The Vaginal inflammation, vaginitis, or colpitis is, besides vaginal fungus, one of the most common genital diseases in women. The causes are mostly bacteria and pathogens that can be transmitted through often changing sexual partners. However, poor hygiene can also be the cause of vaginal inflammation. A typical sign is an increased formation of vaginal discharge.
What is vaginitis?
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The Vaginal inflammation, in medical terminology also as Vaginitis or Colpitis is a common disease among women. Vaginal infections are one of the most common diseases of women; almost every woman is affected by it at least once in her life.
All inflammatory diseases of this female sexual organ are summarized under the term vaginal inflammation. The causes can be very diverse; Incidentally, women after the menopause are particularly susceptible. The term vaginitis is derived from Latin; Vagina is the Latin name for the female vagina.
Vaginal inflammation usually does not last longer than two weeks. However, if this is not treated properly, it can, in the worst case, become chronic.
Main causative agent of Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis) are bacteria and fungi. Vaginal inflammation is one of the sexually transmitted diseases that can often be transmitted during sexual intercourse.
However, vaginitis can also develop quickly due to poor personal hygiene. In principle, the protective mechanism of the female vagina is disturbed in this disease. The normal environment in the vagina has a pH value of four; in the case of vaginal inflammation this value is changed. Especially in the case of frequently changing sexual partners, unwelcome pathogens can penetrate the vagina unhindered.
However, taking antibiotics can also negatively affect the natural environment in the vagina. Mechanical influences can also be considered for the development of this disease. Tampons can be the cause here as well as the use of a diaphragm. As a result of hypothermia in the vagina, blood and oxygen levels in this area can change; this can also cause vaginitis.
Women who have diabetes are also more prone to getting inflammation of the vagina.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
Women affected by vaginitis usually experience burning pain that occurs regardless of mechanical friction. If the vaginitis is based on a fungal infection, there is also painful itching in the genital area. If genital herpes is the cause, blisters and other skin changes form in the area of the vagina.
What the various forms have in common is that the symptoms mainly occur when urinating and during sexual intercourse. In addition, there may be bleeding that occurs outside of your period and is usually more intense than usual. Typically, the discharge is also changed, which depending on the cause, can be watery, thick, bloody or slimy and takes on an unusual odor.
When infected with the fungus Candida albicans, the discharge is whitish-yellow and odorless. Bacterial vaginosis results in a thin discharge with an unpleasant, slightly sour odor. The discharge is yellowish-greenish if the vaginitis is caused by a mixed infection with different bacteria.
The symptoms of vaginal inflammation appear within a few days after infection. If the disease is treated quickly, the symptoms will subside quickly. Untreated vaginitis severely limits the quality of life and well-being, and chronic complaints can also occur.
Course of disease
One of the most common symptoms in a Vaginal inflammation is an increased discharge. This differs from woman to woman and can be watery, purulent, crumbly or even bloody - but mostly it is foul-smelling. The typical fishy smell indicates a bacterial imbalance in the vagina.
In some women, discharge may be accompanied by other symptoms. Burning pain or itching in the vagina are not uncommon. The external genital organs such as the labia may also be affected; in this case, these organs also burn and itch.
In principle, vaginal inflammation heals quickly on its own with the appropriate therapy. However, complications can arise if the inflammation spreads to the lining of the uterus - in this case, the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes can become uncomfortable.
When should you go to the doctor?
The first symptoms of vaginal inflammation, such as slight itching in the genital area and unpleasant smelling discharge, can in many cases be alleviated by simple home remedies: Sitz baths with diluted apple cider vinegar and wearing a tampon dipped in yoghurt for hours have proven particularly effective. In the intimate area, you should pay attention to loose, air-permeable clothing, for intimate hygiene clear water is better than soap-based cleaning products. If these measures do not improve the symptoms within a few days, or if they even worsen, a visit to the gynecologist is recommended to find out whether the vaginitis is caused by bacteria, fungi or other pathogens such as trichomonads.
Burning in the vagina and pain during sexual intercourse should be checked by a doctor even if there is no increased discharge. On the other hand, white-crumbly, yellowish or thin vaginal discharge can occur without itching or other disorders of well-being. Since untreated vaginitis can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes, a medical examination is still advisable. In addition, there is a risk that the pathogens will be transmitted to the partner during unprotected sexual intercourse and that without treatment a permanent “ping-pong effect” will develop.
Pregnant women should immediately consult the treating gynecologist at the first signs of vaginal inflammation such as burning, itching, redness in the genital area or unusual discharge in order to rule out any risk to the unborn child.
Treating a Vaginal inflammation depends on the underlying cause. Since the disease is sexually transmitted, it is advisable to treat your partner at the same time.
A vaginal infection can usually be diagnosed quite clearly by the gynecologist. The mucous membrane is often affected by vesicles and is also swollen or reddened. Smears from this mucous membrane now give an indication of the cause or the pathogen of the disease. In the laboratory, this smear is carefully examined under the microscope.
Antifungals and antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed drugs for vaginal infections. But also special vaginal suppositories or creams usually help against the symptoms of vaginal inflammation quite quickly. By the way, an insider tip that every woman can use at home is a tampon soaked in yogurt. This is inserted into the vagina and helps to restore the natural environment in this area.
In principle, however, the use of a tampon should not be used during a vaginal infection. Vaginal douches should also not be used during this time; you should also refrain from sexual intercourse.
In general, vaginal inflammation is easy to treat yourself in everyday life. However, this should be preceded by a confirmed diagnosis by a gynecologist. If women suffer from vaginitis more often, certain hygiene measures are required.
Vaginal inflammation is caused by bacteria, which must be prevented from spreading further. Under no circumstances should harsh cleaning products be used, which can irritate the sensitive area even more and worsen the problem. Gentle and consistent cleaning is important. The underwear should be changed frequently.
The recommended material is cotton, which can be washed at high temperatures after wearing. Vaginitis creates a bacterial imbalance in the vagina. With lactic acid bacteria, the balance can be restored in a natural way. Special suppositories that are inserted into the vagina help with this.
Alternatively, tampons soaked in natural yoghurt can also be used, which, thanks to their cooling effect, also make the itching that occurs with vaginitis more bearable. During the illness, the patient should refrain from vaginal douching and, if possible, from sexual intercourse. A cramped and humid environment also favors the spread of bacteria. Therefore, tight-fitting clothing made of synthetic fibers, which increase natural sweating, should be avoided during the acute phase.
You can do that yourself
Vaginal inflammation is usually easily accessible to self-help in everyday life. Nevertheless, the gynecologist should confirm the diagnosis in advance as part of a thorough examination. This does not apply to cases in which vaginal inflammation is a known phenomenon in the patient.
Vaginitis is caused by bacteria that have to be prevented from spreading. This requires special hygiene. This does not mean the use of harsh cleaning products, which can further irritate the tissue and exacerbate the problem. Mild but consistent cleaning is important. This also includes underwear, which should be changed frequently. This should be made of cotton and washed at high temperatures after use.
Vaginitis is caused by a bacterial imbalance in the vagina. Lactic acid bacteria are able to restore this balance naturally. These can be inserted into the vagina with special suppositories. A tampon soaked in pure natural yoghurt is a natural alternative and, thanks to its cooling effect, can also alleviate the itching that often occurs with vaginitis.
Density and moisture are factors that promote the spread of bacteria. During the period of illness, pants should not be too tight. Synthetic fiber promotes sweating and is not a good material for underwear when it comes to vaginal inflammation.