Feelings are the result of various chemical messenger substances and hormones and control certain behavior in humans towards others. However, the sense of touch can also be meant. Actual feelings are not to be confused with the complex definitions of human states of mind.
What are feelings
A feeling is a movement perceived on a psychological level. In the physical sense, feelings describe the perception of the tactile sensory cells. Emotions with a psychological meaning enable people to live together in the way they do in modern times.
Feeling is a basic human function and is controlled biochemically. Human emotions make a person act as he can and should do towards his fellow human beings. There is love for other people and living beings, there is mother love and there is also feelings of hatred towards people who have not behaved correctly. People's social skills and intuition are also related to their ability to develop feelings and act on them.
In the medical sense, the feeling describes the perception at the points where tactile sensory cells are located. According to the medical definition, people can feel in a broader sense with all other sensory organs, for example they can see with their eyes and smell with their nose.
Function & task
The feeling in the psychological sense serves the human coexistence. This refers to feelings that actually come about through biochemical messenger substances - not those that arise solely through human communication and are much more complex to explain.
Love, hate, sympathy, fear or hunger are feelings that are triggered by a biochemical process in the body. This can of course be significantly influenced by input from another person or another external source. The presence of these feelings moves the person to his behavior, the feeling is decisive for his actions towards others.
Parents take care of their baby out of parental love instead of pursuing their own interests, and they tend to be only interested in their steadfast partner rather than in every potential partner. Based on this feeling, he avoids things that a person is afraid of and avoids things or people he hates based on this feeling. That behavior is decisive for human coexistence and determines almost every process in modern human civilization.
Since these evaluations depend heavily on cultural practices, there is also a connection between mentally set values and norms and physical processes such as the biochemical release of hormones.
The feeling in the medical sense serves to perceive the outside world with the possibilities of the human body. In a narrower sense, feeling means the sense of touch. Humans can perceive shapes and structures and recognize and classify objects in this way. In a broader sense, a feeling can arise in all sense organs when they receive a stimulus and are thus stimulated to function.
Illnesses & ailments
Diseases of feeling in the human sensory organs often occur after injuries. Accidents or malpractice during an operation can cause the sensory organs to no longer function as they should, which can lead to disturbances or even loss of sensation in these organs. The consequences are, for example, blindness or loss of hearing.
Some sensory organs can be affected by congenital malpositions and defects, so that the feeling in these organs is not present or only to a limited extent at birth. In the course of life, changes in feeling in the sensory organs should be observed very closely, as they can be indicators of diseases and these can often be treated well if they are detected early.
Illnesses can also occur with emotional feelings. Feelings that occur for no apparent reason, such as anger or aggression, can also serve as indicators of underlying physical illness. In these cases, the pathological cause releases a messenger substance at the wrong moment, which causes the feeling and thus the unexpected, conspicuous behavior of the person.
For example, the aggressive change in personality in brain tumors is known. In addition to physical causes, problematic feelings also indicate mental illness. Constant sadness can indicate mild to severe depression, depending on the patient's situation and behavior.
In the psychological examination, the patient's emotional world is in the foreground, as feelings can provide information about the underlying mental disorder. They are a subjective expression of the patient's ego and thus an opportunity for the treating psychologist to get to the core of the problem.
Even if feelings do not result from an illness, they can become pathologically relevant or at least cause problems. This is particularly well known with the feeling of love. It happens that people develop feelings in love for another person who does not reciprocate them, which can be more or less problematic in dealing with one another.
Feelings can also increase to mania, the affected person loses connection to the reality of the other because of the feeling and his behavior changes. For example, he takes refuge in strange realities and brings himself into social difficulties.
In the worst case, feelings of misdirected or out of control can lead to violent crimes or crimes such as stalking, coercion or blackmail. To prevent this, a socially accepted way of dealing with one's own feelings and the timely acceptance of help in the event of loss of control are required.