Many travelers and holidaymakers are of the opinion that they could go anywhere in order to have as much holiday as possible or to be able to report. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as medical experience shows. Because of the importance of the fact that experience has shown that medical advice is rarely sought, we are allowed to provide more detailed information.
Which holidays & vacation spots are suitable?
Above all, you shouldn't go on vacation with broken teeth or teeth. Even Goethe had to extend his spa stay in Karlsbad because he got a big cheek. So in order not to forfeit the vacation days due to dental treatment, which is only possible with difficulty in nearby locations, and to question the rest at all due to the restlessness involved, it is always advisable to have the teeth put in order by the dentist beforehand .
Climate & weather in the mountains
The stimulating climate of the higher elevations in the mountains is generally less suitable for people over 70 years of age because of the lack of energy reserves and the reduced adaptability of the organs, but those with heart disease, asthmatics and people with walking difficulties should also leave the mountaineering to more capable people. The frequent temperature changes, the evening and night cooling, the appearance of weather fronts (foehn) and sudden downpours and thunderstorms can lead to worsening in emphysema sufferers or heart attacks in the case of cardiovascular disorders.
In June you could e.g. Experience a snowfall in the Alps that allowed skiing. In the high mountains but also in the low mountain ranges, the daytime temperature at around 800 meters is on average +15 degrees, in the evening +5 - +10 and on the mountains often around 1 degree Celsius. If dry air changes occur, these holiday areas are unsuitable for asthma and bronchial patients.
In this context, it should be pointed out that heart patients who also suffer from asthma are often not referred to such health resorts because the climate is unsuitable for asthmatics. The same applies to all moor and sulfur baths and Kneipp health resorts. Asthma sufferers are therefore more likely to go to the Baltic or North Sea. However, you should also avoid cold food and drinks and smoking there.
Climate & weather on the Baltic Sea & North Sea
The ozone values in the Baltic and North Sea largely correspond to the peaks of the high mountains. Since the salt content depends on the strength of the surf and the strength of the wind, stays on Sylt, Fehmarn, Stankt Peter Ording, Hiddensee, Rügen, Usedom and Fischland-Darß-Zingst should be ideal. Outdoor lying cures have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, especially when the temperature is cool, by making the work of the heart easier.
However, in the stimulating climate by the sea, tumor diseases can relapse, which have been observed even 7 years after the operation. In addition to the flare-up of overlooked dental foci, these phenomena were also found in brine baths. Goiter sufferers cannot go on holiday in the Baltic Sea or the North Sea, because Graves' eye disease can develop under the influence of the iodine content of the sea air and the iodine richness of the seafood eaten.
In contrast, the iodine content in particular is beneficial for hardening of the arteries and replaces a medical treatment for atherosclerosis sufferers. Because of the possible sudden cooling at the sea, it is not advisable to stay there for bilious sufferers. It is well known that people with chronic middle ear patients who have lost their eardrum should not swim in a moving sea. Greased cotton plugs in the ear canal do not guarantee the necessary safety in strong waves or diving.
Anyone who suffers from chronic eczema, psoriasis or allergic skin diseases should spend their annual vacation on the North or Baltic Sea, because only regular repetition can bring healing and improvement, especially since an annual cure on the part of the health insurance companies is not possible due to the widespread spread of this disease. A stay by the sea is particularly successful for anemia.
hiking in the mountains
Exercise is valuable in the case of congestion in the heart; hiking in the great outdoors in mountainous areas leads to an improvement in the blood supply through the formation of new blood vessels and relief of the clogged coronary arteries. The exercise distances are to be increased from 2 to 20 km daily. Chronic joint diseases are also improved by a climatic treatment in the low mountain range, because better blood circulation in the joints is achieved. The newfound performance also brings back self-confidence and quality of life.
The low mountain climate, such as in the Harz, the Fichtel Mountains, the Ore Mountains and the Bavarian Forest begins at around 400 m altitude, but it should be noted that characteristic features of the high mountain climate can already be found at 700 to 800 m altitude, which are due to stronger air dilution, Significant temperature fluctuations, solar and (ultraviolet) ozone radiation and ozone values evenly distributed throughout the year. The strong stimulating climate is therefore often not well tolerated by people with swelling of the thyroid gland.
People with flatulence (emphysema) suffer from a constant lack of oxygen. Many drivers have noticed that their engine runs better in the forest. In this way, emphysema sufferers will soon find relief in wooded areas, especially in the fir forests of the low mountain range. Body and soul are refreshed at the same time.
An important factor for relaxation, however, is the peace and quiet in the holiday resort or health resort. So things are bad, especially in the overcrowded beach resorts and seaside resorts. If you are nervous, exhausted and looking for complete relaxation, you would do well to travel to the low mountain range, where you can draw new strength in the quiet of untouched nature, detached from the everyday surroundings. We would not like to conclude this consideration without the advice to all holidaymakers to enjoy the great vacation in peace, because the noise and the hectic pace of work and everyday life come back faster than one or the other would like.