Under the Radiation sickness one understands a disease caused by high radiation. Those affected suffer from various ailments and have to undergo lengthy treatment. The disease can only be prevented to a limited extent.
What is radiation sickness?
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The Radiation sickness is a disease that occurs after brief, strong exposure to ionizing radiation. This is the case, for example, after nuclear weapon explosions or radiation accidents as well as after direct contact with radioactive substances. Depending on how long and intensive the contact is, it can lead to mild to severe symptoms and in the worst case to immediate death.
A promising treatment is only possible for mild to moderate illnesses and focuses on reducing the level of radiation in the body. Since radiation sickness usually occurs suddenly, it is difficult to prevent. However, it is possible to at least reduce the symptoms by acting quickly.
Radiation sickness is caused by increased exposure to various radioactive substances. Such an overdose occurs, for example, in the event of a reactor accident, direct contact with radioactive materials or permanent contact with radio or gamma rays. The so-called highly volatile substances are also a cause of radiation sickness.
These include iodine-131, iodine-133, cesium-13 and cesium-137. In the event of a nuclear accident, these substances can spread through the air and thereby contaminate large areas of land and the people who are in the endangered area. Depending on how high the radiation exposure is, there are mild, moderate or severe symptoms.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
The symptoms associated with radiation sickness depend on the dose of X-rays and gamma rays. The higher the dose, the faster the symptoms appear and the longer they last. The long-term effects as well as the chances of survival also depend on the dose equivalent received.
With small doses there can be long-term effects such as cancer or genetic changes, whereby these stochastic radiation damage are not direct symptoms. Slightly higher doses of 0.2 to 0.5 Sv (Sievert) lead to a reduction in the number of red blood cells in the body. A first radiation hangover can occur at 0.5 to 1 Sv. Headaches, an increased risk of infection and temporary sterility occur in men.
One speaks of a mild radiation sickness from 1 to 2 Sv. The typical symptoms here include nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue and permanent malaise. Recovery from other injuries is also severely affected. Here, too, there is temporary infertility in men. A load of 2 Sv to 3 Sv is called severe radiation sickness.
Symptoms range from hair loss and a high risk of infection to permanent sterility. Stronger radiation levels increase the severity of the symptoms mentioned and lead to rapid death in the case of the most severe radiation sickness, which is present from 6 Sv.
Diagnosis & course of disease
Radiation sickness can usually be diagnosed based on the symptoms and the respective medical history. Since the disease usually occurs as a result of a nuclear accident, the cause is easy to identify. The doctor then has the task of determining the severity of the disease, which can be done using various tests and examinations.
First of all, blood pressure, pulse, weight and height are determined, then the important organs are examined and scanned. In the laboratory, a blood count is used to determine inflammation values such as CRP. Chromosome counting also takes place. If the attending physician already has a suspicion, a puncture of the bone marrow follows, which can be used to determine the severity of the radiation sickness. Ultrasound examinations are also standard in the diagnosis of radiation sickness.
The course of radiation sickness depends on the radiation dose received. In the best case scenario, there is little long-term damage, in the worst case death occurs within a few minutes. If medium doses are consumed, changes in the blood count, skin damage and internal bleeding occur within the first hours and days, which in the long term can also lead to death.
The complications that can be expected in the case of steel sickness depend on the intensity of the radiation that the person concerned was exposed to. However, even low doses of radiation can cause serious long-term effects such as a genetic change or cancer. At moderate doses, severe headaches and loss of appetite can lead to rapid weight loss, which in turn can lead to very serious circulatory problems and even collapse.
In addition, a higher radiation dose can lead to the loss of body hair, especially the hair on the head. It is not uncommon for men to experience sterility that can be permanent. Furthermore, a disruption of wound healing is to be feared, so that even smaller injuries can become infected and the risk of sepsis increases significantly.
With high doses of radiation, the intestinal mucosa is often destroyed. In these cases, intestinal bacteria can get into the blood. The body is usually no longer able to fight off the pathogens effectively because the cells in the bone marrow are attacked and no longer produce enough white blood cells.
The pathogens can therefore multiply very rapidly within a very short time, which can lead to severe sepsis and the resulting failure of one or more organs. In this case there is an acute risk of death for the patient. Very high doses of radiation usually lead to the immediate death of the person affected.
When should you go to the doctor?
People whose work or living environment is exposed to high levels of radiation often suffer from various physical and emotional complaints over time. Headaches, nausea, a general malaise or a decrease in physical and mental performance are indications that should be followed up. Changes in body weight, hair loss or irregularities in the female monthly cycle should be presented to a doctor.
If erectile dysfunction occurs in men, the cause must be clarified. If an existing desire to have children remains unfulfilled for several months, research into the cause is indicated. Fatigue despite a good night's sleep and good sleep hygiene is considered a warning. If the symptoms persist for several weeks or months, a doctor is needed. If the irregularities increase, a doctor's visit is advisable immediately. Since high radiation exposure leads to the premature death of the person affected, consultation with a doctor should be sought as soon as the first disturbances and abnormalities occur.
Changes in the appearance of the skin, swellings, growths or a diffuse pain sensation are also among the complaints that should be examined more closely. If the risk of infection increases, if there is more inflammation or a general feeling of illness, research into the cause should be carried out. Fatigue and a withdrawal from participation in social life are also signs of an existing irregularity.
Therapy & Treatment
Radiation sickness is primarily treated with blood transfusions or stem cell transplants. This makes it possible to repair the damage in the blood and in the cells and to prevent comorbidities from occurring. In addition, vitamin preparations are administered during the course of therapy to accelerate blood regeneration.
Furthermore, the loss of fluids and electrolytes is compensated, which is also done through appropriate preparations and infusions. Any skin damage that has arisen must be repaired at an early stage, as the body is particularly susceptible to infectious diseases after irradiation. Because of this, patients are usually treated with various medications such as antibiotics and pain relievers.
As strong radiation can damage or even destroy the intestinal mucosa, which in turn leads to intestinal bacteria entering the bloodstream, the therapy also focuses to a large extent on restoring intestinal activity. The administration of medication is just as possible for this as operations and transplants.
Radiation sickness can be prevented by avoiding contact with radioactive substances. If there is contact, immediate decontamination, i.e. removal of the radioactive contamination, can lead to faster recovery. Iodine is also given to relieve the thyroid gland and prevent radioactive iodine from building up. There are no other ways to prevent radiation sickness.
Radiation sickness itself can be fatal and depends on the dose of x-ray or gamma radiation acting on the patient. Aftercare is primarily aimed at determining long-term effects on the body of the person affected, treating them accordingly and preventing a deterioration in the general condition. If the radiation dose is relatively low, it can be assumed that the acute radiation sickness will have a relatively low long-term effect or even complete recovery.
The higher the radiation dose, the longer the recovery period. The chance of a complete cure also decreases here. The administration of vitamin preparations and nutritional products in the aftercare phase can take place over the long term. Follow-up care is not possible in the case of severe to extremely severe radiation sickness; here only palliative (i.e. symptom-relieving) treatment is conceivable, as the patient dies within a certain period of time.
In the case of mild radiation sickness, continuous follow-up care is required, which includes regular monitoring of blood parameters. In addition, preventive examinations must be carried out that reveal long-term consequences, such as cancer, at an early stage and enable adequate treatment of the patient.
The patient can suffer from long-term so-called "fatigue", a state of exhaustion that occurs as a result of radiation sickness and often lasts for years. Accompanying therapeutic measures are to be taken here in the aftercare of the radiation sickness.
You can do that yourself
In everyday life, care should be taken not to visit areas or regions where there is increased radiation. If anything is unclear, appropriate measuring devices should be used to avoid complications. As soon as there are health impairments that can be attributed to radiation, cooperation with a doctor is necessary.
If radiation sickness is diagnosed, the person affected should take various measures to provide the body with the best possible support in coping with the disease. Situations of physical or psychological overexertion should therefore be avoided as a matter of principle. These have a negative effect on the functioning of the body. During sporting activities, the body's guidelines must also be observed. If the person concerned notices that they have reached their limits, sufficient rest and protection is important.
A healthy and balanced diet should take place to strengthen well-being. Obesity can be avoided by eating a diet rich in vitamins and avoiding high-fat meals. The consumption of harmful substances such as alcohol and nicotine is to be avoided in the health of the person concerned. On the other hand, an optimal design of leisure activities and the development of joie de vivre are beneficial. Since the affected person suffers from an increased risk of infection, adequate protection must be ensured, especially when the seasons change.