Illnesses and complaints can often go away on their own, as many people have already experienced. When that happens, they are Self-healing powers at work that we all have and whose power is often underestimated by doctors.
What are self-healing powers?
The term "self-healing powers" is a description of the inner abilities and powers that a person possesses in order to overcome and heal illnesses and complaints on their own.
The self-healing powers are an important part of any form of therapy. Nowadays the view has prevailed to consult a doctor as quickly as possible in the event of complaints of all kinds so that he can look for the cause and initiate treatment. It can make sense to wait and see whether the symptoms go away on their own. In many cases they do. However, in some cases it is life-saving to seek medical care immediately.
Neurobiologists have found out through research that we can both strengthen and weaken self-healing powers through the brain.
Function & task
More recent neurobiological research shows that the body has its own intelligence with which it is able to bring about the healing of wounds, to recognize dangers and to initiate healing processes.
Naturopathy has always known this and treats diseases and ailments by gently stimulating the self-healing powers. In modern orthodox medicine, however, too little importance is attached to these forces.
For a long time, for example, slipped discs were operated on frequently, often with unsatisfactory results. In the meantime, orthopedic surgeons have recognized that many operations are unnecessary and that the spine can regenerate itself through suitable movements.
But how does the body manage to initiate suitable measures of its own accord and initiate healing? All physical processes are a finely tuned interplay. If we are mentally and physically healthy, this harmonious interplay of forces works. However, it can easily be disturbed by influences that are immediately registered by the brain. The forces are then on alert and react like a thermostat immediately with measures to restore the balance.
If we accidentally cut our fingers, the body immediately sends white blood cells towards the wound to prevent germs from entering the body through the wound. In the event of a broken bone, the bone grows back together by itself, it only needs to be straightened and supported.
Albert Schweitzer was already convinced that every person has an inner doctor who can be activated at any time. Trust in your own body and the ability to empathize with it strengthens the healing abilities. Some people can mobilize tremendous self-healing powers and even survive serious illnesses. So there are always cases in which conventional medicine gives up terminally ill people and they still survive.
Neurobiologists have found that trust has a positive effect on self-healing powers. That is why trust between doctor and patient is becoming increasingly important.
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Since the self-healing powers react very easily to negative inner messages, it is more difficult for people who do not believe in an improvement or healing of their complaints. It is not for nothing that the saying "Faith moves mountains" exists. It shows that the self-healing abilities are very dependent on what a person trusts.
The fatal influence of negative expectations can be seen in practices such as the voodoo spell. During these rituals, believers who have previously been declared dead by a medicine man can die without there being any biological cause. This shows how closely connected the mind and body are. If we do not recognize these connections and harm the body, the reverse also affects the soul and spirit.
We can make a significant contribution to whether our self-healing powers are strengthened or weakened. Anyone who eats poorly, does not drink enough fluids and regularly does not sleep well, in this way ensures that the self-healing powers are weakened and can no longer support the body so well in healing complaints.
Excessive stress also has a negative effect. Those who always ask more of themselves than they can achieve, lose their inner balance and are no longer well armed against illnesses.
Doctors can see the strong influence of the self-healing powers in patients who have different courses of the same disease. Treatments are often used to combat symptoms without adequately addressing the actual causes of the symptoms and without helping the body to help itself. The latest findings in neurobiology in particular scientifically prove that body and mind form an inseparable unit.
The ability for self-healing is inherent in all people if they do not overload themselves in the long term and lead their lives in a healthy balance. A negative expectation works like a self-fulfilling prophecy, whereas a positive trust strengthens the ability for self-healing. A good example of this power is the prescription of placebo drugs, which can heal despite the lack of active ingredients.