About 15 percent of the German population suffers from it in their lifetime chronic runny nose. Swelling of the nasal mucosa, the constant feeling of clearing your throat: Patients suffer from chronic runny nose, which - if the sinuses are also affected - can even lead to headaches.
What is chronic runny nose?
A chronic runny nose (also called chronic rhinitis) is a persistent state of inflammation or irritation of the nasal mucous membranes.
The nasal mucous membrane reacts to inflammation and irritation with a thickening (increase in volume) in the turbinate area.
A chronic runny nose (chronic rhinitis) can have a wide variety of causes. Regular infections caused by viruses or bacteria are the main cause.
However, allergies to a wide variety of bee pollen, animal hair and other allergens can also be considered as causes. Even irritants such as dust or chemical vapors, very high or very low temperatures, smoke from cigarettes or even spices (e.g. pepper) can lead to chronic rhinitis.
Benign tumors of the nasal mucous membrane - the so-called nasal polyps - are rarely a possible cause of the “stuffy nose”. Tumors or a crooked nasal septum can also promote a chronic runny nose. In addition, certain medications (e.g. antihypertensive agents) cause the nasal mucous membranes to swell.
Probably the most typical symptom of a chronic runny nose is impeded breathing through the nose due to the swelling of the nasal mucous membranes. Chronic rhinitis is often accompanied by a slimy secretion that flows from the nose. Affected people feel that they have to clear their throat all the time, because nasal secretions often run down the throat when they have a chronic cold. If the mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses are also affected, headaches can also occur in addition to the symptoms.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for colds and nasal congestionDiseases with this symptom
- Sinus inflammation
- hay fever
- Pet hair allergy
- Nasal polyps
- House dust allergy
- Drug allergy
Diagnosis & course
Home remedies ↵ for a cold In order to be able to diagnose a "chronic cold", the doctor will first ask his patient specifically about his symptoms in order to find out the causes. Furthermore, the nasopharynx is examined and the lungs listened to, whereby other diseases such as inflammation of the bronchi or the tonsils can be excluded.
In addition to these examinations, a nasoscopy (rhinoscopy) is often performed, with which a closer look into the nasopharynx is possible. In this way, the entire inside of the nose and the condition of the nasal mucosa can be assessed. This enables the doctor to identify certain causes such as polyps, tumors or a crooked nasal septum.
When making a diagnosis, it is also important to have a smear that can be used to determine whether bacteria are responsible for the chronic runny nose. If an allergy is suspected, an allergy test, which is carried out after the acute symptoms have subsided, makes sense.
Depending on the treatment of the chronic cold, the disease also progresses. If left untreated, the runny nose does not usually go away as easily as an acute cold would. Appropriate therapy is therefore essential.
When should you go to the doctor?
In general, chronic complaints require clarification by a doctor. If you have a chronic cold, a specialist should be consulted after about a week.
But also regularly recurring colds that stop in the meantime and reappear after a while, should be clarified by the doctor. Another indication to see a specialist are various accompanying symptoms. If the runny nose is characterized by a yellowish or even purulent secretion, this indicates that bacteria are involved. Here it may be necessary to take an antibiotic to eliminate the bacteria.
Accompanying symptoms such as headache, fever, almond pain and a feeling of pressure in the head when bending over must also be clarified by a doctor. A chronic inflammation of the sinuses or the entire respiratory system can be present here. If this is not treated in time, extensive inflammation can result. Bacteria in the paranasal sinuses can also cross the blood-brain barrier and lead to meningitis.
In children with a chronic cold, the pediatrician should be consulted after five days.
First of all, the general practitioner can be asked for advice. Often this can already make a diagnosis. The right contact person for a persistent cold, however, is the ear, nose and throat doctor. This can clarify the exact causes and, if necessary, initiate suitable therapy.
Doctors & therapists in your area
Treatment & Therapy
The treatment of a chronic runny nose is primarily about eliminating the cause that is contributing to the disease. If there are allergies, the triggering substance should be avoided and the allergy treated with appropriate medication. If the chronic rhinitis is the result of a crooked nasal septum or polyps, nasal surgery is often performed.
To relieve the discomfort and to support the chipped nasal mucous membranes, salt water rinses are the simplest and cheapest means of choice. The slimy secretion becomes thinner and can be better transported away via the cilia in the nose. Pollutants are also washed away in this way. Expectorant and anti-inflammatory steam baths with chamomile flowers, if possible not too hot, also contribute to the relief. If nasal breathing is very difficult, a decongestant nasal spray in front of the steam band can also help.
Especially in the acute phase of chronic rhinitis, decongestant medication in the form of sprays, tropics or gels is recommended. They help swell the nasal mucous membranes and allow the mucus to drain away, which means that the sinuses are well ventilated. It is important that decongestant drugs are only used for a short period of time, because the active ingredients dry out the nasal mucous membrane, which means that those affected continue to use the sprays and more often. The result is a dry nose and permanent damage to the nasal mucosa.
Outlook & forecasts
A chronic runny nose usually indicates an allergy, so that there is no clear improvement in sight without any treatment or with appropriate medication. An allergy can only be alleviated to such an extent that the person concerned does not have to accept any restrictions in their everyday life with appropriate medication.
A chronic runny nose does not always have to be triggered by an allergy, but it can also be a completely normal infection. In such a case, however, medical treatment is required. If such a cold has existed for several weeks, there is no improvement in sight. The nasal mucous membranes are permanently damaged in such a case, so that a full recovery can only be guaranteed with the right medication.
In addition, a chronic runny nose can also lead to different side effects. These include headaches, a high temperature or chills. Under certain circumstances, a severe flu-like infection can develop without any treatment, which should be treated by a doctor, especially in children. Otherwise there is even a risk of permanent consequential damage.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for colds and nasal congestionprevention
A chronic cold can hardly be prevented. However, patients with an acute runny nose are advised to only use decongestant medication for a short period of time. Steam baths or nasal rinses are always much more suitable for treatment.
If there is an allergy, the chronic runny nose can be prevented with appropriate treatment. It is important to consult an ENT doctor at the first small signs of chronic rhinitis, because if the treatment is not given, it can also lead to an otitis media or sinus infections.
You can do that yourself
Continuous cold is not painful, but it affects the quality of life. Numerous home remedies and, if necessary, changes in lifestyle can help against a chronic runny nose. In every second case, an allergy is the reason for constant cold. It always makes sense to strengthen the immune system. This includes a healthy diet as well as sufficient sleep and exercise in the fresh air. Although the allergic reaction can be suppressed with the help of medication, it makes more sense to find the trigger and avoid it. Desensitization may help. If you are allergic to animals or house dust, the apartment must be cleaned thoroughly. Contact with animals should be kept to a minimum.
Some medications have nasal congestion as a side effect, such as aspirin. Decongestant nasal sprays are also very often the cause of constant cold, as they damage the mucous membrane. Stopping the spray will quickly improve. Stress, anxiety, and grief can also lead to constant cold. It is worthwhile to rethink your situation in life and to start here, because removing the causes can lead to an early healing.
Moistening the nasal mucous membranes with saline solution is one of the most effective and natural remedies for colds. This strengthens the mucous membranes and facilitates the drainage of secretions. This method without side effects is particularly useful for children. Lots of drinking, steam baths, infrared radiation and inhalation also help.