At a trauma it is basically a wound in the consciousness in the psychological sense. Due to certain circumstances that can occur in every phase of life, the person affected perceives a certain situation completely differently in the subsequent period and usually suffers considerably from it. However, the trauma can be healed with professional help.
What is trauma
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The trauma is initially an emotional wound. As a rule, it is triggered by a strong emotional experience and thus ensures an injury that is still perceived by the person affected even after many years.
A trauma usually restricts the patient in situations in which similar incidents are to be feared. The trauma is thus an emotional, psychological or mental suffering.
This is not always registered permanently; it can only occur in a few exceptional situations. Nevertheless, it is precisely in this that the entire destructive power of the trauma can be seen, which in rare cases can lead to the victim's hopelessness. Such trauma should therefore be treated psychologically.
Come as a trigger for that trauma questioning all situations that are literally burned into people's memory in a negative way. These can be accidents or spontaneous fears.
Likewise, the trauma usually goes back to a moment of shock at which the patient was no longer able to react, to reconsider the situation or to flee.
He watches what is happening helplessly, not infrequently feels himself a victim and freezes in front of the situation, which then remains as trauma to him.
Often they are also harmless children's games in which force is unconsciously used, which later leads to trauma. In this respect, the range of causes from which trauma can result is broad.
Symptoms, ailments & signs
A mental trauma is often not immediately recognized by those affected as a mental disorder in need of treatment, since the symptoms, especially at the beginning, can be very diffuse. For example, a typical symptom of early-stage trauma is particular irritability. Those affected quickly lose patience or react disproportionately to a stimulus.
This can be expressed through anger, anger and aggression, but also through self-pity and sadness. Another symptom that is commonly seen in trauma patients is sleep disorders and insomnia. The patients often cannot sleep at night or they wake up again and again for no reason and cannot sleep through the night, which leads to severe exhaustion in the short term.
In addition, there is often fearfulness and tremors. The shock can be triggered by completely harmless stimuli such as a slammed door or a rattling window. It often occurs even when the patient can watch the process and is not at all surprised by the sound that terrifies him.
The shock is often followed by strong tremors that affect the whole body. If a trauma remains untreated or if it is severe, those affected also suffer from intrusions; nightmares and so-called flashbacks are common. In very severe forms, severe concentration disorders and memory lapses can also be observed.
Diagnosis & course
A trauma usually remains unnoticed by the patient for a long time. If, for example, he suffers such trauma in early childhood due to a quarrel in the family, it can sometimes take years or decades before the suffering recurs in a similar incident.
It is not uncommon to note that the symptoms never break out and the trauma is therefore present in the subconscious, but the person concerned never actively notices anything at any time in his or her life.
It is therefore usually necessary to anticipate such exceptional situations in order to recognize the trauma. Far less often, however, it happens that the trauma actually occurs at regular intervals and can then be perceived as such.
The term trauma can be used to describe both mental and physical injuries. Therefore, trauma can lead to different complications. Mental trauma as post-traumatic stress disorder can pave its way even years after a traumatic experience.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a complication in processing what has been experienced. It must be treated because there is a risk of suicide. Flashbacks and anxiety disorders make those affected so severely under psychological pressure that they cannot find their way out of the disorder without professional help.
A number of complications from physical trauma can arise from a severe traumatic brain injury. The most common complications of such trauma can include personality changes, emotional disturbances, confusion, or disorientation. Depending on the injured area, speech and speech disorders, swallowing disorders or visual field defects can occur.
Injuries to the brain can lead to paralysis, epileptic seizures or spasticity. Perception can be limited or disturbed as a result of the trauma. In the worst case, a traumatic brain injury can result in a vegetative state.
Complications can potentially arise after any surgery. This represents a tissue-related trauma. Postoperative consequences such as fever, sepsis, tachycardia, hypotension or hypertension, electrolyte imbalances or acrocyanosis are conceivable. Any post-operative complication must be responded to immediately.
When should you go to the doctor?
The processing of an emotionally stressful event should always be accompanied therapeutically. Help and support can be felt after experiencing various events. Whenever there is a mental illness, a doctor should be consulted and the further course of action should be discussed. An accident, breakup, death, or violent act are some of the situations in which medical attention is recommended.
Abnormalities and changes in behavior can be understood as warning signals. If they stop or increase in intensity, a doctor will be needed. Sleep disturbances, significant weight changes or irritability indicate a health impairment. A doctor is needed as soon as depression, mood swings, or severe anxiety are noticed. In the event of withdrawal from social life, disorders of concentration or problems coping with everyday life, the person concerned needs help.
A decrease in physical and mental performance, exhaustion, fatigue or exhaustion must also be presented to a doctor. Disorders of the digestive tract, headaches and inner restlessness are symptoms that are characteristic of a traumatic experience. Likewise, fear, memory loss, and sensations such as anger, anger, or sadness are signs of psychological distress that should be discussed with a doctor.
Treatment & Therapy
Usually trauma is curable.For this purpose, the causes can be analyzed and treated in outpatient and inpatient therapies. As a rule, no medication is required for this. In exceptional cases, however, the trauma is so pronounced that it makes it impossible to pursue a job or perform smaller tasks in daily life.
In contrast, attempts would be made to use mental blockers to weaken the symptoms of the trauma to the extent that they do not represent an obstacle. However, a psychologist should decide on what to treat in each individual case. The difficulty in treating the trauma, however, lies in first locating it in the entire subconscious.
Because often it is a part of the memories that is not perceived by many of those affected. Even if the trigger of the trauma can be identified, there are usually other circumstances that must also be revealed.
Only when it is clearly clear what the mental injury is based on can it be remedied with talk therapy. It is not uncommon for the patient to be confronted with the condition that triggered the trauma.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines to calm down and strengthen nervesprevention
It's almost impossible for one trauma to prevent. Because that would mean being mentally composed in every situation so that a shock cannot occur. But since stress, fears, grief and other emotions do not allow this strength, a thinking and feeling person can always be affected by trauma.
You can do that yourself
There are different types of self-help for trauma. These depend on whether the trauma is physical or emotional.
In the area of physical trauma, the body must be given all the rest and protection it needs for regeneration. This applies not only to the affected area of the body, but in many cases to the entire organism. A sufficient amount of sleep is particularly suitable for this. Resilience can gradually be restored with light exercise, such as walking, but it is important to prevent any form of overuse.
The emotional trauma also needs rest in order to be processed by the person concerned. Stress should be avoided and insomnia can be counteracted, for example, with light endurance sports. Warm baths, social contacts and one of the numerous relaxation methods are often helpful in this context: Examples are progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobsen or autogenic training. Yoga also brings body, mind and soul back into balance through a beneficial mixture of body and breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation.
Conversation can also help resolve trauma. Relatives or friends are often exactly the right people to talk to for a trusting conversation. Exchanges among like-minded people are often offered by specialized self-help groups, whose participants can offer a helpful exchange of experiences and valuable tips.