


We explain what anarchy is, how was the emergence of this political doctrine and who are the main figures of anarchy.

Anarchy is one of the many forms of rebellion against the system.

What is Anarchy?

Anarchy refers to the ability to govern oneself and to organize, in order to avoid the can repressive of all organization politics. Anarchy applies strictly to the political sphere, as opposed to autarky, understood as the ability to govern oneself.

The term anarchy generates fear among the society, associated with chaos and violence. For many, it is just one of the many forms of rebellion against the system, which has even managed to generate intellectuals who have developed the anarchist theory. It is a term that inevitably brings controversy.

The word anarchy is composed of the prefix «to"Or"an»Which refers to the negation of a state or thing. On the other hand, "archos»Means authority or government (What oligarchy, for example). In this way, we see how the etymological origin explains the meaning of the word anarchy, understood as the denial of a sovereign or hierarchical system.

As the anarchism is the fight against hierarchies, by necessity they are opponents of Condition, understood as the representation of the oppression of the masses.

How did this concept come about?

Many consider anarchism as one of the reactions against capitalism.

Although antecedents of anarchism are considered to exist in antiquity (for example, slave revolts and certain Celtic organizations are considered by many as pioneers of anarchism), anarchism as such is a product of Modernity.

Many authors consider anarchism as one of the reactions against capitalism, along with socialism and later to communism. In fact, anarchism has always had greater acceptance among the most disadvantaged working classes.

Socialism has in common with anarchism, that both fight for the exploitation of man by man. These two doctrines are the result of capitalismSince it is in this economic-political system, and more mainly in its origins, it is where we find the wildest exploitation of a great mass of workers by a minority.

Like all political and philosophical doctrine, it implies a view about man. Anarchism understands man as good by nature, that he does not need another to determine himself, and that the set from traditions and institutions they have corrupted over time. Although it assumes society as something natural, since the relationship is spontaneous and natural, the State as representation of the masses is the maximum tool of exploitation.

Modernity brought technological advancement hand in hand with capitalism, man becoming a servant of the machine and an appendage of the global system. This criticism extends not only to the capitalist system, but also to the socialist system, no matter how much the means of production are collective, hierarchical relationships are maintained.

From this it follows that any radical change that must take place in society (that is, the move to an anarchist society) must be spontaneous and not through any party or party. organization.

Main figures of anarchy

Although the intellectual tradition is anarchist, we will make a brief clipping on the authors who have contributed the most to anarchist theory, making their work transcend in such a way that we know it today.

  • Max Stirner. Born in Germany in 1806 under the name of Gaspar Schmidt, son of an insane mother and with several love affairs, he finally married Marie Danhard, a woman from a very privileged economic position. After having squandered his wife's fortune, he fell into misery, but continued to hang out with important intellectuals of the time. Stirner's vision of anarchism is what is called «individualist anarchism», since he understands the individual as superior to any other social construction (be it nation, country, etc.) and society should be a free association of individuals who pursue your wishes. He died in 1865.
  • Mikhail Bakunin. Born in Russia in 1814, he was one of the main exponents of anarchism considered "active". His work emphasizes the importance of popular insurrection, mass movements, etc. His work is believed to have actively influenced the Paris Commune, a key period for anarchism, in which a group of citizens took control of the town Parisian for a short time, before being executed. Unlike Stirner, he recognizes the importance of the collectivist character of the individual, going beyond his personal desires and passions.
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