Several million people in Germany suffer from Pain syndrome. There is acute and chronic pain. While the acute pain results from an injury or organ disorder and is considered a warning sign, it forms chronic pain, the pain syndrome, from acute pain to independent disease.
What is the pain syndrome?
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At the Pain syndrome it is a state of pain for which no concrete causes could be determined, but which has nevertheless become a clinical picture. There is chronic (long-lasting) pain. With pain syndrome, the affected person feels the suffering, which, however, has no physical cause.
The pain nevertheless becomes a burden, so that therapy is necessary in many cases. In pain syndrome, the chronic pain sensation lasts for a period of at least six months or it recurs at short intervals.
It is possible that the chronic pain disorder occurs suddenly, for example after an illness, but it can also set in slowly, for example through burnout, prolonged, excessive physical exertion, or overstimulation of the nervous system.
Chronic pain is often triggered and sustained by a disease in the body. In addition, however, psychological factors also play a decisive role in pain syndrome. The causes can include diseases or disorders of the musculoskeletal system, such as joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Changes in the nervous system, such as polyneuropathy, can also trigger the pain syndrome. Mental factors are very often the cause of pain syndrome. This also applies in relation to the severity, the experience of pain or the maintenance of the pain.
Pain that results from a physical cause, for example a slipped disc or tension, can easily become chronic if the following psychological factors are present:
- Stress and emotional stress
- Fear related to pain
- passivity
- Relief and poor posture
- Perseverance strategies as dysfunctional behavior patterns
- Sensations and possible consequences of illness are dramatized
- Fear of pain
With regard to the perception of pain, the effects of previous experiences are often included. The interpretation of the stimuli and the behavior that is controlled accordingly are significantly influenced. Acute pain stimuli lead to fear conditioning. This can trigger and intensify the pain, which increases the level of suffering.
For those affected, this leads to excessive expectations of the sensation, combined with a fear that is often a constant companion. The pain determines the behavior of the person affected, because he wants to absorb the stress through adaptive reactions. Therefore, in this case it is important not to attach too much importance to the pain syndrome.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The main symptoms of the pain syndrome include chronic pain that can occur in different parts of the body, persistent fatigue, concentration problems, exhaustion and sleep disorders. The back, neck, chest and joints are often affected by the pain.
The recovery phases after exercise are unnaturally long. Headaches, migraines and toothache are also common with pain syndrome. The symptoms have existed for at least three months. The pain syndrome also manifests itself in secondary symptoms, for example a feeling of swelling in the feet, hands or face, morning stiffness, as well as irritable bowel, stomach and bladder.
Hypersensitivity of the mucous membranes to increased anxiety, irritability, mood swings and depression. Often the sensitivity to noise, light and cold are increased.
The symptoms also include cardiac arrhythmias, dizziness, shaky hands, pain in the kidneys, numbness, increased vein signs, nervous extremities, cramps in the leg muscles, period pain, a tendency to increased sweating and a [decreased sexual interest]].
Diagnosis & course of disease
Diagnosing the pain syndrome is time-consuming due to its very diverse forms. A pain diary, in which all situations in which the pain occurs are recorded, has proven itself well. In addition, all symptoms are noted. The intensity of the pain should be indicated on a scale.
The life situation of the person concerned often has to be taken into account, as relationships and feelings often influence the perception of pain. This is accompanied by a physical, orthopedic and neurological examination, for example using ultrasound, CT, magnetic resonance imaging and neurophysiological diagnostics.
This serves on the one hand to determine diseases, but on the other hand also to exclude them in the case of pain syndrome. A wrong handling of the sensation is often to blame for the fact that the disease worsens. Those affected often take more care of themselves to make the pain more bearable. The rest, however, leads to a breakdown of the muscles as well as a reduced stamina and performance, which can increase the pain and lead to a downward spiral.
Due to the constant stress caused by the pain, mental illnesses such as depression and burnout as well as an increasing deterioration in mood can also occur. The pain syndrome can also have significant consequences in the social environment and lead to a loss of hobbies, friends and often problems at work.
First and foremost, those affected with pain syndrome suffer from severe pain. These themselves are mainly chronic, so that they also occur at night and can lead to sleep problems or to depression and irritation in the person concerned. Furthermore, the patient can become very tired and exhausted.
Most people are unable to concentrate and have severe headaches or toothache. Furthermore, the pain syndrome also leads to mood swings and a high sensitivity to noise and light. The further course of the pain syndrome, however, depends heavily on its cause.
As a rule, organ damage is responsible for this, so that this must be treated. The syndrome can also cause heart problems or paralysis and other sensory disorders. The treatment always takes place causally and depends on the reduction in pain and the treatment of the damaged tissue. There are usually no complications. Most patients, however, are still dependent on various therapies to restore movement in the affected areas.
When should you go to the doctor?
The pain syndrome should usually always be treated by a doctor. This disease cannot heal itself, so that the person affected is always dependent on medical treatment. This is the only way to prevent further complications and other complaints. In the case of pain syndrome, self-healing does not occur in most cases. In the case of pain syndrome, a doctor should especially be consulted if the person concerned suffers from very severe pain that occurs permanently and for no particular reason.
They do not go away on their own and have a negative effect on the quality of life of the person concerned. Furthermore, persistent tiredness and exhaustion can indicate the pain syndrome and should be examined by a doctor. Many patients also suffer from sleep problems, which can even lead to depression. If these symptoms occur, a doctor must also be consulted.
In the case of pain syndrome, a general practitioner can primarily be seen. Further treatment depends heavily on the type of pain and its starting region and is carried out by a specialist. The further course cannot be universally predicted.
Treatment & Therapy
To successfully treat pain syndrome, it is first necessary to identify the cause and factors that make the pain worse. Medication as well as physiological, psychological and social measures offer support. On the one hand, medication can change the perception of pain and, on the other hand, it is possible to interrupt the faulty transmission of pain impulses.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used for mild pain, and opioids for moderate and severe pain. Care must always be taken to ensure that there is no dependency. Anti-epileptics are often prescribed for nerve pain. The following are also helpful in treating pain syndrome:
- Physiotherapy and occupational therapy
- psychotherapy
- acupuncture
- Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
- Autogenic training or other relaxation methods
- Exercise therapy
- Local anesthesia, for example for migraines
- Operations
- Change in lifestyle and diet
The therapy is basically dependent on the cause and is therefore determined individually. Often the pain cannot be completely eliminated, but it can at least be reduced to a tolerable level.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for painprevention
To avoid pain syndrome, exercise can't hurt. It is also important that a specialist is consulted if the pain persists. A healthy lifestyle and diet, the avoidance of stress and a stable social environment also play a role.
Chronic pain is an everyday burden for every patient. With pain syndrome, the symptoms persist for at least six months. The disease is treated with physiotherapy and psychotherapy. This also applies to aftercare. The aim of the follow-up care is a conscious handling of chronic pain. In addition, the symptoms should be alleviated and the quality of life of the person affected should be improved. It makes everyday life easier for him to cope with.
The sick person can receive medicine against the pain syndrome from a specialist.During the follow-up care, the healing progress is checked regularly. An increased dose or more adequate medication is required if the patient's condition does not noticeably improve. Chronic pain often causes depression. The affected person also suffers.
Psychotherapy counteracts this situation. The sick person has the opportunity to talk about his feelings during the sessions. Fear of further flare-ups is also common in pain syndrome. Behavioral therapy is useful in such cases.
Stressful social contacts are another cause of pain. The patient should refrain from such acquaintances in the future. His general condition can improve significantly after this decision. An understanding approach to one's illness also has a positive effect on one's well-being.
You can do that yourself
The pain syndrome represents a special challenge for the patient and his relatives. In the area of self-help, the person affected is well advised if he works closely with a medical specialist. Changes and abnormalities should always be discussed with a pain therapist.
In addition, there are various mental techniques that can be used independently and without further medical care. They serve to reduce stress and change conscious awareness. Techniques such as yoga, meditation, hypnosis or autogenic training can be used regularly to achieve an improvement in the general state of health. Although these methods are not about achieving freedom from symptoms, they help to improve well-being in everyday life. The mental strength is supported so that dealing with the pain syndrome can be more optimal for the patient. The aim is to reduce the perception of pain, at least temporarily, and to direct the focus of attention to other areas of life.
A positive basic attitude towards oneself and towards life are also beneficial and applicable in the context of self-help. Cognitive techniques help so that the person affected can achieve an improved quality of life. Dealing with subject areas outside of one's own sphere of activity can provide relief.