Age group



We explain what an age group is and how it is approached according to different disciplines. Also, what are the age groups in human life.

Age groups allow the members of a community to be classified according to their age.

What is an age group?

An age group, age range, or age set is a cluster of people that share age or vital moment, and that are of statistical or academic interest. In other words, we speak of age groups when we classify a community or to a group of individuals in sets determined by age.

Age groups are common in studies sociological and of marketing, since it is often assumed that a group of people of roughly the same age have interests, ambitions and behaviors more or less similar recurrences. It is also of importance in medical study and public health, since the human body normally goes through similar stages.

In this way, when it is said that an "age range" or an "age group" presents some characteristic or has some preference, it is affirming that people who are within a certain age range share that characteristic or act in that way. common.

The age groups are defined by those who carry out the study, but broadly speaking, five large age groups are usually considered in the course of human life:

  • Childhood (from 0 to 11 years)
  • Adolescence (from 12 to 18 years old)
  • Youth (from 19 to 30 years old)
  • Adulthood (from 30 to 60 years)
  • Old age (60 years and older)

Age or age?

According to the Royal Spanish Academy, the use of the word age instead of age. The term age comes from the Latin word aetas (“age”), derived from aevum (“time” or “epoch”), and is linked etymologically with other words such as “eternal” (aeternum) and “long-lived” (longaevus).

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