


We explain what tragicomedy is, the origin of this genre, its history and characteristics. Also, examples of famous tragicomedies.

The tragicomedy presents tragic elements, but starring comic characters.

What is tragicomedy?

Tragicomedy is one of the dramatic genres (or major genres) of the literature, which is defined by the joint presence of tragic and comic elements in the same story. Generally the term is used to refer to plays (or rather dramaturgical) but it can also be applied to the cinema and to the narrative.

The term "tragicomedy" was coined by the Roman playwright Tito Maccio Plauto (254-184 BC), to refer to a certain type of theatrical works in which the traditional roles of gods and men, or of masters and slaves, were reversed. thus generating a burlesque effect in the fall of the gods and masters, and endowing the slaves with a dignity tragic. The best example of this type of piece was at that time Host, work that remains incomplete.

This Greco-Roman tradition was partially taken up by the Italian playwrights of the Renaissance, and had great influence among the Spanish authors of the Golden age, such as Lope de Vega (1562-1635), who founded the genre to break the traditional rules of the tragedy Aristotelian. However, Don Quixote himself by Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) can be considered as a tragicomedy in narrative format.

Other great exponents of gender they emerged in the Great Britain of the time, such as John Fletcher (1579-1625) or William Shakespeare himself (1564-1616).

According to the Italian author Battista Guarini (1538-1612), the tragicomedy can be defined as a piece that incorporates most of the traditional tragic elements, but starring characters typical of comedy (commoners, rogues, hoodlums) and without carrying out the tragic logic, that is, it has a happy ending.

Tragicomedy characteristics

Although the characters go through tragic situations, they usually come to a happy ending.

Broadly speaking, the tragicomedy is characterized by the following:

  • It is a dramatic work, that is, essentially theatrical, that combines tragic and comic features.
  • It is usually carried out by commoners, neighborhoods or rogues, and despite going through tragic situations, the outcome of the story is usually happy.
  • The anecdote consists of different episodes, each of which confronts the protagonist with a series of obstacles to overcome.
  • Sometimes the presence of comic elements is used in order to ironically highlight the tragic fate of the characters.
  • In its modern aspects, tragicomedy has been associated with the drama of the absurd, that is, one that poses laughter as the only way out of a tragic and meaningless existence.

Examples of tragicomedies

Some cases of famous tragicomedies are the following:

  • The faithful shepherdess by John Fletcher.
  • The merchant of Venice or The Tempest by William Shakespeare.
  • Spectral by Henrik Ibsen.
  • The cherry garden or Uncle Vania scored by Antón Chejov.
  • The matchmaker by Fernando de Rojas when we have the information.
  • Ovejuna Fountain scored by Lope de Vega.
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