i respect



We explain what respect is, the types that there are and examples of each one. In addition, its importance and its relationship with tolerance.

Respect must be reciprocal.

What is respect?

Respect is a quality or value It consists of the consideration and assessment that an individual has towards other people, towards an idea or an institution. Respect includes attitudes how to abide by certain codes of protocol or from conduct, show tolerance towards different opinions or actions, adhere to certain ethical or moral guidelines and value the interests of others.

It is one of the fundamental values. It must occur between people to ensure social harmony and is usually related to the concept of reciprocityIn other words, it is something that must be given to each other.

Respect implies a cordial and respectful treatment between people and implies accepting and understanding the similarities and differences with other individuals, their behaviors, beliefs, opinions and attitudes.

It is an important concept in legal, philosophical and anthropological matters, which assumes various forms, but whose main objective is to maintain a peaceful and cordial coexistence among human beings. The opposite of this value is irreverence, rudeness, or violence.

On the other hand, respect is also given towards ideas, traditions, standards, symbols or institutions. Faced with these situations, the individual must act in a courteous and tolerant manner. In many contexts, a lack of respect for these principles may lead to sanction.

Types of respect

Some types of respect are:

  • Respect for others. It consists of understanding and accepting other individuals, both their way of being and their opinions, beliefs and attitudes. Respect for others must be given among all people and is one of the bases that guarantees the coexistence and social harmony.
  • Respect for social norms. It consists of knowing, accepting and complying with the rules that govern a certain society. These standards are formulated to uphold the common good and are based on values ​​such as tolerance, kindness, and solidarity. Non-compliance with the social norms It is not usually a reason for sanction, although in many cases it can lead to a social sanction.
  • Respect for the laws. It consists of knowing, accepting and respecting laws issued by the competent body of a certain territory. Laws are present in many areas of development of the individual and are formulated so that rights and duties are respected, and to guarantee social peace. In case of not complying with the laws, the individual will receive a sanction.
  • Respect for authority. It consists of accepting and respecting certain authority figures who perform in a certain position. Such is the case of teachers, parents, presidents, among many others.
  • Respect for national symbols. It consists of knowing, accepting and respecting the symbols that represent a certain nation or territory. National symbols are the reflection of the main values ​​of a people, so they should be treated seriously and with respect. Some of the most representative national symbols are the flag, the anthem and the shield.
  • Respect for customs and traditions. It consists of accepting and respecting the traditions, customs and beliefs of a certain town or territory. The traditions of a group are the reflection of their history and their way of understanding the world, so they are a human creation that must be accepted and tolerated.
  • Respect for nature. It consists of respecting the natural spaces and all the individuals who live in the different ecosystems. Respect for him environment is essential to maintain life in the planet Earth.
  • Respect for beliefs. It consists of accepting and respecting the beliefs or religions of all individuals. As the person is a free being, they have the ability to choose their own rites and spiritual manifestations (as long as they do not harm the integrity of third parties) and these must be tolerated.
  • Respect for diversity. It consists of accepting and tolerating different beliefs, opinions, ideas, points of view, attitudes, tastes, choices or actions, even if they differ from one's own. Thus, the human being is capable of exercising freedoms as the freedom of expression, of choice, cult, among other.
  • Respect for the life. It consists of accepting and respecting the life alien and implies not putting in risk, under no circumstances, the physical or psychological integrity of other individuals.

Examples of respect

Some examples of situations that illustrate a respectful relationship can be:

  • When the teacher He enters the classroom, the students are silent and stand up.
  • Children should pay attention when their parents or guardians speak.
  • In Eastern cultures, the elderly and elderly are revered, their opinions heard, and their priorities heeded.
  • Neighbors in a building adhere to a code of rules that guarantees mutual respect and thus avoid confrontations: until what time to put music, how to handle garbage, etc.
  • When the traffic law is respected, it is accepted to drive in a certain way, common to all the inhabitants of the country.
  • Respect for nature can occur to the extent that we do not dirty the scenery, we do not violate wildlife more than we should and we do not hunt or log indiscriminately.
  • Respect for beliefs It occurs when we do not interfere in the rites and spiritual manifestations of third parties, nor do we prevent them from carrying them out because they are different from ours.
  • Respect for life implies not killing.

Respect as a value and its importance

Respect is one of the most prominent values ​​in human relationships, because it is what allows individuals to treat each other in a kind, tolerant and respectful way. This value implies accepting and understanding others beyond differences and puts all individuals on a plane of equality.

It is a quality that is expected to guide the attitudes and behaviors of all individuals, to generate warm and friendly environments in which rights and differences are respected. Respect as a value has different manifestations and is the basis of structures such as law, religions, and social and moral norms, which guide the behavior of individuals in social settings.

Fostering respect is essential for the construction of harmonious and plural societies. A society based on respect is a society with wealth, in which different beliefs, cults, choices coexist, and in which there is tolerance towards all manifestations of the human being. Respect must be instilled from early childhood, in settings such as family and school. Boys and girls are taught to respect their parents, their peers, their teachers, the diversity of opinions and characteristics of each individual and the institutions, celebrations, symbols, among others.

On the other hand, it is known as "lack of respect" to those attitudes or behaviors that threaten something or someone. The term "disrespectful" refers to a person who disrespects another or others. Disrespecting acts with intolerance Either it is treated rudely or it violates the Rights of other individuals. It is disrespectful when norms are not accepted or the expected respect is not paid to symbols, authorities, ceremonies, rites, among others.

Examples of respect

  1. She was silent and listened carefully to the speech from teacher.
  2. All the neighbors take out the trash between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m., because that is what the building regulations establish.
  3. You must know all traffic rules if you want to get a driver's license.
  4. Logging and fishing are strictly prohibited in this natural park.
  5. The students listened carefully to the instruction given by the teacher.
  6. Throwing papers on the public highway is a reason for sanction in me town.
  7. The students sang the anthem of their country in chorus.
  8. This afternoon we will witness the parade of the different communities that inhabit the state of New York.
  9. He was convicted of murder in an attempted robbery.
  10. We were silent during the wedding celebration in the church.
  11. She sent a reader letter to Newspaper to give your opinion on the matter.
  12. The boy listened carefully to his grandfather's advice.
  13. The leaders of the two main political parties met to discuss the budget annual.
  14. The new president congratulated his opponent on the tight election.
  15. The deputies applauded the speech of the elected deputy.

Synonyms of respect

Some terms related to respect are: admiration, esteem, devotion, adoration, veneration, compliance, cult, idolatry, fervor, decorum, courtesy, protocol, care, modesty, honor, respect, honor, adhesion, acceptance, attention, obedience, submission, reverence, consideration, nobility, dignity, prudence and honorability.

Respect and tolerance

Respect and tolerance are closely related concepts. It is known as tolerance to virtue by which an individual accepts and understands the ideas, opinions or forms of others, despite not agreeing with them. Tolerating another person implies respecting them, that is, appeasing the reactions that their behavior or ideas may generate, allowing them their point of view and accepting possible dissent or difference.

The values ​​of respect and tolerance are important in every human relationship and in all social spheres. Above all, it is important that they are reflected in polarized environments or of social, political, religious or ethnic confrontation, because they promote a more harmonious coexistence between people who adhere to different moral, social or spiritual codes.

An intolerant person is one who does not respect ways of life other than personal ones and, in many cases, seeks to reject, discriminate and even eliminate them.

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