Metabolic nutrition helps you achieve your desired weight
We Germans are getting bigger and bigger. You can see this not only in society, but also in yourself as you get older. Those who get older often increase weight. This is primarily due to the fact that the metabolism slows down with age. As a result, if more exercise is not built into everyday life and the diet is not adapted to the needs, the body weight increases. With increasing body weight, lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and lipid metabolism disorders often set in.
Why do diets not work?
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Social reputation also suffers from being overweight, because anyone who is fat is considered unsportsmanlike, undisciplined, unaesthetic and is exposed to body shaming.
Many diets do not work because there is still the prevailing opinion that only a low-calorie diet can shed the pounds. Reduced-fat foods and "light products" are the foods that are recommended with priority. Although these foods provide few calories, they also provide fewer vital substances that are necessary for a well-functioning metabolism.
A lack of vital substances also contributes to the fact that the metabolism slows down, since the enzymes and hormones that are important for the fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism cannot be produced in sufficient quantities. In addition, the body cannot produce any important messenger substances such as serotonin or dopamine, which are not only responsible for our good mood, but also play a role in the satiety mechanism.
In a bad mood and hungry - no wonder diets fail and weight loss tips are ignored.
Is there a lack of discipline?
Those who are not affected by the issue of obesity tend to assume that the lack of discipline means that the diet does not work. This is not true, however, because diets are not designed in the first place to produce permanent change. Short-term weight loss can be achieved, but the success is quickly undone.
Since diets are mostly based on a one-sided and poor diet, it is almost impossible to keep them going for a long time. However, as soon as you resume your eating habits, the lost weight is back in no time at all.
The “weaker self” is actually a friend
It is especially the so-called “inner weaker self” that accelerates the return to the usual diet during or after a diet. The ability of the brain to always turn to the familiar is rated as negative.
However, it is important to remember that this is an important and useful habit. The "weaker self" ensures that we do the same things over and over again. This saves a lot of resources, because every decision and every change is used up by the brain.
Over time, every action is automated, whether it is cycling, driving a car or shopping and eating. In this respect, the “weaker self” is an important helper that supports us in coping with life. In the event of a change in diet, it only has to be reversed.
How can you establish new habits at all?
Of course it is possible to get used to new things, otherwise nobody would be able to change their life. However, this requires a certain amount of patience and should proceed in small steps. Anyone who believes that they can turn their entire life upside down overnight will mostly be disappointed in themselves.
But one thing is a fact: the previous diet was not adapted to the personal needs of the body, otherwise obesity would not have occurred. But how should one eat in order to be able to lose weight? Of course you have to look for a permanent concept and adjust to it step by step in order to be able to achieve success. But which of the many popular methods is the right one?
The crucial question about losing weight
Low carb, high carb, Stone Age diet, raw food, FDH - there are countless different nutritional concepts that claim to work and to take into account the needs of the body. But how should the layman decide how much raw food is good for him, whether wheat really makes you fat and how much fat the body needs? There is no general answer to this question, even if each of these programs makes use of it!
The human body is extremely adaptable
Our bodies are very adaptable and can stay healthy and grow old with a wide variety of diets. This can already be seen from the regions in the world in which people live who have to come to terms with the available food.
However, our diet changes the body and leaves its mark. Our metabolism is no longer the same as it was ten years ago, it is not the same as that of an Inuit or a fisherman in the Mediterranean. It is therefore essential to consider each person's body and its individual values before recommending a certain diet.
Just like in the Metabolic Balance program. Here, based on the personal blood values, it is determined which substances the body needs and which are in excess.
What is Metabolic Balance exactly?
Metabolic Balance is a nutritional concept that is tailored to the individual metabolism. It was developed by the German internist and nutritionist Dr. med. Wolf Funfack developed. Silvia Bürkle, a food technology engineer, was at his side.
With the Metabolic Balance metabolism program, you entrust yourself to a consultant. Based on the blood values, body values and personal preferences, dislikes and illnesses, he creates a nutrition plan that is tailored to the individual in every detail. The superfluous fat deposits disappear and the body remains slim, fit and vital into old age.
The whole secret lies in paying attention to the individual ACTUAL state and including it in the plan. This cannot be achieved by a diet or a change in diet that does not even know / question the individuality of the individual and therefore cannot take it into account.
One of the most important factors: insulin
The metabolic program of Metabolic Balance takes into account the insulin problem, among other things. In Germany too many short-chain carbohydrates are generally consumed, which ensure that the blood sugar level is subject to strong fluctuations, which among other things leads to the storage of fat.
With a balanced diet that is above all rich in natural, processed foods as little as possible and then tailored to the needs of the individual participants, permanent weight reduction can be achieved.
Every participant is supported by a qualified Metabolic Balance supervisor who leads through the program in a supportive and motivating manner through individual care. This makes it easier to initiate the necessary changes, implement them in everyday life and establish a long-term change in diet.
A tip for everyone who wants to lose weight
Whether you decide to take part in the Metabolic Balance metabolism program or not, there is one tip everyone can use to boost their metabolism. It is water! Like all processes in the body, the metabolism only functions with sufficient water.
No soft drinks, no coffee, just water! Those who drink enough support the body sustainably. The water is not only used for heat regulation but above all as a means of transport e.g. necessary for the elimination of metabolic end products.