The birth of a baby is always viewed as a joyful event in modern society. The birth of a baby is announced by the onset of the Labor pains. Even during pregnancy, labor often occurs.
What are the contractions?
As Labor pains In modern medicine, one describes the contraction of muscles in the area of the uterus. Depending on the progress of the pregnancy, different forms of labor are distinguished.
One of the most well-known contractions is pregnancy labor. They already appear during pregnancy. However, they do not lead to the opening of the cervix. Premature labor occurs just before the expected due date. The induction of childbirth takes place, among other things, through the sinking pains.
The fetus approaches the entrance of the pelvis as part of the sink pains. During childbirth one speaks of contraction. The contractions push the fetus out of the mother's womb. After the birth, the afterbirth pains appear.Afterbirth pains move the afterbirth out of the mother's body. The tasks of labor prove to be extremely diverse.
Medical & health functions & tasks
It was already clear in the previous statements to what extent the Labor pains are involved in the process of childbirth.
Labor is seen as a driving force that moves the fetus through the birth canal. However, labor does not only appear at the end of a pregnancy. Contractions can occur at the beginning of a pregnancy. These contractions are called pregnancy labor. Very few women go through labor pains. Usually, contractions occur up to eight times a day during pregnancy. According to the statements of experienced medical professionals, labor during pregnancy has a positive effect on blood circulation.
As a result of the increased blood circulation, the growth of the uterus is stimulated. In addition to the pregnancy contractions, the lowering pains are also considered extremely important. This particular form of labor transports the fetus into the pelvis of the expectant mother. The pre-contractions often appear after the contractions.
The pre-labor is seen as an immediate preparation for the birth. As part of the pre-labor, the neck of the uterus is softened, among other things. Although labor is of great service to the female body, it can always lead to serious complications.
Diseases with this symptom
- Cervical dystocia
- Placental insufficiency
- pre-eclampsia
Not infrequently they give way Labor pains very much from the norm. At the same time, other problems can arise. Premature rupture of the bladder is one of the most well-known problems. As part of a premature rupture of the bladder, the amniotic fluid is drained from the amniotic sac.
Usually, contractions started immediately after a rupture of the bladder. However, if labor does not go into labor, it can lead to a life-threatening infection. In this case, the birth must be induced artificially. Often there is also a delayed delivery. Delayed delivery is in most cases due to a disorder in the cervix. For example, a narrowed cervix can lead to a noticeable delay. In these cases, the pressure exerted by the contractions must be increased using special infusions. These infusions are called contractions in modern medicine.
Labor is part of the labor process and is a significant burden for both mother and child. Labor anomalies can sometimes lead to serious complications during delivery. Often there is a primary weakness in labor, which makes natural delivery difficult and delays the progress of labor. Secondary labor complications can occur during labor.
If there is secondary weakness in labor, the result is often delayed labor progress. Hyperactive contractions cause severe pain, which can be stressful for both mother and child, and sometimes lead to an oxygen deficiency in the infant. Hypertonic contractions, contractions with an increased resting tone during the pauses in labor, can lead to reduced blood flow and, as a result, to an insufficient supply of oxygen to the child.
Corresponding complications can be treated by giving birth inhibitors or giving birth by caesarean section. In the absence of an abnormality in labor, contractions usually proceed without major complications. However, there are always certain risks involved in childbirth, which is why it is advisable to clarify the labor activity as early as possible and to overcome the contractions under medical supervision.
The disorders already mentioned occur relatively rarely. Labor disorders are considered a common complication. In the context of a labor disorder, the frequency of labor may differ from the normal frequency. This can lead to very short contractions, for example. At the same time, the contractions are very weak. However, a labor disorder does not always manifest itself in the form of weak labor.
This can lead to an excessive build-up of contractions. An excessive build-up of labor can lead to a painful, permanent contraction. As part of a continuous contraction, the individual contractions can extend over a period of several minutes. However, labor does not affect delivery.
Outlook & forecast
As a rule, contractions are unproblematic for mother and child. Although irregular contractions, heavy bleeding and pain or birth problems can occur, under medical supervision these complications can usually be overcome without serious consequences for mother and child.
Statistically speaking, around 95 percent of all births are normal. The contractions are a natural phenomenon that can lead to discomfort in the medium term. Uneven contractions can lead to exhaustion symptoms in mother and child and cause severe physical pain. Further complications can be reliably avoided by taking a antenatal course before giving birth. Regular preventive examinations can identify and correct possible problems at an early stage.
Assuming thorough preparation, the prospect of normal labor and a relatively symptom-free delivery is good. However, this always depends on the constitution of the expectant mother, possible previous illnesses and also the place of birth. For example, when giving birth at home or on the way to the hospital, there are more problems with labor than with a supervised birth in the clinic.
When should you go to the doctor?
Contractions are common during pregnancy - if they are only mild and if the expected delivery date is not yet imminent, then it is a practice contraction. Exercise contractions do not require a doctor's visit. Contractions that occur at regular intervals of about 10 to 20 minutes, last about a minute, are slightly painful, and occur around the expected delivery date indicate the start of labor.
At this early stage, going to the doctor or hospital is not yet necessary. If the contractions become more painful and occur every 5 to 8 minutes, the woman should go to a hospital or a birthing center.
Contractions that occur at an early stage - around the second trimester - of pregnancy and which differ significantly from pure practice contractions in terms of their regularity and pain, always require consultation with a doctor. If the contractions are accompanied by bleeding, the woman should notify an ambulance and be taken to hospital lying down. Women who, regardless of general recommendations, feel that the birth may be imminent should definitely consult a doctor or midwife.
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You can do that yourself
Labor is very painful and uncomfortable. But pain relievers are not always necessary. Many natural and home remedies can relieve the pain. Warmth has a positive effect on labor. A warm grain pillow is a great way to reduce the pain in your lower back caused by labor.
Correct breathing is also very important to manage pain during labor. Whenever possible, pregnant women should try to focus their attention on exhalation. Deep, calm and long breaths protect against hyperventilation and have a relaxing effect. During the exhalation, the sound of "O" and "A" as well as a slight moan can provide relief.
It is also important to take a suitable position. The dog position can be used to relieve pain in the back. Performing circular pelvic movements while sitting on an exercise ball can also help.
Anxiety and tense moods can also negatively affect labor. Relaxation exercises like yoga and meditation can be done in a calming environment and at home. It is also advisable to involve the partner. This can support the pregnant woman with light pressure massages on the stomach or back. In addition, many midwives and doctors recommend the natural remedy Toko Oil. It contains, among other things, lavender, almond and wheat germ oil. A thin layer of Toko oil is applied to the abdomen and has a relaxing and pain-relieving effect on the uterus. It is available from most pharmacies.