Stretch marks are noticeable streaks on the skin. Although commonly known in the form of stretch marks, men also have stretch marks.
What are stretch marks?
In medicine, stretch marks are also referred to as 'Striae cutis atrophica' or 'Striae cutis distensae'. Stretch marks arise in the subcutaneous tissue and are usually visible to the outside in the form of slightly reddish stripes on the skin. The reddish coloration of the stripes arises because blood vessels shimmer through the skin in the corresponding places.
Typically, stretch marks appear mainly on very stressed tissue; this applies to the tissue on the hips, buttocks, abdomen and upper arms, among other things. Both men and women can develop stretch marks. The streaks can vary greatly in their severity and number, depending on the person affected.
Stretch marks are caused by cracks in the subcutaneous tissue. Such tears occur when the connective tissue of the subcutaneous tissue is overstretched. There are many reasons for such overstretching of the connective tissue and the development of stretch marks: In women, subcutaneous tears occur particularly frequently during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the elasticity of the woman's skin decreases due to hormones during pregnancy.
A general risk factor for the development of stretch marks is an innate weak connective tissue, because weak connective tissue is particularly susceptible to tears. Further risk factors for stretch marks are strong expansion of the skin, such as occur, for example, during rapid growth in adolescents or, above all, when people gain weight quickly or are constantly overweight.
Stretch marks can also be caused by excessive exercise; For example, they often occur in athletes who do extensive muscle building training. Last but not least, stretch marks can also be caused by various diseases or drug treatments (such as cortisone therapy).
Diseases with this symptom
- tuberculosis
- typhus
- Metabolic disorder
- Lichen sclerosus
- Cushing Syndrome
- Obesity
- Typhus
- Stretch marks
- Connective tissue weakness
Diagnosis & course
The diagnosis of stretch marks is usually based on the typical symptoms present. If the causes of the development of stretch marks are unclear in the individual case, the attending physician can first obtain information from a patient consultation.
During this conversation, a patient can, for example, provide information about their previous medical history. Further examinations can then be carried out to determine whether, for example, illnesses or side effects of medication are responsible for stretch marks in the individual; blood tests, for example, can provide further information.
As a rule, once they have developed, stretch marks do not completely regress. However, the appearance of stretch marks usually changes over time: While comparatively new stretch marks can often still be bluish-red, they then usually fade and remain in the form of a light scar.
Stretch marks, lat. Striae cutis atrophica, as clearly visible signs in the subcutis (subcutaneous tissue), cannot only appear on the abdomen, hips, buttocks and thighs. They can also affect the female breast. The latter are particularly annoying for most women because they significantly disrupt the aesthetic sensation. Because of this, stretch marks on the chest can lead to psychological problems in a partnership or marriage. Many women no longer feel attractive and withdraw. A breast lift or augmentation can make the stretch marks less noticeable. However, the women affected cannot always be satisfied with this mediocre result.
In both men and women, stretch marks are caused by stretching of the subcutaneous tissue during periods of normal growth. But these also arise during pregnancy or when there is significant weight gain or as a result of severe weight fluctuations due to frequent diets. If stretch marks already exist and those affected change their weight, the stretch marks can increase. Existing stretch marks can also be more pronounced due to bodybuilding and hormonal changes during puberty, menopause or policystic ovarian syndrome.
In extreme cases, very deep tears in the subcutaneous tissue can occur, which can no longer be treated with microdermabrasion. Even lasers and ultrasound cannot eliminate this skin damage. The application of nourishing and "firming" creams almost always takes place without a positive result. Other complications from stretch marks can include rashes, skin swelling, bruising, tenderness, and pain on the skin.
When should you go to the doctor?
Stretch marks are usually not a problem. They develop into a cosmetic rather than a real medical problem. However, they are wounds under the skin - with all possible risks in exceptional cases. First the newly created stretch marks will turn red and then dark purple, which is still normal.
However, if the skin feels warm in the affected area, swells or also reddens around the stretch marks, an appointment should be made with the family doctor. It is possible that inflammation has developed under the skin. This does not happen often, but in an emergency it is a case for the doctor, as the inflammation is not superficial and must therefore be treated. Severely painful stretch marks are also a cause for concern since they usually cannot be felt at all. If they are painful, it indicates that they are not acting like normal stretch marks.
A visit to the doctor can also be useful if it is not clear where the stretch marks are coming from or if many of them occur at once despite a known cause such as pregnancy or weight gain. Finally, the doctor can treat problematic stretch marks cosmetically so that the person concerned feels comfortable in their skin again if they have healed unsightly.
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Treatment & Therapy
A complete elimination of stretch marks is only possible through the use of surgical measures, in the course of which severely affected areas of the skin are removed. However, such an operation is usually relatively rare and the symptoms are very pronounced, because instead of stretch marks, a remaining surgical scar can usually not be avoided.
In addition to the surgical procedure, there are various treatment methods available that can visually weaken the stretch marks. For example, in chemical peeling, the skin areas affected by stretch marks are treated with glycolic acid; this stimulates the epidermis to form new epidermal cells and also flattens stretch marks that can appear raised.
A flattening and optical weakening of stretch marks can also be achieved with various laser methods. A chemical peeling can be supplemented, for example, with so-called mesotherapy: Here, various substances are injected under the skin areas affected by stretch marks. This measure should contribute to a regeneration of the damaged subcutaneous tissue.
Last but not least, various pharmacological measures can also help reduce stretch marks: In addition to various medications, vitamin A acid, for example, is suitable - both for ingestion and for application to the stretch marks in cream form.
Outlook & forecast
Stretch marks are common on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and thighs. However, they are not limited to these parts of the body, but can form almost anywhere. If stretch marks are detected at the beginning of a pregnancy, the affected woman must expect that the streaks will intensify during the coming months of pregnancy.
With other physical changes, those affected must expect the stretch marks to worsen. Strong weight gain and frequent, strong weight fluctuations are particularly unfavorable. If those affected are still in puberty or already in the menopause, the hormonal changes that are usual in this phase of life can increase the visibility and strength of the stretch marks. Weight sports like boybuilding are also counterproductive.
As a rule, existing stretch marks do not completely regress. However, their appearance can change over time. Mostly they lose their blue-reddish color and begin to fade. However, visible, usually very light-colored scars are almost always left behind.
The development of stretch marks can be prevented, among other things, by avoiding strong weight fluctuations. During pregnancy, massaging special creams or oils on the skin can counteract any stretch marks. Last but not least, a diet rich in vitamins can prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
You can do that yourself
Stretch marks that have recently developed can be treated with retinoids, tretinoin, and vitamin A acid supplements. This application does not completely remove stretch marks, but they do fade significantly. Another great option is laser and light therapies. With the help of certain devices, the process can be carried out comfortably at home. This treatment is ideal against stretch marks.
In addition, stretch marks can be removed with the "jet your skin method". These are strong hyaluronic acid molecules that are introduced into the stressed areas of the skin with great pressure. This creates a minimal and invisible channel in the epidermis in which the special fluid is distributed. The molecules tear the respective skin cells when they hit them. This creates a wound healing process that significantly improves the stretch marks. After just a few sessions, this leads to an improved complexion.
Furthermore, stretch marks can be treated with ancient Chinese medicine. The effective active ingredient Centella asiatica (Indian pennywort) is used in particular, which counteracts stretch marks. To promote the regression of stretch marks, a glycolic acid peel or ascorbic acid is also suitable. After repeated use, stretch marks fade quickly.
↳ More information: Home remedies for stretch marks