Beautiful teeth are desirable in our society, they radiate health and vitality. Brown spots on the teeth In contrast, tooth discoloration stands for neglect and neglect. A bright smile with beautiful teeth can be maintained if a few things are observed.
What are brown stains on teeth?
Brown stains on teeth are dark discolorations that stand out clearly against the natural white of the teeth. Affected people are often very annoyed by the discolored teeth, especially if they are in the directly visible area of the mouth, such as on the front teeth.
The brown stains can no longer be removed with simple dental hygiene measures, not even when using very special toothpastes that are supposed to have a stronger cleaning effect. These discolorations can sometimes be felt with the tongue, feel rough and therefore make the mouth feel uncomfortable.
Not all brown stains on teeth have a cause that needs treatment. After the diagnosis, a dentist can decide whether and which measures should be taken.
The discoloration caused by brown spots on the teeth can have various causes, either a dental disease or poor oral hygiene.
Certain luxury foods are very often the cause of the unsightly discoloration. Nicotine, coffee, tea and red wine are among the most common causes. Food containing these substances deposit stubborn plaque on teeth that can only be removed with extreme care. In most cases, complete removal is not possible, so that over time discoloration of the teeth will develop.
The use of certain medications (e.g. iron supplements) can also be responsible for brown stains on teeth. Brown spots caused by tooth decay have a less favorable cause. Inadequate oral hygiene does not completely remove plaque and causes tooth decay. Affected areas on the tooth are then recognizable as brown areas in the advanced stage.
In contrast to discoloration caused by the above-mentioned luxury foods, brown stains on teeth due to tooth decay are not just superficial and require further dental treatment in any case.
Diseases with this symptom
- Root inflammation
- Caries
- Tooth fracture
Diagnosis & course
Patients whose teeth are stained brown should have the dentist examine the cause of the discoloration.
The dentist can easily determine by means of an examination whether it is a discoloration caused by certain foods or a carious disease.
With a thorough examination of the oral cavity, the nature of the brown spots is examined more closely. If these are rather softer areas, this indicates that there is caries on the tooth.
Caries is treated by removing the carious substance and then filling the missing tooth material with plastic.
If the examination by the dentist reveals superficial discolouration from certain foods or luxury foods, treatment should also be given to prevent secondary diseases.
With the use of various special instruments, the brown spots on the teeth can be almost completely removed.
Most people perceive brown stains on teeth as a cosmetic problem. Mostly these are not individual, clearly defined spots, but rather a discoloration. As is well known, this comes about through coffee, cigarettes and other influences from the diet - that is why most of those affected ignore it, only treat it.
However, brown stains on the teeth can also indicate that the tooth enamel is weakening and needs support to stabilize again. A visit to the dentist when brown stains on the teeth have not yet progressed is still quick and largely painless. Since the dentist is not one of the most popular specialists, most patients prefer to live with brown stains on their teeth and risk that diseases such as tooth decay will be overlooked at an early stage, when they would be easier and more pleasant to treat.
It can also be dangerous if you try to whiten your teeth yourself. With existing caries, this only endangers the damaged tooth substance more than is absolutely necessary. If the teeth are stained brown and discolored simply because of eating habits, it would be better and healthier to have them bleached by the dentist, as these expert procedures are far less harmful to the tooth structure.
When should you go to the doctor?
Brown stains on teeth can have numerous causes. Often this is just a cosmetic problem. However, brown stains on teeth can also be tooth decay. In addition, iron supplements taken occasionally lead to brown tooth stains. A dentist should always be asked about the appearance of brown stains on the teeth.
Often brown discoloration of the teeth is due to certain drinks and stimulants such as black tea, coffee, red wine and nicotine. Those affected rarely notice the discoloration of their teeth in the early stages, but only when they are clearly visible. But then they are usually difficult or impossible to remove yourself.
It is not advisable to use commercially available special toothpastes and other agents for removing tooth discoloration, as they will not bring the desired success and can also damage the teeth. A dentist, on the other hand, can provide a remedy and also protect the teeth from new discoloration with an applied fluoride varnish. Extremely discolored teeth can be veneered by their dentist with so-called veneers.
In the case of brown stains on the teeth, the dentist can also reliably determine whether it is a comparatively harmless discoloration or whether it is tooth decay, which he immediately treats with dental care in the same session.
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Treatment & Therapy
After the doctor has found a cause for the brown stains on the teeth through the examination, the necessary treatment can be initiated immediately.
If the diagnosis is caries, it has to be removed and the missing tooth substance filled. To do this, the dentist usually gives a local anesthetic so that the patient can get through the treatment painlessly. As soon as the anesthetic is effective, the areas of tooth decay are removed with a special drill. Careful work is absolutely necessary here so that not even the smallest carious areas remain. This is followed by a thorough cleaning of the affected area before the tooth is filled with plastic and closed.
If the brown stains are caused by discoloration, various devices and instruments can be used to remove them. The stubborn deposits are removed using ultrasound and manual tools, and the teeth are then smoothed using special polishing tools and pastes and made temporarily resistant to new deposits. A varnish consisting of fluoride can also be applied to protect the teeth for several months.
Outlook & forecast
As a rule, brown stains on teeth do not need treatment if they do not bother the patient and do not cause pain when eating or drinking. They occur mainly due to tooth discoloration and are a common symptom that cannot be prevented with certain foods.
In most cases, there will be no further discomfort or complications with this symptom. However, if there is pain or the teeth are very sensitive to pain, a dentist should be consulted.
If the symptom is not treated, the brown stains will remain on the teeth and will not go away. However, they can be prevented by avoiding alcohol, coffee, and other coloring foods. Direct treatment is not carried out, but the doctor can clean the teeth and thus remove the brown stains from the teeth. The cleaning also proceeds without complications and leads to a positive course of the disease.
However, the brown stains also reappear after cleaning if the corresponding food is consumed. Treatment with medication or surgery is not carried out.
Careful oral hygiene is essential to prevent brown stains on your teeth. The foundation stone for dental health is laid in early childhood, so learning about optimal dental hygiene is very important.
The daily cleaning and care program for teeth should not only include toothbrushes and toothpaste, the use of dental floss and mouthwashes also improve oral hygiene. Avoiding food and luxury foods that cause discoloration on teeth Regularly performed professional tooth cleaning should also be on every schedule.
You can do that yourself
Brown stains on the teeth can also affect people who brush their teeth three times a day. However, any discoloration can be effectively removed with home remedies. Activated carbon is particularly noteworthy. It ensures that dirt and toxins are bound and transported away. Those affected can either use the charcoal in the form of self-made toothpaste or as a mouthwash.
Turmeric is also recommended. It is famous for counteracting brown stains on teeth. The teeth whiten gently from time to time. However, if those affected suffer from tooth enamel damage, turmeric should be avoided as a toothbrush powder. Damaged teeth are quickly discolored as a result.
Baking soda is also helpful in liquidating brown stains on teeth. It is advisable to brush your teeth with the powder two to three times a month. The ultra-fine soda powder is recommended here. Commercially available baking soda is coarse-grained and can cause irritation to the gums when used. Using sage can also help. Not only is it extremely healthy, but it also helps discreetly whiten teeth. It is recommended to chew one or two leaves regularly. The contained substances strengthen the gums, clean the teeth and ensure fresh breath.