primitive communism



We explain what primitive communism was, its economy, modes of production, advantages, disadvantages and other characteristics.

Early communism was the first form of social organization.

What was early communism?

According to the perspective of Marxism, is called primitive communism or primitive mode of production to the first of the stages of political-social organization of the humanity. It appeared with the first organized human communities (7000-2000 BC).

The human being primitive was organized into tribes or groups dedicated to obtaining sustenance through fishing, hunting or gathering. Its members exchanged goods based on a principle of cooperation simple, motivated that they were in a state of helplessness in the face of the dangers of nature.

That is why, as explained by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in texts such as The origin of the family, private property and the State , these groups constituted the first community social and collaborative, devoid of any form of private property.

Let us remember that the Marxist vision (the so-called "dialectical materialism") comprises the history of humanity as the transition between certain modes of production, around which society is ordered, to new ones, as the struggle between the oppressed and oppressing classes leads to more or less violent transformations (the revolutions).

Early communism came to an end with the Neolithic Revolution, with which the farming and the cattle raising, among other forms of production. Thus, the diversification of labor and social division of the population, laying the foundations for the subsequent Urban Revolution in which the first social classes.

Characteristics of early communism

Primitive communism, as its name implies, was a communal and community organization, in which there was no private property of any kind, nor was the land considered an exclusive property of anybody. It also lacked the presence of a Condition, since there were no social classes, they were not necessary laws that will regulate the coexistence between them.

Humans worked with rudimentary tools of stone or bone, so the only division of labor was in terms of the physical ability each, allowing women and children to survive on their own. Pregnant and breastfeeding women were especially protected to take care of the future generation together

According to some contemporary anthropologists, at that time there may have been a matriarchal society, directed by women, in which there was polyandry (the same woman could have different sexual partners).However, the consensus among specialists affirms that there was never a matriarchal society, but there was a matrilineal one, and some still survive today.

Economics of primitive communism

The producers of primitive communism did not create surpluses for exchange, nor did they accumulate goods, but produced what was indispensable to satisfy the most immediate needs. That is, there was no currency or need for it, since there was no possibility of riches, or of poverties.

The basic needs of each person were guaranteed by their own work and by belonging to the community. Therefore, there were no exploitation among humans, since no one could work for another, nor could anyone therefore stop working and have free time.

Modes of production of primitive communism

The necessary resources were obtained by hunting, fishing and gathering.

Hunting, fishing and gathering were the modes of production of humanity during these primitive stages. That is to say, they went to look for or obtain food wherever it was, and only obtained what was necessary for sustenance.

On the other hand, the community it lacked major specializations in the work of preparing tools or shelters, since everything was done in equal parts by all. The only specialization that could be found was a male occupation in hunting and fishing, and a female occupation in gathering and breeding.

The end of primitive communism is marked by the change in the modes of production. The domestication of animals and the beginning of agricultural and livestock work were means of production that generated much more product than strictly necessary to survive.

In this way the accumulation of goods and the unequal distribution of work began, since some generated enough food so that others did not have to work in the same, but could dedicate themselves to other tasks, such as leadership, the war, the Sciences and the Arts.

Advantages of early communism

The advantages of this type of socio-political organization would be the following:

  • There was no exploitation, therefore no social resentment, no envy, no war, and none of the negatives of contemporary societies.
  • There were no political hierarchies, since the division of labor did not contemplate any type of leadership or exercise of power that was exempt from work.
  • The work was passed down from one generation to the next, so there was cooperation among human groups instead of competence.
  • It was a society in harmony with the environment, without producing pollution nor irreparable changes in the natural balance.

Disadvantages of early communism

On the other hand, the most negative aspects of primitive communism were:

  • Very low level of developing, given that the division of work did not allow free time to explore new and better working methods, or for the innovation of any kind.
  • It was a society focused on survival, which does not allow the emergence of scientific, philosophical or artistic knowledge, wasting the creative potential of the species.
  • Very simple way of life, with a very low life expectancy, in which diseases and animal attacks claimed victims with impunity.
  • There was no change in any human sense, as the needs of the population were very limited and no spiritual concerns were being explored.
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