At a Crack, also known as rhagade in medical jargon, are cracks in the skin that form like cracks. In particular, those parts of the body that are regularly exposed to intense stress, for example the soles of the feet or the palms of the hands, are particularly often affected by the disease.
What is a crack?
In medicine, the crack is defined as a crack in the skin that usually heals without scars as a result of overstretching with reduced elasticity. In this respect, the term characterizes uneven, brittle, cracked and rough skin.
The main feature is that affected areas in the advanced stage are provided with apparently noticeable gaps. In particularly serious cases, the cracks can even reach deep layers of the skin, which is usually very painful for those affected. In addition, infections or abscess formation can spread, so medical care is essential. If the cracks form on the mucous membranes, for example in the anal area, this disease is called a fissure.
Various factors can be considered as causes for the formation of cracks. However, they do not have in common that the natural elasticity of the skin is reduced. Accordingly, dry skin is the classic case for the development of the disease.
The skin only feels rough at first before it finally cracks. Dry skin is favored by various causes, which can be traced back to internal as well as external reasons. During the cold season and the associated dry heating air, the protective acid mantle that surrounds the skin is permanently disturbed. The same applies when using harsh household cleaners.
Cracks are also often caused by the affected person wearing too tight shoes. Furthermore, the misalignment of the feet is considered to be the main cause of the disease, since it emits physical stimuli. In a first step, this leads to the formation of a cornea. As soon as this hardens, however, the cracks typical of the disease form.
Aged skin is also particularly affected. This should be regularly supplied with sufficient moisture, otherwise the formation of cracks is promoted. Due to the disease, other diseases, such as psoriasis or neurodermatitis, can put a strain on the moisture in the skin, creating an ideal breeding ground for cracks.
Diseases with this symptom
- psoriasis
- Diabetes mellitus
- Vitamin deficiency
- Neurodermatitis
- Obesity
- Flat foot
- Skin fungus
- Arches foot
- Arterial Disease
Diagnosis & course
In the early stages, it is particularly difficult for doctors to diagnose the disease with a crack. The diagnostic procedure is problematic because barely noticeable skin cracks have formed at this point in time.
As a rule, patients do not seek medical help at this point. However, as soon as the disease progresses and symptoms are triggered, medical advice is sought. In addition to an apparent assessment, the doctor will also conduct physical examinations. In particular, the disease can also cause bleeding and oozing on the affected areas of the skin. When making the diagnosis, the specialist regularly orientates himself on the classic symptoms of the disease.
This includes in particular the noticeable appearance that is caused by the formation of cracks. In addition, conclusions can be drawn with increased callus formation and yellowish discoloration of the affected skin areas. In difficult cases, the attending physician may also take small samples of the skin for examination in the laboratory. This usually completes the diagnostic procedure, which also applies to fissures.
In most cases, a crack heals without further complications. Usually no treatment is necessary, so that the crack heals on its own. However, it can lead to relatively severe pain. This is especially the case when the crack occurs in the regions that are stressed in daily life.
This includes, for example, hands, feet and arms. Pressure pain and uncomfortable feelings of tension can develop in these regions. The crack restricts the patient's actions and makes everyday life more difficult. If the crack is not treated hygienically, it can lead to inflammation and infections. These should always be treated by a doctor.
The treatment is carried out with antibiotics, surgical interventions are usually not necessary. The affected area should be lightly stressed. In most cases, healing occurs after a few days and there are no further complications or complaints.
If the affected area is still put under load, the crack can spread further and lead to severe pain. Carelessness and an unsanitary condition can also cause fungal infections to develop on the crack.
When should you go to the doctor?
A crack is a deep tear in the skin that should usually always be examined by a doctor. It does not matter whether the person concerned visits a dermatologist or their own family doctor. Both doctors can take effective measures that will aid in your speedy healing and recovery. At the first signs of a crack, the person concerned can of course also resort to home remedies or the medicine cabinet. Since a crack is caused by skin that is too dry and brittle, moisture is very important. Soothing and moisturizing creams or ointments can be very helpful.
However, if a crack has already occurred, extreme caution is required. Since a crack is an open wound, it is very important to keep it clean and pure. Otherwise, inflammation can develop, and in the worst case scenario, an abscess can develop. In such a case there is a risk of blood poisoning, so a visit to the doctor is very advisable. In general, the following applies: If a crack has already occurred, a visit to the doctor is inevitable. At the first signs of a crack, the skin should be supplied with sufficient moisture so that the crack can slowly recede.
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Treatment & Therapy
When treating cracks, the connection to the disease must first be established. Since the formation of cracked skin can be due to other diseases, these must be treated as the main cause.
In this way, cracks can also be effectively treated. However, if no underlying disease can be diagnosed as the trigger, the affected areas of the skin must be treated, and the therapy can sometimes be lengthy. The difficulty is that areas of the skin that are regularly stressed by movement are particularly affected. This promotes the dangers of infection and the formation of abscesses, so that sterile follow-up care is necessary in the event of such a course.
Thus, the viruses and bacteria can be treated effectively. In contrast, the treatment can be carried out by yourself in the initial stage. Here it is important to give the skin what has been withdrawn from it. The formation of healthy skin is particularly promoted by oil and moisture. The use of ointments that contain a high proportion of urea is particularly effective. Such ointments also contain the skin vitamin panthenol and bisabolol, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. The care products should preferably be applied overnight. This prevents the risk of excessive stress.
In addition, skin generation is particularly intense during the night. As soon as the disease has progressed, however, a dermatologist or podiatrist should be consulted to disinfect the skin. He will also remove excessive cracks and initiate drug therapy.
Outlook & forecast
It is very difficult to give an exact prognosis in the case of a crack, since in such a case the condition of the affected skin is very important. If the skin is completely dry and rough, the healing time can be delayed for several weeks. However, if the skin is still quite young and elastic, healing is possible within a few weeks.
If there is no treatment for a crack, it can lead to severe inflammation, which should definitely be treated by a doctor. Because the skin crack can get deeper so that bacteria can ideally nestle. Such an inflammation can only be brought under control with appropriate medication.
If a crack is treated with a suitable treatment, different ointments and creams are used. The crack will slowly retreat and ideally close permanently within a few weeks. However, setbacks can occur during the healing process. Even with explicit treatment, the crack can tear open due to recurring loads. However, if the area around the crack is kept as calm as possible, nothing should stand in the way of a quick healing process.
In order to prevent cracks, it is advisable to care for the skin regularly and not to overload the protective acid layer. PH-neutral soaps or special bath additives are advisable.
Furthermore, the skin should be treated several times a day with creams and ointments that add moisture. Anyone who has frequent contact with irritating ingredients, such as alcohol or chemicals, should use gloves so that the skin does not come into direct contact with the irritating substances.
A healthy diet, which consists in particular of the supply of vitamins and the absorption of plenty of fluids, also protects the skin from cracks.
You can do that yourself
Behind cracks are torn heels that can be optimally treated by yourself. Sore feet can be healed with oil massages. Oils provide moisture. You can make a mixture yourself with oils made from almonds, olives, coconut and grape seed as well as sesame. The oil massage should take place about ten minutes before going to bed. It is advisable to put on thick woolen socks afterwards so that the oil continues to work.
In addition, fruit masks provide relief. The valuable components of the fruit ensure a soothing and soft skin. The mask should be massaged onto the affected heel and soaked in for about ten minutes. Then the feet must be washed off well and creamed. For the fruit mask, those affected need a banana, the flesh of a coconut and half an avocado. This is mixed into a paste and applied.
Cracked areas can also be treated with a milk and honey bath. A foot bath is particularly suitable for this. The bath not only provides moisture, but the honey also has an antibacterial effect. Those affected mix half a liter of milk with a little honey. The feet should be soaked in it for ten minutes. Then those affected massage their feet for about five minutes.