At hoarseness the voice is brittle and rough, speaking or swallowing is strenuous and sometimes accompanied by scratchy pain in the throat. In summary, appropriate behaviors, remedies, and home remedies can be used for the ailments.
What helps against hoarseness?
There are many causes of hoarseness, in addition to colds, vocal cord nodules, an underactive thyroid or acute inflammation of the pharynx, larynx or vocal cords can be triggers.
If the symptoms persist without the occurrence of a cold, medical advice from an ear, nose and throat specialist should be sought. Otherwise you can alleviate hoarseness complaints with proven home remedies from naturopathy.
An absolute ban on speaking brings help. Whispering, in particular, should be avoided because it is by rubbing the vocal cords together rather than relieving the irritation. If a clear sensation of cold is noticed, a cozy, warm scarf or a potato wrap will quickly help.
To make a potato wrap, 2 to 3 unpeeled potatoes are first boiled until soft. They are then placed on a spread out linen cloth and crushed with a fork. After rolling up, you can put the wrap on your chest and neck. The wrap should be comfortably warm. By slowly releasing the heat, a potato wrap ensures improved blood circulation, relaxation of the affected skin areas and thus supports the healing processes.
Quick help
Moderate fasting days with soup and tea are also effective against hoarseness. Of course, irritants, such as hot spices, alcohol or tobacco smoke, are absolutely taboo. In this way the course of the disease is verifiably shortened.
Because dry air can increase hoarseness, you should ensure adequate humidity. Humidifiers or damp cloths on the radiators are advisable. Filled water bowls also prove themselves time and again for hoarseness complaints. A few drops of essential oils can be added to the water.
Peppermint, lavender, spruce needle and thyme have a relaxing, antiviral, antibacterial and expectorant effect. A handkerchief that is drizzled with a little eucalyptus oil before going to bed and placed next to the pillow can also provide soothing relief.
You can find your medication here
➔ Medicines for hoarsenessAlternative remedies
Various alternative remedies for hoarseness have also proven themselves. If the hoarseness occurs at the beginning of a cold, Schüssler salts are particularly helpful. Those suffering from hoarseness should then use Ferrum phosphoricum (No. 3). The iron phosphate counteracts inflammation and fever. It generally strengthens the immune system that is battered by the common cold. A tablet is allowed to dissolve in the mouth every 30 minutes until the end of the acute phase of hoarseness is determined. Then you can reduce the dose to 3 tablets spread over the day.
Colds, infections, exposure to irritating gases, smoke and dust, or excessive smoking can lead to inflammation of the lining of the larynx. On the other hand, the Schüssler salts No. 4, Kalium chloratum, and No. 6, Kalium sulfuricum act. They are taken alternately every half hour. If hoarseness is an accompanying symptom of hypothyroidism, the Schüssler salts No. 14, Kalium bromatum and No. 15, Kalium iodatum, are helpful.
Hoarseness due to vocal cord paralysis or exhaustion improves under the influence of potassium phosphoricum (No. 5). Medicinal herbs or gemstones are also alternative remedies for hoarseness. Whether or not they are really useful is an open question at this point.
Medicinal herbs that contain mucilage in particular can bring relief. They envelop the irritated and excessively dry vocal cords. Teas made from mallow leaves, Icelandic moss or marshmallow root have proven their worth. Coltsfoot also has an expectorant effect. For the preparation of a tea you need about 2 teaspoons of coltsfoot leaves, which are poured over with hot water. The tea has to steep for 10 minutes. 2 to 3 cups are drunk daily as a cure for 2 to 4 weeks.
Gargling with salt water or chamomile tea and sucking tablets with Icelandic moss or Emser salt also help. Even sage or thyme candies can help and alleviate, because they stimulate saliva production and ensure moist mucous membranes.
The healing properties of gemstones can also be used to combat hoarseness. Chalcedony and lapis lazuli are placed directly on top, taken as a healing gemstone tincture or applied to the neck area.