The solarium is especially popular in the winter months, before vacation trips and as a regular tanning option for the skin. The tan is done with artificial UV light and occurs quickly.
What is a solarium?
A solarium (also Tanning salon) is a company in which several sunbeds (also solarium or solariums) are operated. Every tanning bed has UV tubes with which the whole body is irradiated. There are different strengths of sunbeds. The customer lies undressed on a solarium suitable for him and is then supplied with UV rays for the selected time.
Solarium customers particularly appreciate the tan, but there are also many other indications for going to a solarium. These are e.g. Skin blemishes such as acne and pimples, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, sun allergy, increased tendency to sunburn (recommended because the dose of tanning in the solarium can be assessed more easily and determined by specialist staff), vitamin D deficiency and winter depression.
Function, effect & goals
The proportion of UV-A radiation is highest in the solarium; it causes the skin to tan quickly. The UV-B radiation is present in small quantities and in this dosage range leads to a sun protection function of the skin and forms a natural sun protection.
However, the exact useful portion is still being discussed in science. UV-C radiation is very short-wave and aggressive, in nature it is filtered out of the light by the ozone, in solariums it does not occur at all. The UV radiation in solariums is usually higher than in the natural sun, which is why the tanning time is also much shorter. The customer should always consult with qualified personnel and avoid overdosing and sunburn.
An overdose is, in turn, harmful to the skin, causes it to age prematurely and increases the risk of skin cancer. This applies equally to the frequency and duration of solarium visits. In any case, there should always be at least a full day between two visits to the solarium and two to three weekly visits are justifiable for achieving a tan. A weekly visit is sufficient to achieve a certain tanning intensity.
The choice of solarium and the duration of the tanning session also play a major role. Beginners and light skin types should start with a light bank and a short span of time and carefully increase the times. But there are also risks for dark skin types. Although dark-skinned people are protected longer, there are limits here, too.
Every tanning salon has type determination forms so that the correct and precise assignment of the skin type can be made and the customer can get the best possible tanning under the appropriate solarium.
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➔ Medicines for pale skinRisks, side effects & dangers
As already mentioned, UV rays can age the skin prematurely and also significantly increase the risk of skin cancer. This can be prevented by a type-appropriate, expert advice and a responsible use of the solarium tan.
Too frequent and too long tanning should be avoided. It is important to continuously build up a healthy tan, you cannot expect to have the desired tan after a visit to the solarium and should also do without the too quick tan.
If a customer notices that, despite advice, the skin under the tanning bed is getting uncomfortably hot or starts to burn, the tanning session should be interrupted early and the next time the tanning bed should be used again at the tanning time that has not caused any problems.
Sunburn should be avoided in any case. This is not only painful but, depending on the intensity, can also cause lasting damage. The protection of the eyes is particularly important, otherwise the retina will be damaged and in the long term retinal detachment and sometimes cancerous forms of the eye can occur. Every solarium has appropriate protective goggles.
Every solarium in Germany is subject to new requirements and tanning for people under the age of 18 has been banned. Sometimes dermatologists even recommend a visit to the solarium under certain conditions. If used as directed, a visit to the solarium is useful and possibly health-promoting.