
We explain what archeology is, what is its object of study and branches into which it is divided. Also, its relationship with paleontology.

Archeology unites treasure hunting, scientific analysis, and cultural interpretation.

What is archeology?

Archeology is the study of human material remains preserved in the weather and scattered in the geography. Through the analysis of these remains it is possible to recompose and understand the changes that the societies humans have lived throughout their history.

It is both a social science as from a branch of the humanities. In some countries it is considered a subdivision of the anthropology. Its name comes from the Greek voices archaios, "Old", and logos, "Know", which describes his field of interest quite well, combining treasure hunting with scientific analysis and cultural interpretation.

Part of a necessarily transdisciplinary approach: history, anthropology, geography, geology, linguistics, physical, chemistry, paleontology and statistics are just some of the areas to which they go in search of knowledge and tools.

Archeology was born from the antiquarian profession of the Europe from the 19th century, which was a fondness for things of the past or antiques, for collection or resale. Its peak was in the period of European colonialism, in which the museums of said continent They were filled with pieces from the rest of the world, such as Egyptian mummies, Mesopotamian objects, Mesoamerican calendars, etc.

Today, it is not only dedicated to the study of ancient civilizations, nor does it respond to the premise of finding mythical cities lost, but it even applies to more recent times, such as the medieval, with the aim of understanding the social processes that determined the history of civilization.

What does archeology study?

Archeology studies the set of material remains of the cultures, civilizations and human societies that have already disappeared, which make up the entire archaeological record.

Their findings are interpreted as evidence of a reality to rebuild or at least understand. It uses technological tools and knowledge from other disciplines, in order to develop a reliable approach to the determining events of societies long before the contemporary one.

The societies he studies could have existed since the prehistory and the first human settlements, up to the classical era of the Antiquity or even medieval Europe. The interests of archeology are adapted to the region of the world where your professionals work.

Branches of archeology

Historical archeology studies civilizations that relied on writing.

Archeology has a huge number of subdivisions, generally dedicated to the study of a specific and concrete aspect of past human reality. Some examples of this are:

  • Archeology of battlefields. As its name implies, it focuses its efforts on understanding war or military events that occurred in a certain place and in remote times. Especially those famous battles that ended or began dynasties, empires, invasions, etc.
  • Historical archeology. Although its name might sound redundant, it is not: this branch of archeology is dedicated to the study of documented history, that is, written history, thus dealing with documents, Chronicles, evidences and inscriptions.
  • Cognitive archeology. His efforts are focused on understanding the way of thinking of societies or communities past, from the study of the cultural and symbolic content that can be recovered from its archaeological remains.
  • Genre archeology. This branch focuses its studies on understanding the roles formerly associated with each of the human sexes, in order to better understand their evolution in the passing of history, and understand why today we understand that a woman or a man must be socially and culturally in a specific way and not in another.
  • Archaeometry. It is about the archaeological study twinned with different physical-chemical techniques, in order to obtain more and better knowledge regarding the composition, characterization and manipulation of certain materials by ancient societies. For this they go to X-rays and other techniques contemporary study of materials.

Archeology and paleontology

Paleontology includes the study of pre-human life forms.

Paleontology and archeology are two Sciences very different, although at first glance it may not seem so. They both study the past of our planet from the physical evidence that can be obtained in the Earth crust.

However, while archeology focuses on the human being and in past societies, paleontology goes back to a much earlier past, where the human being did not exist. Study the geological evidence for the life and its origins, the complex facets of its evolution. Thus traces a history of ancient life, either before or during the appearance of man.

Bachelor of Archeology

Archaeological discoveries are also important tourist attractions.

Archeology constitutes a higher university-type study, generally associated with faculties of Social Sciences or Humanities. It normally comprises a five-year study to obtain a bachelor's degree.

Subsequently, this science offers its professionals numerous specialized and postgraduate branches. On the other hand, it also allows them to access other disciplines to diversify their knowledge.

Archaeologists can engage in work in museums, universities, study centers, and research. They can also be part of work teams practical, to carry out excavations and field investigations, in search of archaeological remains in different parts of the world.

Archaeological formation is very important in countries that actively explore their ancestral past or that inherited great ruins or monuments from it. In addition, it allows you to take advantage of this inheritance to obtain important tourist and scientific income.

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