucosa into the blood circulation and into the body cells. In acute stages of the disease, the salts can also be used hot: Dissolve 10 tablets in hot water and drink the solution warm in small sips.
Schüssler salts complement a balanced diet that contains all vitamins and minerals. Medical diagnoses and prescriptions cannot and should not replace them.