There are very different reasons for one Swelling of the neck and every patient should have this clarified by a doctor. In addition to childhood diseases such as mumps or tonsillar angina, diseases of the thyroid glands, goiter and acute allergic reactions can also be responsible. In addition, there may be an underlying cancer, an inflammation of the lymph nodes or an orthopedic problem of swelling in the neck.
What is a swelling on the neck?
In the case of swelling in the neck, it depends first of all on whether the lymph nodes, the thyroid gland, the neck area or the region of the uppermost cervical vertebrae are swollen. In the event of an acute allergic reaction, the entire neck area and face can also swell.
So swelling on the neck has very different reasons and only the family doctor and medical practitioners from different specialties can find out the exact reasons for them. The neck region is a very sensitive part of the body that connects the head with the rest of the body. Inside the throat are not only the tonsils, the airways and the esophagus, but also the thyroid glands.
The uppermost cervical vertebrae are located in the neck area and are responsible for the stability of the head and also for its mobility. This makes this part of the body very susceptible to diseases and swelling in the neck.
The tonsils, which are part of the human immune system, are located in the inner area of the throat. These tonsils or tonsils can become inflamed, which can lead to swelling of the neck.
The trachea and esophagus also run here. If these areas are inflamed, there may also be swelling in the neck. The thyroid glands are located in the front right and left in the neck area. They fulfill important functions in the regulation of metabolic processes. Above all, the iodine balance plays an important role in the health of the thyroid glands, which are noticeable in the case of swelling in the neck caused by a goiter.
The vocal cords, which are responsible for human speech and which can become inflamed, are also located in this neck region. In the back of the neck are the top two cervical vertebrae, the atlas and the axis, the diseases of which can be expressed by swelling in the neck.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for tonsillitis & sore throatDiseases with this symptom
- mumps
- Hashimoto's thyroiditis
- Tonsillar angina
- Inflammation of the lymph nodes
- Thyroid enlargement
- Jugular vein thrombosis
Diagnosis & course
Every doctor recognizes swelling of the neck caused by tonsillitis by swollen, reddened and ulcerated tonsils. The goiter of the thyroid gland is visible and palpable to the doctor and a blood count confirms the diagnosis. The doctor not only recognizes allergies by a swollen neck, but also by facial swelling, rashes and shortness of breath.
Inflammation of the esophagus, the windpipe and the vocal cords are clarified by blood tests, by reflections and possibly with ultrasound, X-rays, MRI or CT. The doctor also determines inflammation of the musculoskeletal system in the cervical area with fluoroscopy and a detailed physical examination. He also recognizes certain cancers by swelling in the neck and tumor markers in the blood confirm the diagnosis.
A swelling in the neck can have many causes and can be treated quickly. One should first investigate the cause. If the doctor resorts to the wrong treatment method, the complications can get worse. If the doctor starts treating antibiotics, it is important that they are given in small batches. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria.
If the patient wants to treat himself afterwards, natural remedies can help. Before doing this, you should check whether there is a possible allergy, such as to iodized salt or ginger. If so, such foods should be avoided. If the patient does not have an allergy, one can work with sea salt and ginger on a daily basis.
A mouthwash with sea salt has an antibacterial effect. The good thing is that anyone can create a conditioner in their own home. You can make a natural tea with ginger. Complications hardly ever occur with these forms of treatment.
When should you go to the doctor?
A swelling on the neck does not necessarily have to be medically investigated. The swelling is often the accompanying symptom of a cold and disappears on its own as soon as the underlying disease has cured. However, if the swelling persists for several days or even weeks, it is advisable to see a doctor. This is especially true if there are accompanying symptoms such as sore throat, nausea or fever.
Swelling in the throat with difficulty swallowing or difficulty breathing indicates a serious vascular disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated. The symptoms may also be due to a tumor in the throat or larynx. Therefore: as soon as a swelling persists for an unusually long time or is associated with severe symptoms, a doctor must clarify the causes.
In addition to serious illnesses, swelling can also be caused by a hormonal or malfunction of the thyroid gland that gets worse without medical intervention. A sudden swelling of the neck associated with dizziness or high blood pressure should be treated at the emergency room. In the event of severe pain or difficulty breathing, the emergency services should be called in for safety.
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Treatment & Therapy
A swelling in the neck caused by bacterial tonsillitis is treated with antibiotics or by removing the tonsils. Treatment of the thyroid gland, the function of which is too high or too low, is initiated with special medication.
If the swelling in the neck is caused by a goiter, it will have to be surgically removed. Inflammation of the esophagus can be bacterial, but gastric acid reflux can also be present, which requires gastric treatment.
The trachea can also become infected with bacteria, whereby it is first clarified whether there is even a foreign body in it that must be surgically removed. Bacteria are often responsible for inflammation of the vocal cords, which makes treatment with antibiotics necessary. In addition to bacterial infections, viral infections can also be responsible for all of this inflammation.
If necessary, the doctor will also clarify whether there is a tumor in the neck area that needs to be removed, irradiated or fought with chemotherapy. The allergic shock must be treated immediately with antihistamines, which the doctor will inject. Finally, the orthopedic surgeon treats diseases of the cervical vertebrae and neck muscles with physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, with operations.
Outlook & forecast
Swelling around the neck is often associated with a cold or flu. In addition to a fever, sore throat or nausea, the lymph or tonsils swell. After a few days, the symptoms will ease. This happens regardless of whether medical treatment involves the administration of medication or the person concerned decides not to seek medical help. In most cases, the swelling on the neck will have completely disappeared within about 2 weeks.
If the person concerned has undergone a dental or orthodontic procedure, the swelling on the neck will also completely decrease in the course of the healing process.
If the swelling is a tissue change, the prognosis depends on the benign nature of the tissue and the time of diagnosis. If there is an ulcer or a cyst, surgery is often performed to remove the diseased tissue. The patient then normally makes a full recovery.
In the case of a tumor, the type and severity of the cancer are decisive for the prognosis. The later the cancer is diagnosed, the worse the chance of a cure.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medication for tonsillitis & sore throatprevention
People can prevent swelling of the neck by strengthening their immune system and by giving up smoking. Good oral hygiene also helps prevent neck swelling. Anyone who attends health checks and preventive medical examinations from health insurance companies reduces the risk of cancer.
Consuming salt containing iodine can prevent thyroid disease. Allergy tests and avoidance of allergens prevent allergic shock. Swelling on the neck and neck can also be prevented through exercise and good posture.
You can do that yourself
Various self-help measures can be taken if the neck has swelling. If the throat swelling is accompanied by a sore throat, chamomile and peppermint teas help. It makes sense to inhale the vapors of the hot tea under a towel and then drink the tea while gargling so that it can act longer in the throat.
If the swelling on the neck with enlarged lymph nodes is due to an infection such as mumps, cool vinegar or lemon compresses or quark compresses can relieve the pain. Angelica compresses can also relieve the swelling. The finished ointment from the pharmacy is spread on a linen or cotton cloth and placed on the affected area on the neck. The ointment bandage has a decongestant effect and promotes healing. It should be used one to three times a day.
If you have a swollen throat, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and only eat soft foods. In addition, careful oral hygiene must be observed. Saliva stimulants such as chewing gum, candy, lemons and acidic juices stimulate saliva production and cleanse the salivary glands. Schüßler salts and various homeopathic remedies can also help with swelling on the neck.