


We explain what trust is, what it can be deposited in and what types exist. Also, examples of confidence in everyday life.

Confidence is being able to believe that others will not let us down.

What is trust?

When we speak of trust (from Latin with-, "Together and fidere, "ugly "loyalty”), We generally refer to the possibility of believing that another person, or a group of them, will act appropriately in our absence, that is, they will not disappoint or deceive us, nor do they need our supervision and vigilance.

Understood like this, trust is a hypothesis on conduct of one another, which can be reinforced or diminished depending on your actions and reactions.

At the same time, trust is a form of familiarity, that is, of closeness produced by the security that one has in the actions of the other. Therefore, it is one of the essential requirements for a close affective relationship, be it loving, affectionate or simply friendly.

Thus, while the responsibility, fidelity and predictability contribute to it, lies, betrayals and erratic or unpredictable behaviors contribute to the opposite situation, known as mistrust.

One can have confidence in institutions Y organizations, especially in those that handle certain types of can, Like the governments. Opinion polls are often interpreted as a measure of the trust that people place at any given moment in those who lead the nation's destiny.

On the other hand, the level of trust we place in ourselves tends to give rise to our self-confidence, also understood as our own. security, and is a fundamental element in the construction of emotionally healthy adult individuals. The absence or fragility of self-confidence is known as unsafety.

In conclusion, given that human beings are not 100% transparent about what we think and feel, but that deep down we are a bit mysterious to each other, trust is considered a value emotional and psychological.

Trust types

In psychology, trust is usually classified into:

Trust in others. That which we deposit in any third party, and that to a certain extent is innate in human beings, that from the outset we grant to our close relatives, even before understanding it on a rational level. That is why then we must learn to distrust, since other people in the world will not necessarily be faithful to our interests. This trust can, in turn, be of several types:

  • Simple trust. It is the one that is innate and natural to us, that we fully and absolutely grant from the outset. Be part of the learnings of our species, which over the millennia has prospered on the basis of working together.
  • Trust nurtured. It is one that requires reinforcements and stimuli to forge and cement itself, and that is molded throughout life according to lived experiences. In this sense, it is much more individual than simple and depends directly on the way in which we subjectively process what happens to us.

Self-confidence. This is the name given to the degree of credibility that we give to our own talents, abilities or decisions, which will make us perceive them as adequate (even if they are not). A minimum degree of self-confidence is essential to be able to undertake any project, although the excess of it will inevitably lead to error and disappointment. It is a concept related to self esteem.

Examples of trust

Examples of trust are situations such as the following:

  • A couple in love who trust each other with their intimate secrets, trusting that the other will not divulge them or use them for their own selfish gain.
  • Two business partners do business together because they trust that their economic interests and moral values match enough to benefit each other.
  • A child is encouraged to play a sport against other older children because they have enough self-confidence, that is, they feel that they will be able to rise to the challenge.
  • Parents who trust their children allow them a greater load of personal freedoms, as they are convinced that they raised them responsibly.
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