The acupuncture is a healing method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The starting point of the almost 3000 year old technique of acupuncture is the assumption of a cosmic force "Qi", which also flows through the human body. The modern interpretation of Qi refers to nervous and hormonal processes in the body. In this view diseases are disorders in the regulation of body functions or the flow of life forces. This is where acupuncture comes in.
Function, effect & goals
The conduction paths of these life energies are the meridians. Their course shows up as a line pattern on the body surface as it has been on the anatomical maps of the acupuncture is handed down. Acupuncture points, which are assigned to individual diseases, lie on the meridians.
An irritation of the points is supposed to stimulate the currents of force in the organism, whereby acupuncture heals diseases. In the classic case, the effect of acupuncture is achieved by inserting special needles. Another possibility of acupuncture is to influence the healing points with heat; the doctor then speaks of moxibustion. Dried Japanese mugwort is used as a heat source, and in different variations it transfers the temperature to the body.
Either the therapist holds a moxa cigar over the indication point during acupuncture or he attaches a moxa lump to the inserted needle and ignites it during acupuncture. Another possibility is to put on slices of ginger, on which the doctor kindles a moxa fire. Mechanical pressure can also have an effect on acupuncture indication points; the patient can learn this so-called acupressure with the help of the doctor. Another variant of acupuncture is electro acupuncture, which works with weak electricity.
Risks & side effects
Previously the most common side effect of acupuncture are infections caused by unsterile needles. Disposable needles, which are used in acupuncture today, have minimized this risk. If the needles are to remain in the skin for a long time, the risk of infection is slightly higher. Very rarely injuries to medium-sized blood vessels occur during acupuncture, which means that hemostatic measures are required on the part of a doctor.
As with injections, acupuncture can cause easy bruising and blue spots on the skin. Lung injuries are not considered a side effect, but rather a treatment error of acupuncture. Sensitive patients can experience circulatory problems or even faint during acupuncture. Silver needles occasionally cause permanent skin discoloration. Needles coated with silicone can leave material in the puncture site, causing inflammatory nodules there as a result of acupuncture.
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The acupuncture In the opinion of the International Society for Chinese Medicine, it covers almost all areas of medical indications. The World Health Organization, on the other hand, only accepts a limited number of fields of application for acupuncture, which it published in a positive list for acupuncture from 2003.
Accordingly, acupuncture can help with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and lungs, including asthma. The WHO also recommends acupuncture for recovery after a stroke; the list also includes other neurological diseases that justify the use of acupuncture. Non-medical practitioners and doctors treat degeneration of the retina with acupuncture and thus comply with the official guidelines of acupuncture.
According to the highest health authority, sleep disorders and addiction problems such as nicotine withdrawal should also be easily treatable with acupuncture. Acupuncture is often used to support other therapies in conventional Western medicine. Acupuncture, however, is also embedded in the entire TCM, which in addition to dietetic measures also includes Chinese medicines. Acupuncture is particularly useful in conjunction with Qi Gong and Tuina, a Chinese massage.
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