


We explain what authority is, its origin and what types exist. Also, its relationship with power and what is the abuse of authority.

Authority is the legitimate exercise of command, as it is accepted by subordinates.

What is authority?

With the term authority we refer to the legitimate exercise of command, that is, to the can that is granted in a consensual and regulated manner to whoever possesses the necessary competencies for the leadership wave decision making.

So when a person With authority he gives an instruction, the normal thing is that his subordinates feel moved to carry it out. The latter, that acceptance and recognition of command, is key to understanding authority and distinguishing it from other non-legitimate forms of power.

The word authority comes from Latin auctoritas, derived from auctor ("Author"). In Ancient Rome, this last word not only referred to those who create something or originate something of value, as we understand today, but it also alluded to those who are concerned with making something grow or taking it on the right path.

Thus, the auctoritas was the recognition of the beneficial power that was exercised over another, that is, that a ruler had auctoritas ("Authority") to the extent that its government was good and accepted by his people.

Authority is the object of study of various disciplines such as right, the politics and the sociology, among others, and has also been approached philosophically by thinkers such as Max Weber (1864-1920) or Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968).

Origin of authority

All authority has an origin, in the sense that it owes its legitimate and formal character to the fulfillment of some type of rules of sociopolitical gambling. Thus, for example, in a democracy compliance with the provisions of the laws and popular participation is what decides who has the political authority.

This figure emerged together with the societies human beings, the result of the need of the Humans to band together to ensure mutual survival in a hostile world.

The need for hierarchies, methods of organization and forms of political power would then appear as a tool to lead society, to decide who is listened to and what to do when a Leader it perishes or cannot continue to be so, since it is no longer beneficial to the whole of the society that it governed.

Types of authority

Traditional authority is based on a tradition that allows hereditary power.

According to the postulated by Max Weber, authority is classified into three different types, according to the way it is received or earned:

  • Traditional authority. It is based on the principle of habit (the customary), that is, the continuation of the way things have been done before. This type of authority is acquired thanks to the tradition, that is, to rules and agreements that have been reinforced in society from generation to generation over time, and allow the management of hereditary, transmissible and irrational power, as is the case of the monarchies, whose access to the throne is transmitted from father to son.
  • Rational-legal authority. It is based on the pact or agreement, that is, on what the laws establish (the positive law). It handles power according to the principle of obedience to the law, not to the person who governs, and responds to a formal framework through which said power must be exercised, as an elected president does to govern a country, whose power is limited by others political powers and it must necessarily submit to the rule of law.
  • Charismatic authority. It is based on the I respect, admiration and devotion to the capabilities of a person, for which he proposes a model of irrational and personalistic power, which nevertheless eventually ends up becoming a traditional authority. This is the case, for example, of the authority of a preacher over his congregation, or of a captain of a sports team.

On the other hand, and reading other authors, one can also distinguish between legal forms of authority (which are imposed by obligation), and moral forms of authority (which are imposed by conviction).

Authority and power

Although all authority implies an exercise of power and command, we must not confuse authority with power itself. The former must have foundations, that is, it must be recognized by those subordinate to it, while power can be exercised in tyrannical and non-consensual ways.

For example, a legitimately elected president is an authority figure, while a military man who gives a coup and establishes a dictatorship it has the power, but despite the resistance of the citizens.

Authority abuse

When we speak of abuse of authority or abuse of power, we normally refer to the illegitimate and / or illegal handling of power by a person who accesses it thanks to their authority.

That is, it occurs when someone endowed with authority uses his power to further himself or his interests. Such a breaking of the rules of the game goes against his own authority, and is capable, in the opinion of his subordinates, of depriving him of it and therefore of access to power.

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